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Created February 27, 2022 02:22
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import { BigNumber, Contract } from "ethers";
import { ConvexPool, pools } from "./convexpools";
import { formatUnits } from "ethers/lib/utils";
import BaseRewardPoolABI from "./abis/convex/BaseRewardPool.json";
import SwapABI from "./abis/convex/Swap.json";
import DepositTokenABI from "./abis/convex/DepositToken.json";
export async function convexAPR(poolName: string, provider: any) {
return await convexAPRWithPrice(poolName, -1, -1, provider);
export interface ConvexData {
poolName: string;
pool: ConvexPool;
crvPrice: number;
cvxPrice: number;
rate: number;
lpVirtualPrice: number;
supply: number;
virtualSupplyUSD: number;
crvPerUnderlying: number;
crvPerYear: number;
cvxPerYear: number;
apr: number;
async function convexAPRWithPrice(
poolName: string,
crvPrice: number,
cvxPrice: number,
provider: any
): Promise<ConvexData | undefined> {
var pool = pools.find((pool) => == poolName);
if (!pool) return;
var curveSwap = pool.swap;
var stakeContractAddress = pool.crvRewards;
//get reward rate
const rate = await rewardRate(stakeContractAddress, provider);
//get LP Virtual price
let lpVirtualPrice = 1;
if (pool.isV2 == false) {
lpVirtualPrice = await curveLpValue(1, curveSwap, provider);
} else {
lpVirtualPrice = await curveV2LpValue(pool, provider);
//get LP Token supply
let supply = await supplyOf(stakeContractAddress, provider);
// Get LP virtual Supply USD
let virtualSupplyUSD = supply * lpVirtualPrice;
//crv per underlying per second
let crvPerUnderlying = rate / virtualSupplyUSD;
//crv per year
let crvPerYear = crvPerUnderlying * 86400 * 365;
let cvxPerYear = await getCVXMintAmount(crvPerYear, provider);
if (cvxPrice <= 0) cvxPrice = await getPrice(cvxAddress, pool.currency);
var apr = crvPerYear * crvPrice;
apr += cvxPerYear * cvxPrice;
console.log("apr of crv/cvx: " + apr);
if (pool.extras != undefined && pool.extras.length > 0) {
for (var i in pool.extras) {
var ex = pool.extras[i];
var exrate = await rewardRate(ex.contract, provider);
var perUnderlying = exrate / supply;
var perYear = perUnderlying * 86400 * 365;
var price = await getPrice(ex.token, pool.currency);
"extra per year: " +
perYear +
" price: " +
price +
" apr: " +
perYear * price
apr += perYear * price;
if (isNaN(apr)) {
return undefined;
const result: ConvexData = {
return result;
async function rewardRate(stakeContractAddress: string, provider: any) {
const stakeContract = new Contract(
const rewardRate: BigNumber = await stakeContract.callStatic.rewardRate();
console.log({ rewardRate }, rewardRate.toString());
const decimal = Math.pow(10, 18);
const rate = parseInt(rewardRate._hex, 16) / decimal;
return rate;
// Gets the total USD value of a Curve V1 LP
async function curveLpValue(
amount: number,
swapAddress: string,
provider: any
) {
const swapContract = new Contract(
const virtualPrice: BigNumber =
await swapContract.callStatic.get_virtual_price();
const priceDecimal = Math.pow(10, 18);
const pricePerShare = parseInt(virtualPrice._hex, 16) / priceDecimal;
return amount * pricePerShare;
// Gets the total USD Value of a Curve LP V2
async function curveV2LpValue(pool: ConvexPool, provider: any) {
const { currency: currencyType } = pool;
//get amount of tokens
var supply = await supplyOf(pool.lptoken, provider);
// If v2, we can assume pool.coins is populated
var total = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < pool.coins!.length; i++) {
const bal = await balanceOf(
//console.log("bal: " +i +" = " +bal);
const price = await getPrice(pool.coins![i], currencyType);
// console.log("price: " +i +" = " +price);
total += bal * price;
let value = total / supply;
if (isNaN(value)) return 0;
return total;
// Gets totalSupply of LP token
async function supplyOf(contractAddress: string, provider: any) {
const tokenContract = new Contract(
const totalSupply: BigNumber = await tokenContract.callStatic.totalSupply();
const decimals = Math.pow(10, 18); // assume 18 decimals
const supply = parseInt(totalSupply._hex, 16) / decimals;
return supply;
// Gets LP balance of token
async function balanceOf(
address: string,
tokenAddress: string,
decimals: number,
provider: any
) {
const tokenContract = new Contract(tokenAddress, DepositTokenABI, provider);
const totalSupplyBN: BigNumber = await tokenContract.callStatic.balanceOf(
const totalSupply = parseFloat(formatUnits(totalSupplyBN, decimals));
return totalSupply;
// Fetches price from coingecko
async function getPrice(tokenAddress: string, vsCoin: string) {
var url =
"" +
tokenAddress +
"&vs_currencies=" +
console.log("getPrice", { url });
try {
const response = await fetch(url);
const data = await response.json();
// If it doesnt fetch data, requery
if (isNaN(data[tokenAddress.toLowerCase()][vsCoin.toLowerCase()])) {
setTimeout(() => getPrice(tokenAddress, vsCoin), 5000);
} else {
return data[tokenAddress.toLowerCase()][vsCoin.toLowerCase()];
} catch (e) {
setTimeout(() => getPrice(tokenAddress, vsCoin), 5000);
////--------------- Util -------------------///
let crvAddress = "0xD533a949740bb3306d119CC777fa900bA034cd52";
let cvxAddress = "0x4e3FBD56CD56c3e72c1403e103b45Db9da5B9D2B";
let cvxCrvAddress = "0x62B9c7356A2Dc64a1969e19C23e4f579F9810Aa7";
let cliffSize = 100000; // * 1e18; //new cliff every 100,000 tokens
let cliffCount = 1000; // 1,000 cliffs
let maxSupply = 100000000; // * 1e18; //100 mil max supply
async function getCVXMintAmount(crvEarned: number, provider: any) {
//first get total supply
var cvxSupply = await supplyOf(cvxAddress, provider);
//get current cliff
var currentCliff = cvxSupply / cliffSize;
//if current cliff is under the max
if (currentCliff < cliffCount) {
//get remaining cliffs
var remaining = cliffCount - currentCliff;
//multiply ratio of remaining cliffs to total cliffs against amount CRV received
var cvxEarned = (crvEarned * remaining) / cliffCount;
//double check we have not gone over the max supply
var amountTillMax = maxSupply - cvxSupply;
if (cvxEarned > amountTillMax) {
cvxEarned = amountTillMax;
return cvxEarned;
return 0;
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