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Last active October 21, 2016 02:00
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  • Save sharpobject/8022862 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sharpobject/8022862 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Collision functions for closed circles, lines, and closed segments. When a collision is detected, a point contained in both objects is returned.
function SegmentCircleIntersect(a, b, c)
local ac2 = (c.x - a.x)^2 + (c.y - a.y)^2
local cr2 = c.r * c.r
if ac2 <= cr2 then
return a
local bc2 = (c.x - b.x)^2 + (c.y - b.y)^2
if bc2 <= cr2 then
return b
local abx = b.x-a.x
local aby = b.y-a.y
local e = {x = c.x - aby, y = c.y + abx}
local f = {x = c.x + aby, y = c.y - abx}
local point = SegmentLineIntersect(a, b, e, f)
if point and (point.x - c.x)^2 + (point.y - c.y)^2 <= cr2 then
return point
function LineCircleIntersect(a, b, c)
local abx = b.x-a.x
local aby = b.y-a.y
local e = {x = c.x - aby, y = c.y + abx}
local f = {x = c.x + aby, y = c.y - abx}
local point = LineLineIntersect(a, b, e, f)
if point and (point.x - c.x)^2 + (point.y - c.y)^2 <= c.r^2 then
return point
function LineLineIntersect(p, p2, q, q2)
local rx,ry = p2.x-p.x, p2.y-p.y
local sx,sy = q2.x-q.x, q2.y-q.y
local qmpx,qmpy = q.x -p.x, q.y -p.y
local rxs = rx*sy - ry*sx
local qmpxs = qmpx*sy - qmpy*sx
if rxs == 0 then
if qmpxs == 0 then
-- then the lines are equal!
return p
-- then the lines intersect at exactly one point
local t = qmpxs / rxs
return {x=p.x+t*rx, y=p.y+t*ry}
function SegmentLineIntersect(p, p2, q, q2)
local rx,ry = p2.x-p.x, p2.y-p.y
local sx,sy = q2.x-q.x, q2.y-q.y
local qmpx,qmpy = q.x -p.x, q.y -p.y
local rxs = rx*sy - ry*sx
local qmpxs = qmpx*sy - qmpy*sx
if rxs == 0 then
if qmpxs == 0 then
-- then the segment is collinear with the line!
return p
-- then the segments is not collinear or parallel with the line
local t = qmpxs / rxs
if 0 <= t and t <= 1 then
return {x=p.x+t*rx, y=p.y+t*ry}
function SegmentSegmentIntersect(p, p2, q, q2)
local rx,ry = p2.x-p.x, p2.y-p.y
local sx,sy = q2.x-q.x, q2.y-q.y
local qmpx,qmpy = q.x -p.x, q.y -p.y
local rxs = rx*sy - ry*sx
local qmpxs = qmpx*sy - qmpy*sx
if rxs == 0 then
if qmpxs == 0 then
-- then the segments are collinear!
-- do something dumb!
local which = "x"
-- this fails in some cases where p has length 0
-- segments should have positive length, please
if p.x == p2.x then which = "y" end
if p[which] > p2[which] then p,p2 = p2,p end
if q[which] > q2[which] then q,q2 = q2,q end
if p[which] > q[which] then p,p2,q,q2 = q,q2,p,p2 end
if p[which] <= q[which] and q[which] <= p2[which] then
return q
-- then the segments are not collinear or parallel
local qmpxr = qmpx*ry - qmpy*rx
local t = qmpxs / rxs
local u = qmpxr / rxs
if 0 <= t and t <= 1 and 0 <= u and u <= 1 then
return {x=p.x+t*rx, y=p.y+t*ry}
function CircleCircleIntersect(a, b)
local abx = b.x-a.x
local aby = b.y-a.y
local dist2 = abx^2 + aby^2
local tr = a.r + b.r
if dist2 <= tr^2 then
local scale = a.r/tr
return {x=a.x+scale*abx, y=a.y+scale*aby}
-- Find out which side of a->b c lies on.
-- left = 1
-- right = -1
-- on the line = 0
function LinePointSide(a, b, c)
local ret = ((b.x - a.x)*(c.y - a.y) - (b.y - a.y)*(c.x - a.x))
if ret > 0 then
return 1
elseif ret < 0 then
return -1
return 0
function DotProduct(a, b)
return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y
-- must have rp != rp2, rr > 0
function WideRayAABBIntersect(rp, rp2, rr, aabb)
-- A "wide ray" is basically 2 rays and all the space in between.
-- So before anything let's calculate those 2 rays.
-- For convenience, move the 2nd point used to define the ray
-- so that it is the "ray radius" from the first point.
-- couldn't figure out how to avoid this sqrt sorry.
local rdist = ((rp2.x - rp.x)^2 + (rp2.y - rp.y)^2)^.5
rp2.x = rp.x + (rp2.x - rp.x) * rr/rdist
rp2.y = rp.y + (rp2.y - rp.y) * rr/rdist
-- Now we can offset the original ray to find the 2 "outer rays"
-- that form the bounds of the "wide ray".
local dx = rp2.y - rp.y
local dy = rp.x - rp2.x
local outer_rays = { {{x=rp.x + dx, y=rp.y + dy}, {x=rp2.x + dx, y=rp2.y + dy}},
{{x=rp.x - dx, y=rp.y - dy}, {x=rp2.x - dx, y=rp2.y - dy}} }
-- TODO: handle the case where the origin of the wide ray intersects with the AABB
-- You can do this with SegmentAABBIntersect(outer_rays[1][1], outer_rays[2][1], aabb)
-- To have our "wide ray" intersect the AABB, there must be some point in the
-- AABB that is not on the same side of both "outer rays"
-- Being on the same side of both "outer rays" is also called "not being in the wide way" ok
-- So let's have a look at the corners.
-- If all corners are on the same side of both outer rays, we're done and there's no intersection.
-- If any corner is on different sides of the two outer rays, it lies within the wide ray.
-- If no corner is on different sides of the two outer rays, but some corner is on another side from
-- other corners, then the ray intersects the AABB but does not touch any of the AABB's corners.
-- Gosh.
local corners = {{x=aabb.x1, y=aabb.y1},
{x=aabb.x1, y=aabb.y2},
{x=aabb.x2, y=aabb.y2},
{x=aabb.x2, y=aabb.y1}}
corners[5] = corners[1]
local candidates = {}
local side_sum = 0
for i=1,4 do
local side_a = LinePointSide(outer_rays[1][1], outer_rays[1][2], corners[i])
local side_b = LinePointSide(outer_rays[2][1], outer_rays[2][2], corners[i])
-- This corner is inside the wide ray, so it might be the first point we encounter!
if side_a ~= side_b then
candidates[#candidates+1] = corners[i]
-- Add sides to the side_sum
side_sum = side_sum + side_a + side_b
-- If the entire AABB is on the same side, we lose
if side_sum == 8 or side_sum == -8 then
return nil
-- Add intersections between outer rays and AABB bounding segments to list of candidates
for i=1,4 do
for j=1,2 do
local point = SegmentLineIntersect(corners[i], corners[i+1], outer_rays[j][1], outer_rays[j][2])
if point then
candidates[#candidates+1] = point
-- pretty sure this shouldn't happen but w/e
if #candidates == 0 then
return nil
-- Now we have a list of candidates, we can find the one that is the least far along.
-- Just minimize the dot product with the original ray to find that ok.
local best = candidates[1]
local best_dot = DotProduct({x=rp2.x-rp.x, y=rp2.y-rp.y}, {x=candidates[1].x-rp.x, y=candidates[1].y-rp.y})
for i=2,#candidates do
local dot = DotProduct({x=rp2.x-rp.x, y=rp2.y-rp.y}, {x=candidates[i].x-rp.x, y=candidates[i].y-rp.y})
if dot < best_dot then
best = candidates[i]
best_dot = dot
if best_dot >= 0 then
return best
-- can't go returning a point BEHIND the damn ray now can we!!!!
return nil
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Removed the last sqrt.

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I added another sqrt but it's in some weird shit so it doesn't count thanks

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