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Created November 15, 2012 10:13
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Flex Interview Script


  • How would you call a javascript method from a Flex App and vice-versa? ( By Using IExternalInterface)

  • Explain the UIComponent lifecycle, including important methods like initialize(), createChildren(), etc. (

  • Name three different ways to achieve data binding ({} brackets in MXML, BindingUtils, ChangeWatcher)

  • Explain the bubbling and capturing phases in event model in Flash. Explain what a weak-referenced event listener is and why you'd use it. (

  • By default, which phase is an event captured in Flex(Bubbling.)

  • How to force an event to be captured in capturing phase?( Set 'useCapture' property of the event to 'true')

  • Where would you use a classfactory? ( While defining itemrenderers. Classsfactory is used to instantiate a class object given a classname as parameter)

  • How do you dispatch events from an ActionScript class ( By implementing IEventDispathcer or extending EventDispatcher. MXML components already extend EventDispatcher class)


  • Given a Function object 'myfunc' how would you execute it ( myfunc.apply() or

  • Difference between apply and call ( With apply, the first argument to apply is 'this', the object on which the function will be executed)

  • If 'myfunc' accepts two string arguments, then ? (, arg2) )

  • Can you set properties of a new object by using classfactory( Yes.Pass another parameter in this form - {prop1: val1, prop2:val2} to set prop1 and prop2 properties of the object while instantiation through classfactory.

  • Create an ItemRenderer for a datagrid column that will color the background of the column cell as blue or white, if the data in cell is less than or greater than 10 respectively. ( Implement IDropinListItemRenderer and in updateDisplayList read 'data' property and paint a blue/white background based on the 'data' value)

Design Exercise

Design a Mail App ( using a framework like Mate, Cairngorm, Robotlegs etc. or whatever you are familiar with)

  • Screen 1 : Inbox
  • Screen 2 : Read message + buttons (delete etc.)
  • Screen 3 : Compose , confirmation popup on send

Service Methods that you can invoke on the Java backend: ->

  • getMessageList() ArrayList of message objects
  • sendMessage (to, Message msg) :
  • deleteMessage(Message msg) :

Message object is defined as ->

Message : { id: 12, content: 'Some Content', from: }

Evaluate on->

  • Object Modelling - (Should be able to create separate screen components, maybe re-use)
  • Design Patterns - Use of well know MVC, Command etc. patterns to tie together screens and business logic.
  • Service Calls


==> Shantanu

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