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Created June 14, 2019 13:03
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x y ey- ey+ label
21 -26 {} {} A0
33 -25 {} {} A1
40 -23 2 2 E2
45 -19.5 2.5 2 A2
49 -14 1 1 C\sharp3
52 -13 1 1.5 E3
55 -7 {} {} G3
57 -3 {} {} {}
59 3 {} {} B3
61 7 {} {} C\sharp4
63 14 {} {} E\flat4
64 19 {} {} E4
65 25 {} {} F4
66 33 {} {} F\sharp4
66.3 38 {} {} {}%dummy
66.6 43 {} {} {}%dummy
x y ey- ey+ label
33 -6 {} {} A1
45 -5 {} {} {}
52 -3.5 {} {} E3
57 -3 {} {} {}
61 -2 {} {} C\sharp4
64 -1 {} {} E4
67 1 {} {} G4
69 2 {} {} A4
71 4 {} {} B4
73 6 {} {} C\sharp5
75 9 {} {} D\sharp5
76 11 {} {} E5
77 14 {} {} {}%dummy
79 22 {} {} {}%dummy
x y ey- ey+ label
45 -2 {} {} A2
57 -1.4 {} {} {}
64 -1 {} {} E4
69 -1 {} {} {}
73 -.8 {} {} {}
76 -.6 {} {} {}
79 0 {} {} {}
81 1 {} {} {}
83 2.5 {} {} B5
85 4.5 {} {} C\sharp6
87 6.5 {} {} D\sharp6
89 9 {} {} F6
92 14 {} {} {}%dummy
94 21 {} {} {}%dummy
x y ey- ey+ label
57 -1.4 {} {} A3
69 -1 {} {} {}
76 -.5 {} {} {}
81 1 {} {} {}
85 3 {} {} {}
88 5.2 {} {} {}
91 8.6 {} {} G6
93 12 {} {} A6
95 16 {} {} {}% dummy
97 21 {} {} {}% dummy
x y ey- ey+ label
69 0 {} {} {}
81 .5 {} {} {}
88 5 {} {} {}
93 12 {} {} {}
96 18 {} {} {}
97 20.5 {} {} {}% dummy
99 26 {} {} {}% dummy
x y ey- ey+ label
81 1.2 {} {} {}
93 12 {} {} {}
100 26 {} {} E7
105 39 {} {} A7
106 42 {} {} {}% dummy
108 50 {} {} {}% dummy
x y ey- ey+ label
93 12 {} {} {}
105 39 {} {} {}
107.4 48 {} {} {}% dummy
108.2 54 {} {} {}% dummy
x y ey- ey+ label
105 39 {} {} {}
107 48 {} {} {}% dummy
108 58 {} {} {}% dummy
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\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline,pin distance=4ex]
name=main plot
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,ylabel={Deviation (cents)}
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or((\coordindex==(\numcoords-2)), (\coordindex==(\numcoords-1)))%
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% visualization depends on={value \thisrow{label}\as\mylabel}, nodes near coords = {\mylabel{}},
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] table [%
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] {A0.txt};
% coordinate [pos=1] (A0);
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] {A1.txt};
% coordinate [pos=1] (A1);
% \draw [-Stealth,color=black] (A1) -- ++(12pt, 17pt);
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] table [%
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] {A2.txt};
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] table [%
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] {A3.txt};
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% \draw [-Stealth,color=darkgray] (A3) -- ++(14pt, 16pt);
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] table [%
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] {A4.txt};
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% \draw [-Stealth,color=purple] (A4) -- ++(13pt, 17pt);
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] table [%
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] {A5.txt};
% coordinate [pos=1] (A5);
% \draw [-Stealth,color=orange] (A5) -- ++(12pt, 17pt);
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,y dir=both%
,y explicit
,error bar style={-}
] table [%
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,y error minus=ey-%
] {A6.txt};
% \draw[teal,{Circle[fill=white]}-Stealth] (axis cs:93,12)
% to[out=35, in=240] (axis cs:105, 39) to[out=60, in=250] (axis cs:108, 54);
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,y dir=both%
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] table [%
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,y error minus=ey-%
] {A7.txt};
% \draw[gray,{Circle[fill=white]}-Stealth] (axis cs:105, 39)
% to[out=60, in=250] (axis cs:109, 58);
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\pic at (axis cs:81, -40) {a};
\pic at (axis cs:82, -40) {x=-0.9pt};
\pic at (axis cs:83, -40) {b};
\pic at (axis cs:84, -40) {c};
\pic at (axis cs:85, -40) {x=-1pt};
\pic at (axis cs:86, -40) {d};
\pic at (axis cs:87, -40) {x=-0.6pt};
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\pic at (axis cs:91, -40) {g};
\pic at (axis cs:92, -40) {x=-0.8pt};
\pic at (axis cs:93, -40) {a};
\pic at (axis cs:94, -40) {x=-0.9pt};
\pic at (axis cs:95, -40) {b};
\pic at (axis cs:96, -40) {c};
\pic at (axis cs:97, -40) {x=-1pt};
\pic at (axis cs:98, -40) {d};
\pic at (axis cs:99, -40) {x=-0.6pt};
\pic at (axis cs:100, -40) {e};
\pic at (axis cs:101, -40) {f};
\pic at (axis cs:102, -40) {x=-0.7pt};
\pic at (axis cs:103, -40) {g};
\pic at (axis cs:104, -40) {x=-0.8pt};
\pic at (axis cs:105, -40) {a};
\pic at (axis cs:106, -40) {x=-0.9pt};
\pic at (axis cs:107, -40) {b};
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