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# Description:
# Implement a function called makeAcronym that returns the first letters of each word in a passed in string.
# Make sure the letters returned are uppercase.
# If the value passed in is not a string return 'Not a string'
# If the value passed in is a string which contains only characters other than spaces and alphabet letters, return 'Not letters'
# 'Hello codewarrior' -> 'HC'
# '42' -> 'Not letters'
# 42 -> 'Not a string'
# [2,12] -> 'Not a string'
# {name: 'Abraham'} -> 'Not a string'
def makeAcronym(str)
return 'Not a string' unless str.is_a? String
return 'Not letters' if str.to_i.to_s == str
str.split(' ').map(&:upcase).inject(''){ |acronym, word| acronym + word[0]}
puts makeAcronym('Hello codewarrior')
puts makeAcronym('42')
puts makeAcronym(42)
puts makeAcronym([2,12])
puts makeAcronym({name: 'Abraham'})
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