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Last active December 13, 2021 17:12
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Advent of Code 2021 (Day 12) p1
graph = [
("GC", "zi"),
("end", "zv"),
("lk", "ca"),
("lk", "zi"),
("GC", "ky"),
("zi", "ca"),
("end", "FU"),
("iv", "FU"),
("lk", "iv"),
("lk", "FU"),
("GC", "end"),
("ca", "zv"),
("lk", "GC"),
("GC", "zv"),
("start", "iv"),
("zv", "QQ"),
("ca", "GC"),
("ca", "FU"),
("iv", "ca"),
("start", "lk"),
("zv", "FU"),
("start", "zi")]
bigraph = [(b,a) for (a,b) in graph] + graph
bigraphDict = {}
for (a,b) in bigraph:
bigraphDict[a] = bigraphDict.get(a, []) + [b]
def expand(path):
return [path + [node] for node in bigraphDict[path[-1]]]
def validate(path):
return path[-1].isupper() or path[-1] not in path[:-1]
paths = [["start"]]
finishedPaths = []
while len(paths) > 0:
expandedPaths = [p for path in paths for p in expand(path)]
newPaths = [p for p in expandedPaths if validate(p)]
finishedPaths += [p for p in newPaths if p[-1] == "end"]
paths = [p for p in newPaths if p[-1] != "end"]
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