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Created January 5, 2017 21:30
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def parse_submission(self, response):"Visited %s", response.url)
item = response.meta['item']
item['title'] = response.css('.title::text').extract()[1]
item['score'] = response.css('.likes::text').extract_first()
item['flair_map'] = {}
for tagline in response.css('.tagline')[1:]: #first is submission poster
redditor = tagline.css('a::text').extract()
if len(redditor)==3:
redditor = redditor[1]
if(redditor not in list(item['flair_map'].keys())):
flair = tagline.css('.flair::text').extract_first()
if flair:
item['flair_map'][redditor] = flair
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