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Last active December 18, 2018 16:34
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HackerRank custom checker
Here is a standard template to work with custom checker
from __future__ import division
import json
from sys import stdin
def check_inputs (inputs, outputs):
#inputs is a "list" of all input files. (Read carefully)
lis = [] # lis is a 0/1 array which means 1 -> testcase success and 0-> test case failed
iterate = -1
for inps, outps in zip(inputs, outputs):
#inps and outs is of 1 perticular file. Remember to split on "\n". default split is a common mistake.
#Remember to trim the lines.
#Custom checker should never throw an error, remember to run it in try: except blocks and verify input to avoid infinite time errors
iterate += 1
result = 0
lis[iterate] = result
return True, lis
def process(data):
score = 0
testcase_input = data["inputs"]
testcase_output = data["expected_outputs"]
user_output = data["outputs"]
a,b = check_inputs(testcase_input,user_output)
return score, b
if __name__ == '__main__':
stdin ='\n')
# Get the run directory for the submission we need to evaluate. I know,
# hackish right?
run_directory = stdin[-1]
# request.json contains the data submitted for the current.
request = json.load(open(run_directory + "request.json"))
data = {
# The submitted source code
"source": request["source"],
# The list of test cases
"testcases": request["testcase_sources"],
# The submitted language key (Eg: 5 for python)
"lang": request["lang"],
"expected_outputs": request["expected_outputs"],
"outputs": [],
"inputs": [],
for index in range(len(request["testcase_sources"])):
output = open(run_directory + "output%05d.out" %(index)).read()
for index in range(len(request["testcase_sources"])):
inputs = open(run_directory + "" %(index)).read()
# Gathered all the data we could, lets process it
score, testcase_status = process(data)
print score
print " ".join(str(i) for i in testcase_status)
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Thanks! This is really helpful :)

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