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Created February 28, 2022 18:32
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.6.12;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/Initializable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/math/SafeMathUpgradeable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/token/ERC20/ERC20Upgradeable.sol";
import "./external/compound/Comptroller.sol";
import "./external/compound/PriceOracle.sol";
import "./external/compound/CToken.sol";
import "./external/compound/CErc20.sol";
import "./external/compound/RewardsDistributor.sol";
import "./external/uniswap/IUniswapV2Pair.sol";
import "./FusePoolDirectory.sol";
import "./oracles/MasterPriceOracle.sol";
* @title FusePoolLensSecondary
* @author David Lucid <> (
* @notice FusePoolLensSecondary returns data on Fuse interest rate pools in mass for viewing by dApps, bots, etc.
contract FusePoolLensSecondary is Initializable {
using SafeMathUpgradeable for uint256;
* @notice Constructor to set the `FusePoolDirectory` contract object.
function initialize(FusePoolDirectory _directory) public initializer {
require(address(_directory) != address(0), "FusePoolDirectory instance cannot be the zero address.");
directory = _directory;
* @notice `FusePoolDirectory` contract object.
FusePoolDirectory public directory;
* @notice Struct for ownership over a CToken.
struct CTokenOwnership {
address cToken;
address admin;
bool adminHasRights;
bool fuseAdminHasRights;
* @notice Returns the admin, admin rights, Fuse admin (constant), Fuse admin rights, and an array of cTokens with differing properties.
* @dev This function is not designed to be called in a transaction: it is too gas-intensive.
* Ideally, we can add the `view` modifier, but many cToken functions potentially modify the state.
function getPoolOwnership(Comptroller comptroller) external view returns (address, bool, bool, CTokenOwnership[] memory) {
// Get pool ownership
address comptrollerAdmin = comptroller.admin();
bool comptrollerAdminHasRights = comptroller.adminHasRights();
bool comptrollerFuseAdminHasRights = comptroller.fuseAdminHasRights();
// Get cToken ownership
CToken[] memory cTokens = comptroller.getAllMarkets();
uint256 arrayLength = 0;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < cTokens.length; i++) {
CToken cToken = cTokens[i];
(bool isListed, ) =;
if (!isListed) continue;
address cTokenAdmin;
try cToken.admin() returns (address _cTokenAdmin) {
cTokenAdmin = _cTokenAdmin;
} catch {
bool cTokenAdminHasRights = cToken.adminHasRights();
bool cTokenFuseAdminHasRights = cToken.fuseAdminHasRights();
// If outlier, push to array
if (cTokenAdmin != comptrollerAdmin || cTokenAdminHasRights != comptrollerAdminHasRights || cTokenFuseAdminHasRights != comptrollerFuseAdminHasRights)
CTokenOwnership[] memory outliers = new CTokenOwnership[](arrayLength);
uint256 arrayIndex = 0;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < cTokens.length; i++) {
CToken cToken = cTokens[i];
(bool isListed, ) =;
if (!isListed) continue;
address cTokenAdmin;
try cToken.admin() returns (address _cTokenAdmin) {
cTokenAdmin = _cTokenAdmin;
} catch {
bool cTokenAdminHasRights = cToken.adminHasRights();
bool cTokenFuseAdminHasRights = cToken.fuseAdminHasRights();
// If outlier, push to array and increment array index
if (cTokenAdmin != comptrollerAdmin || cTokenAdminHasRights != comptrollerAdminHasRights || cTokenFuseAdminHasRights != comptrollerFuseAdminHasRights) {
outliers[arrayIndex] = CTokenOwnership(address(cToken), cTokenAdmin, cTokenAdminHasRights, cTokenFuseAdminHasRights);
return (comptrollerAdmin, comptrollerAdminHasRights, comptrollerFuseAdminHasRights, outliers);
* @notice Determine the maximum redeem amount of a cToken.
* @param cTokenModify The market to hypothetically redeem in.
* @param account The account to determine liquidity for.
* @return Maximum redeem amount.
function getMaxRedeem(address account, CToken cTokenModify) external returns (uint256) {
return getMaxRedeemOrBorrow(account, cTokenModify, false);
* @notice Determine the maximum borrow amount of a cToken.
* @param cTokenModify The market to hypothetically borrow in.
* @param account The account to determine liquidity for.
* @return Maximum borrow amount.
function getMaxBorrow(address account, CToken cTokenModify) external returns (uint256) {
return getMaxRedeemOrBorrow(account, cTokenModify, true);
* @dev Internal function to determine the maximum borrow/redeem amount of a cToken.
* @param cTokenModify The market to hypothetically borrow/redeem in.
* @param account The account to determine liquidity for.
* @return Maximum borrow/redeem amount.
function getMaxRedeemOrBorrow(address account, CToken cTokenModify, bool isBorrow) internal returns (uint256) {
// Accrue interest
uint256 balanceOfUnderlying = cTokenModify.balanceOfUnderlying(account);
// Get account liquidity
Comptroller comptroller = Comptroller(cTokenModify.comptroller());
(uint256 err, uint256 liquidity, uint256 shortfall) = comptroller.getAccountLiquidity(account);
require(err == 0, "Comptroller error when calculating account liquidity.");
if (shortfall > 0) return 0; // Shortfall, so no more borrow/redeem
// Get max borrow/redeem
uint256 maxBorrowOrRedeemAmount;
if (!isBorrow && !comptroller.checkMembership(msg.sender, cTokenModify)) {
// Max redeem = balance of underlying if not used as collateral
maxBorrowOrRedeemAmount = balanceOfUnderlying;
} else {
// Avoid "stack too deep" error by separating this logic
maxBorrowOrRedeemAmount = _getMaxRedeemOrBorrow(liquidity, cTokenModify, isBorrow);
// Redeem only: max out at underlying balance
if (!isBorrow && balanceOfUnderlying < maxBorrowOrRedeemAmount) maxBorrowOrRedeemAmount = balanceOfUnderlying;
// Get max borrow or redeem considering cToken liquidity
uint256 cTokenLiquidity = cTokenModify.getCash();
// Return the minimum of the two maximums
return maxBorrowOrRedeemAmount <= cTokenLiquidity ? maxBorrowOrRedeemAmount : cTokenLiquidity;
* @dev Portion of the logic in `getMaxRedeemOrBorrow` above separated to avoid "stack too deep" errors.
function _getMaxRedeemOrBorrow(uint256 liquidity, CToken cTokenModify, bool isBorrow) internal view returns (uint256) {
if (liquidity <= 0) return 0; // No available account liquidity, so no more borrow/redeem
// Get the normalized price of the asset
Comptroller comptroller = Comptroller(cTokenModify.comptroller());
uint256 conversionFactor =;
require(conversionFactor > 0, "Oracle price error.");
// Pre-compute a conversion factor from tokens -> ether (normalized price value)
if (!isBorrow) {
(, uint256 collateralFactorMantissa) =;
conversionFactor = collateralFactorMantissa.mul(conversionFactor).div(1e18);
// Get max borrow or redeem considering excess account liquidity
return liquidity.mul(1e18).div(conversionFactor);
* @notice Returns an array of all markets, an array of all `RewardsDistributor` contracts, an array of reward token addresses for each `RewardsDistributor`, an array of supply speeds for each distributor for each, and their borrow speeds.
* @param comptroller The Fuse pool Comptroller to check.
function getRewardSpeedsByPool(Comptroller comptroller) public view returns (CToken[] memory, RewardsDistributor[] memory, address[] memory, uint256[][] memory, uint256[][] memory) {
CToken[] memory allMarkets = comptroller.getAllMarkets();
RewardsDistributor[] memory distributors;
try comptroller.getRewardsDistributors() returns (RewardsDistributor[] memory _distributors) {
distributors = _distributors;
} catch {
distributors = new RewardsDistributor[](0);
address[] memory rewardTokens = new address[](distributors.length);
uint256[][] memory supplySpeeds = new uint256[][](allMarkets.length);
uint256[][] memory borrowSpeeds = new uint256[][](allMarkets.length);
// Get reward tokens for each distributor
for (uint256 i = 0; i < distributors.length; i++) rewardTokens[i] = distributors[i].rewardToken();
// Get reward speeds for each market for each distributor
for (uint256 i = 0; i < allMarkets.length; i++) {
address cToken = address(allMarkets[i]);
supplySpeeds[i] = new uint256[](distributors.length);
borrowSpeeds[i] = new uint256[](distributors.length);
for (uint256 j = 0; j < distributors.length; j++) {
RewardsDistributor distributor = distributors[j];
supplySpeeds[i][j] = distributor.compSupplySpeeds(cToken);
borrowSpeeds[i][j] = distributor.compBorrowSpeeds(cToken);
return (allMarkets, distributors, rewardTokens, supplySpeeds, borrowSpeeds);
* @notice For each `Comptroller`, returns an array of all markets, an array of all `RewardsDistributor` contracts, an array of reward token addresses for each `RewardsDistributor`, an array of supply speeds for each distributor for each, and their borrow speeds.
* @param comptrollers The Fuse pool Comptrollers to check.
function getRewardSpeedsByPools(Comptroller[] memory comptrollers) external view returns (CToken[][] memory, RewardsDistributor[][] memory, address[][] memory, uint256[][][] memory, uint256[][][] memory) {
CToken[][] memory allMarkets = new CToken[][](comptrollers.length);
RewardsDistributor[][] memory distributors = new RewardsDistributor[][](comptrollers.length);
address[][] memory rewardTokens = new address[][](comptrollers.length);
uint256[][][] memory supplySpeeds = new uint256[][][](comptrollers.length);
uint256[][][] memory borrowSpeeds = new uint256[][][](comptrollers.length);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < comptrollers.length; i++) (allMarkets[i], distributors[i], rewardTokens[i], supplySpeeds[i], borrowSpeeds[i]) = getRewardSpeedsByPool(comptrollers[i]);
return (allMarkets, distributors, rewardTokens, supplySpeeds, borrowSpeeds);
* @notice Returns unaccrued rewards by `holder` from `cToken` on `distributor`.
* @param holder The address to check.
* @param distributor The RewardsDistributor to check.
* @param cToken The CToken to check.
* @return Unaccrued (unclaimed) supply-side rewards and unaccrued (unclaimed) borrow-side rewards.
function getUnaccruedRewards(address holder, RewardsDistributor distributor, CToken cToken) internal returns (uint256, uint256) {
// Get unaccrued supply rewards
uint256 compAccruedPrior = distributor.compAccrued(holder);
distributor.flywheelPreSupplierAction(address(cToken), holder);
uint256 supplyRewardsUnaccrued = distributor.compAccrued(holder).sub(compAccruedPrior);
// Get unaccrued borrow rewards
compAccruedPrior = distributor.compAccrued(holder);
distributor.flywheelPreBorrowerAction(address(cToken), holder);
uint256 borrowRewardsUnaccrued = distributor.compAccrued(holder).sub(compAccruedPrior);
// Return both
return (supplyRewardsUnaccrued, borrowRewardsUnaccrued);
* @notice Returns all unclaimed rewards accrued by the `holder` on `distributors`.
* @param holder The address to check.
* @param distributors The `RewardsDistributor` contracts to check.
* @return For each of `distributors`: total quantity of unclaimed rewards, array of cTokens, array of unaccrued (unclaimed) supply-side and borrow-side rewards per cToken, and quantity of funds available in the distributor.
function getUnclaimedRewardsByDistributors(address holder, RewardsDistributor[] memory distributors) external returns (address[] memory, uint256[] memory, CToken[][] memory, uint256[2][][] memory, uint256[] memory) {
address[] memory rewardTokens = new address[](distributors.length);
uint256[] memory compUnclaimedTotal = new uint256[](distributors.length);
CToken[][] memory allMarkets = new CToken[][](distributors.length);
uint256[2][][] memory rewardsUnaccrued = new uint256[2][][](distributors.length);
uint256[] memory distributorFunds = new uint256[](distributors.length);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < distributors.length; i++) {
RewardsDistributor distributor = distributors[i];
rewardTokens[i] = distributor.rewardToken();
allMarkets[i] = distributor.getAllMarkets();
rewardsUnaccrued[i] = new uint256[2][](allMarkets[i].length);
for (uint256 j = 0; j < allMarkets[i].length; j++) (rewardsUnaccrued[i][j][0], rewardsUnaccrued[i][j][1]) = getUnaccruedRewards(holder, distributor, allMarkets[i][j]);
compUnclaimedTotal[i] = distributor.compAccrued(holder);
distributorFunds[i] = IERC20Upgradeable(rewardTokens[i]).balanceOf(address(distributor));
return (rewardTokens, compUnclaimedTotal, allMarkets, rewardsUnaccrued, distributorFunds);
* @notice Returns arrays of indexes, `Comptroller` proxy contracts, and `RewardsDistributor` contracts for Fuse pools supplied to by `account`.
* @dev This function is not designed to be called in a transaction: it is too gas-intensive.
function getRewardsDistributorsBySupplier(address supplier) external view returns (uint256[] memory, Comptroller[] memory, RewardsDistributor[][] memory) {
// Get array length
FusePoolDirectory.FusePool[] memory pools = directory.getAllPools();
uint256 arrayLength = 0;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < pools.length; i++) {
try Comptroller(pools[i].comptroller).suppliers(supplier) returns (bool isSupplier) {
if (isSupplier) arrayLength++;
} catch {}
// Build array
uint256[] memory indexes = new uint256[](arrayLength);
Comptroller[] memory comptrollers = new Comptroller[](arrayLength);
RewardsDistributor[][] memory distributors = new RewardsDistributor[][](arrayLength);
uint256 index = 0;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < pools.length; i++) {
Comptroller comptroller = Comptroller(pools[i].comptroller);
try comptroller.suppliers(supplier) returns (bool isSupplier) {
if (isSupplier) {
indexes[index] = i;
comptrollers[index] = comptroller;
try comptroller.getRewardsDistributors() returns (RewardsDistributor[] memory _distributors) {
distributors[index] = _distributors;
} catch {}
} catch {}
// Return distributors
return (indexes, comptrollers, distributors);
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