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Created August 17, 2011 09:52
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creates an HttpMultipartMimeForm for sending a request to a Drupal6 service
Imports Microsoft.Http
Imports System.Text
Public Class DrupalForm
Public Function create(ByVal type As String, ByVal formatoutput As Boolean, ByVal authenticate As Boolean) As HttpMultipartMimeForm
Dim form As New HttpMultipartMimeForm
Dim helper As New DrupalHelper
Dim method As String = Nothing
Dim methodstring As String = Nothing
Select Case type
Case "node"
' to be added
Case "menu"
'to be added
Case "view"
'method needs to be in quotes
'trying it without quotes for hash
methodstring = "views.get"
method = """views.get"""
form.Add("method", method)
form.Add("view_name", My.Settings.viewname)
If formatoutput = True Then
'default is false, so not added
form.Add("format_output", "TRUE")
End If
Case Else
Throw New Exception("invalid method specified: must be node, menu or view")
End Select
If authenticate = True Then
'create an SHA-256 hash of the timestamp, domain, nonce, and method name delimited by semicolons
'and using the remote API key as the shared key
Dim domain As String = My.Settings.domain
Dim apikey As String = My.Settings.API_key
Dim timestamp As String = helper.getUnixTimestamp()
Dim nonce As String = helper.getNonce(10)
Dim sessionID As String = helper.getNonce(20)
Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
If timestamp IsNot Nothing And nonce IsNot Nothing And sessionID IsNot Nothing And domain IsNot Nothing Then
Console.WriteLine("prehash string: " & sb.ToString())
Dim hash As String = helper.getHMAC(sb.ToString(), apikey)
If hash IsNot Nothing Then
form.Add("hash", hash)
form.Add("domain_name", My.Settings.domain)
form.Add("domain_time_stamp", timestamp)
form.Add("nonce", nonce)
form.Add("sessid", sessionID)
Console.WriteLine("API: " & My.Settings.API_key)
Console.WriteLine("method: " & method)
Console.WriteLine("view name: " & My.Settings.viewname)
Console.WriteLine("hash: " & hash)
Console.WriteLine("domain name: " & My.Settings.domain)
Console.WriteLine("time :" & timestamp)
Console.WriteLine("nonce: " & nonce)
Console.WriteLine("sessid: " & sessionID)
Throw New Exception("unable to create hash")
End If
Throw New Exception("unable to create drupal helper variables")
End If
'not authenticating. No extra code here
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Return form
End Function
End Class
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