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Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
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min/max algorithm for coins game
-- Simple min/max algorithm playing a game with coins
-- Rules:
-- > Initially, there is a stack of N coins
-- > Players take 1, 2 or 3 coins
-- > The player who takes the last coin loses
import Data.List (maximumBy, minimumBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import System.IO
type GameState = (Int, Player)
type Score = Int
data Player = Max | Min
next :: Player -> Player
next Max = Min
next Min = Max
moves :: Int -> [Int]
moves n = take 3 [1 .. n]
gamestates :: GameState -> [GameState]
gamestates (n, pl) = map (\taken -> (n - taken, next pl)) (moves n)
-- | The actual min/max algorithm
-- Score = 1 : Max wins
-- Score = 0 : Min wins
score :: GameState -> Score
score (0, Max) = 1 -- Min had to take the last coin
score (0, Min) = 0
score (n, pl) = score $ fn pl (comparing score) (gamestates (n, pl))
where fn Max = maximumBy
fn Min = minimumBy
-- I/O stuff for fun --
showCoins :: Int -> IO ()
showCoins n = putStrLn $ replicate n '#' ++ " (" ++ show n ++ ")"
play :: GameState -> IO ()
play (0, Min) = putStrLn "You win.."
play (0, Max) = putStrLn "I win .. again!"
play (n, Min) = do
putStrLn ""
showCoins n
putStr "How many coins do you take? "
hFlush stdout
coins <- readLn
if coins < 1 || coins > min 3 n
then putStrLn "You are cheating.. I give up"
else play (n - coins, Max)
play (n, Max) = do
let (n', _) = maximumBy (comparing score) (gamestates (n, Max))
putStrLn ""
showCoins n
putStrLn $ "I take " ++ show (n - n') ++ " coin(s)"
play (n', Min)
main = do
putStr "Number of coins: "
hFlush stdout
coins <- readLn
let initial = (coins, Max)
putStrLn $
if score initial == 1
then "I predict that I will win..."
else "You have a fair chance to win this one"
play initial
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