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Last active September 8, 2021 20:37
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APIs made possible by Interface Injection and Global Access Wideners


Current API

Replaced (along the Accessor) fully by:

global accessible method net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/Criteria register (Lnet/minecraft/advancement/criterion/Criterion;)Lnet/minecraft/advancement/criterion/Criterion;

Mod code changes from:


to calling Vanillas



Current API

Replaced by an interface that is injected into Vanilla's Block.Settings:

public interface FabricBlockSettings {
	AbstractBlock.Settings breakByHand(boolean breakByHand);
	AbstractBlock.Settings breakByTool(Tag<Item> tag, int miningLevel);
	default AbstractBlock.Settings breakByTool(Tag<Item> tag) {
		return breakByTool(tag, 0);
  • NOTE: It'd be Fabric's choice to be bold and omit a prefix here, or use a fabric Prefix for the added Methods (i.e. fabricBreakByHand).

using the V2 access widener:

global add-interface net/minecraft/block/AbstractBlock$Settings net/fabricmc/fabric/api/object/builder/v2/block/FabricBlockSettings

It is then implemented using the existing mixin net.fabricmc.fabric.mixin.object.builder.AbstractBlockSettingsMixin:

public abstract class AbstractBlockSettingsMixin implements BlockSettingsInternals, **FabricBlockSettings** {

	public AbstractBlock.Settings breakByHand(boolean breakByHand) {
		return (AbstractBlock.Settings) (Object) this;

	public AbstractBlock.Settings breakByTool(Tag<Item> tag, int miningLevel) {
		getOrCreateExtraData().addMiningLevel(tag, miningLevel);
		return (AbstractBlock.Settings) (Object) this;

Mods can replace their uses of FabricBlockSettings with the Vanilla block settings builder, and still call the Fabric specific methods.


Current API

Replaced by an interface that is injected into Vanilla's Material.Builder, and a global access widener:

public interface FabricMaterialBuilder {
	Material.Builder pistonBehavior(PistonBehavior behavior);
  • NOTE: It'd be Fabric's choice to be bold and omit a prefix here, or use a fabric Prefix for the added Methods (i.e. fabricPistonBehavior).

using the V2 access widener:

global add-interface net/minecraft/block/Material$Builder net/fabricmc/fabric/api/object/builder/v2/block/FabricMaterialBuilder
global accessible method net/minecraft/block/Material$Builder lightPassesThrough ()Lnet/minecraft/block/Material$Builder;

Mods can replace their uses of FabricMaterialBuilder with the Vanilla material builder, and still call the Fabric specific methods.


Current API

can be replaced using a V2 access widener:

global accessible class net/minecraft/block/entity/BlockEntityType$BlockEntityFactory

Mods can replace their uses of FabricBlockEntityTypeBuilder with the Vanilla block entity type builder.

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