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Last active May 1, 2024 09:52
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FTDX10 Digital Mode Setup
Name Value Long_name Desc MenuPath
EX010101 2 AF TREBLE GAIN 0 RadioSetting->ModeSSB
EX010102 1 AF MIDDLE TONE GAIN 0 RadioSetting->ModeSSB
EX010103 0 AF BASS GAIN 0 RadioSetting->ModeSSB
EX010104 20 msec AGC FAST DELAY 0 RadioSetting->ModeSSB
EX010105 1000 msec AGC MID DELAY 0 RadioSetting->ModeSSB
EX010106 3220 msec AGC SLOW DELAY 0 RadioSetting->ModeSSB
EX010107 100Hz LCUT FREQ 0 RadioSetting->ModeSSB
EX010108 6dB/oct LCUT SLOP 0 RadioSetting->ModeSSB
EX010109 3000Hz HCUT FREQ 0 RadioSetting->ModeSSB
EX010110 6dB/oct HCUT SLOPE 0 RadioSetting->ModeSSB
EX010111 12 SSB OUT LEVEL 0 RadioSetting->ModeSSB
EX010112 100-2900 TX BPF SEL 0 RadioSetting->ModeSSB
EX010113 REAR SSB MOD SOURCE [0: MIC 1: REAR] RadioSetting->ModeSSB
EX010114 USB REAR SELECT [0: DATA 1: USB] RadioSetting->ModeSSB
EX010115 011 RPORT_GAIN 0 RadioSetting->ModeSSB
EX010116 RTS RPTT SELECT [0: DAKY 1: RTS 2: DTR] RadioSetting->ModeSSB->RPTT SELECT
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