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# Azure AD Configuration YAML for DS2.0
name: Azure AD
icon: |
description: "Azure AD as a Data Source"
address: ""
defaultSyncFrequency: MINUTELY
defaultSyncMinInterval: 2
defaultApiCallFrequency: SECONDLY
defaultApiCallMinInterval: 1
hostname: adapter.sgnl.svc.cluster.local
port: 8080
apiVersion: "V1"
disableTls: true
- OAuth2:
clientId: "fc6088b2-932e-44b5-b2ab-8906bd830cfd"
scope: ""
tokenURL: ""
authStyle: AutoDetect
clientSecret: "yvN8Q~mVq~C_auFMHuXH01yFD1tyGe1ms0-wrbxy"
config: ewoJInZlcnNpb24iOiAiMS4wIiwKCSJjb25maWciOiB7CgkJInJlcXVlc3RUaW1lb3V0IjogMTAsCgkJImF6dXJlYWQiOiB7fQoJfQp9
- name: User
displayName: "User"
description: User Entity in Azure AD
syncEnabled: false
syncFrequency: MINUTELY
syncMinInterval: 2
apiCallFrequency: SECONDLY
apiCallMinInterval: 1
pageSize: 1000
pageOrderedById: true
- name: id
description: "ID of the user"
type: String
indexed: true
normalization: []
list: false
encrypted: true
uniqueId: true
- name: userPrincipalName
type: String
indexed: true
- trimSpaces
encrypted: true
- name: businessPhones
type: String
encrypted: true
- name: displayName
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: givenName
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: jobTitle
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: mail
type: String
indexed: true
encrypted: true
- name: mobilePhone
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: officeLocation
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: preferredLanguage
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: surname
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: accountEnabled
type: boolean
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: ageGroup
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: city
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: companyName
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: consentProvidedForMinor
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: country
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: createdDateTime
type: DateTime
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: creationType
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: deletedDateTime
type: DateTime
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: department
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: employeeHireDate
type: DateTime
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: employeeId
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: employeeOrgData__costCenter
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: employeeOrgData__division
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: employeeType
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: externalUserState
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: externalUserStateChangeDateTime
type: DateTime
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: faxNumber
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: imAddress
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: isResourceAccount
type: boolean
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: lastPasswordChangeDateTime
type: DateTime
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: legalAgeGroupClassification
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: mailNickname
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: manager__id
type: String
indexed: true
encrypted: true
- name: onPremisesDistinguishedName
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: onPremisesDomainName
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: onPremisesImmutableId
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: onPremisesLastSyncDateTime
type: DateTime
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: onPremisesSamAccountName
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: onPremisesSecurityIdentifier
type: String
indexed: true
encrypted: true
- name: onPremisesSyncEnabled
type: boolean
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: onPremisesUserPrincipalName
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: otherMails
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: passwordPolicies
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: passwordProfile__forceChangePasswordNextSignIn
type: boolean
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: passwordProfile__forceChangePasswordNextSignInWithMfa
type: boolean
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: passwordProfile__password
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: postalCode
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: preferredDataLocation
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: proxyAddresses
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: showInAddressList
type: boolean
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: signInSessionsValidFromDateTime
type: DateTime
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: state
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: streetAddress
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: usageLocation
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: userType
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: Group
description: "Group Entity in Azure AD"
displayName: "Group"
syncEnabled: false
syncFrequency: MINUTELY
syncMinInterval: 2
apiCallFrequency: SECONDLY
apiCallMinInterval: 1
pageSize: 100
pageOrderedById: true
- name: id
type: String
indexed: true
encrypted: true
uniqueId: true
- name: classification
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: createdDateTime
type: DateTime
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: creationOptions
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: deletedDateTime
type: DateTime
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: description
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: displayName
type: String
indexed: true
encrypted: true
- name: expirationDateTime
type: DateTime
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: groupTypes
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: isAssignableToRole
type: boolean
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: mail
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: mailEnabled
type: boolean
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: mailNickname
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: membershipRule
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: membershipRuleProcessingState
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: onPremisesDomainName
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: onPremisesLastSyncDateTime
type: DateTime
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: onPremisesNetBiosName
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: onPremisesSamAccountName
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: onPremisesSecurityIdentifier
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: onPremisesSyncEnabled
type: boolean
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: preferredDataLocation
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: preferredLanguage
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: proxyAddresses
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: renewedDateTime
type: DateTime
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: resourceBehaviorOptions
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: resourceProvisioningOptions
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: securityEnabled
type: boolean
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: securityIdentifier
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: theme
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: visibility
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: assignedLabels
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: deletedDateTime
type: DateTime
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: resourceBehaviorOptions
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: resourceProvisioningOptions
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: licenseProcessingState
type: String
indexed: false
encrypted: true
- name: GroupMember
description: "Group Member Entity in Azure AD"
displayName: "GroupMember"
syncEnabled: false
syncFrequency: MINUTELY
syncMinInterval: 2
apiCallFrequency: SECONDLY
apiCallMinInterval: 10
pageSize: 100
pageOrderedById: true
- name: id
type: String
indexed: true
encrypted: true
uniqueId: true
- name: groupId
type: String
indexed: true
encrypted: true
- name: userId
type: String
indexed: true
encrypted: true
- name: Member
displayName: "Member"
attribute: GroupMember.userId
- name: GroupMembership
displayName: "GroupMembership"
attribute: GroupMember.groupId
- name: Manager
displayName: "User to Manager"
attributes: User.manager__id
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