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Created September 2, 2014 20:02
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(declare complete-mask)
(deftype CompleteMask [spec]
(assoc [_ k v]
(throw (ex-info "Mask function not implemented." {:name "assoc"})))
(assocEx [_ k v]
(throw (ex-info "Mask function not implemented." {:name "assocEx"})))
(without [_ k]
(throw (ex-info "Mask function not implemented." {:name "without"})))
(containsKey [_ k]
(not-empty (filter #(= (:name %) k) (:items spec))))
(entryAt [_ k]
(let [{iname :name
[_ typ] :type
:as item} (first (filter #(= (:name %) k) (:items spec)))
is-nested (= :rec (recursiveness item))]
(MapEntry. k (if is-nested (complete-mask (get-spec typ)) true))))
(valAt [t k] (.val (.entryAt t k)))
(valAt [t k default] (let [v (.val (.entryAt t k))] (if v v default))))
(defn complete-mask [spec]
"Builds a mask-map of the given spec for consumption by
build-transactions. Recurs down specs to add everything in
(CompleteMask. spec))
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