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Jen Shannon shannonjen

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Unit 1


  • Navigate and manage a file system with the command line
    • Create, rename and delete files and folders
    • Copy files and folders
    • Read and write files
    • List directory contents
  • Navigate using relative and home-directory-relative paths

Unit 2


Write an interactive application using JavaScript

Intro to Programming

  • Distinguish between Primitive and Reference types
  • List types and describe which ones are primitive and which are reference types

Unit 3


  • Write valid and semantic HTML5 Markup
    • HTML passess validation
    • Includes header, nav, main, footer, aside
    • Includes ul and ols where appropriate


Unit 4


Deploy an application that accepts user input, requests data from an external source, and manipulates the DOM

Discuss Key Frontend concepts

  • Define and describe AJAX
  • Define and describe DOM

Web Development Q1 Project

The goal of this project is to demonstrate your mastery of the concepts covered over the past quarter. Like your capstone, you're expected to come up with a project idea and implement it all on your own. Unlike a PhD dissertation, you are not expected to discover and publish an idea that's never been done before. Asking your classmates and instructors for help throughout the process is strongly encouraged, but your work must be your own.

During Project Week, you'll have approximately 24 hours of class time to implement your idea. It'll most likely not be enough time, so plan on allocating extra time for it outside of class. This is a Big Deal Week, and you should put maximum effort into making it successful. On the last day of project week, you'll give short demonstration of your project to the class.

Table of Contents

  1. Understand the technical requirements
  2. Start working on your proposal


  • Explain what the Unix shell is.
  • Explain why the Unix shell is important.
  • Use the Unix shell to manipulate your laptop's operating system.

What's the Unix shell?

A Unix shell is a command line user interface between you and your computer's operating system. In other words, a Unix shell allows you to type commands to get things done on your computer. Common tasks you can do from a Unix shell include manipulating directories, files, and programs.


  • Explain what a version control system is.
  • Explain why a version control system is important.
  • Explain what Git is.
  • Initialize a Git repository.
  • Add and commit changes to a Git repository.
  • Explain what GitHub is.
  • Push commits from a local repository to a remote repository.

Variables and DataTypes

This article will introduce you to some of the basic units of JavaScript- Variables and DataTypes. It's a great place to start if you haven't written JavaScript before.


  • Write comments to notate and organize your code
  • Name all primitive data types in JavaScript.
  • Explain what a variable is.
  • Explain the difference between a value and an expression

Control Flow

Related Standard: W0099 - Use conditionals and loops to control the flow of a program


By the end of this lesson you will:

  • Use if/if else/else statements to conditionally execute code
  • Use while loops to conditionally repeat statements


In this assignment, we want you to re-implement some of the most popular methods found in [lodash][lodash]. This task will provide you two incredible learning opportunities: first, you'll have the opportunity to apply your knowledge of JavaScript; second, you'll learn through this experience that lodash, similar to all JavaScript libraries, are written with the same JavaScript you've been learning!

If you're unfamiliar with lodash, it's [a popular utility library][popular-utility-library] written in JavaScript. Inside of it, you'll find a collection of methods, such as [forEach()][for-each], which replaces the boilerplate code that developers often find themselves writing--e.g., code that iterates on every item of a collection.

Here's an example:

// Without lodash, you have to create your own implementation of forEach.
function forEach(arr, callback) {