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Created August 27, 2021 17:29
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Swapfile creation on Debian servers
## PLaybook is used to create or delete swapfile
## Author: Maithili Peetani
- hosts: all
gather_facts: yes
become: yes
- swapfile_vars.yml
- name: Install fallocate package
name: util-linux
state: present
- name: Configure swap file swappiness
name: "{{ item.key }}"
value: "{{ item.value }}"
state: present
reload: yes
with_dict: "{{ swapfile_sysctl }}"
- name: Disable swap
- name: Check if swap file exists
path: "{{ swapfile_path }}"
register: swap_file_check
changed_when: false
- name: Check if swap is on
shell: swapon --show | grep {{ swapfile_path }}
register: swap_enabled
changed_when: false
failed_when: false
- name: Disable swap
command: swapoff {{ swapfile_path }}
register: swap_disabled
when: >
( swap_file_check.stat.exists ) and
( swap_enabled.rc == 0 )
- name: Delete the swap file
path: "{{ swapfile_path }}"
state: absent
when: swap_disabled is changed
when: >
( swap_pre_check | bool | default(false)) and
( swapfile_disable )
- name: Configure swap
- name: "Check if fallocate is installed"
manager: "auto"
- name: Create or change the size of swap file
command: |
{% if swapfile_fallocate %}
fallocate -l {{ ((swapfile_size) | int * 1024 * 1024) }} {{ swapfile_path }}
{% else %}
dd if=/dev/zero of={{ swapfile_path }} bs=1M count={{ swapfile_size }}
{% endif %}
creates: "{{ swapfile_path }}"
register: swapfile_register_create
when: >
( "'util-linux' in ansible_facts.packages" ) and
( not swap_file_check.stat.exists ) and
( not swapfile_disable )
- name: Set swap file permissions
path: "{{ swapfile_path }}"
state: "file"
owner: "root"
group: "root"
mode: "0600"
when: (not swapfile_disable and not ansible_check_mode)
- name: Check if swap is formatted
shell: file {{ swapfile_path }} | grep 'swap file'
register: swap_file_is_formatted
changed_when: false
failed_when: false
- name: Initialize swap file
command: mkswap {{ swapfile_path }}
register: swap_mkswap
when: >
( swapfile_register_create is changed and not swapfile_disable ) and
( swap_file_is_formatted.rc > 0 or swapfile_register_create.changed )
- name: Enable swap file
command: swapon {{ swapfile_path }}
when: >
( swapfile_register_create.changed ) and
( not swapfile_disable )
- name: Manage swap file in /etc/fstab
src: "{{ swapfile_path }}"
name: "none"
fstype: "swap"
opts: "sw,nofail"
dump: "0"
passno: "0"
state: "{{ 'absent' if swapfile_disable else 'present' }}"
- name: Turn on swap
shell: swapon -a
when: swap_mkswap.changed
when: swapfile_create | bool | default(false)
swap_pre_check: true
swapfile_create: true
# Default to double your system's RAM capacity
swapfile_size: "{{ ((ansible_memtotal_mb | int * 2)
if (ansible_memtotal_mb | int <= 2048)
else '2048') }}"
swapfile_fallocate: true
swapfile_path: "/mnt/swapfile"
swapfile_swappiness: 60
swapfile_vfs_cache_pressure: 100
"vm.swappiness": "{{ swapfile_swappiness }}"
"vm.vfs_cache_pressure": "{{ swapfile_vfs_cache_pressure }}"
swapfile_disable: false
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