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Last active February 9, 2023 22:16
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Motivation to use simple stack :

  1. Instance State Restoration
  2. Navigation b/w fragment or views in so-called navigation components way.
  3. Basic viewmodels should be attached to fragment/view that has lifecycle of activity-retained scope.
  4. Service locator/DI for simple apps that works at Singleton Component and ActivityRetainedComponent.
  5. [Pro-point] You can control your navigator from viewModel, so no more dependence on channelFlow for such basic action.

How To Use that in current App:

  1. Make a new Activity[].
 class SimpleStackMainActivity extends AppCompatActivity{
       DefaultFragmentStateChanger fragmentStateChanger = new DefaultFragmentStateChanger(getSupportFragmentManager(),;
       Navigator.configure().setStateChanger(new SimpleStateChanger(this)).setScopedServices(new DefaultServiceProvider()).install(this, binding.container, History.single(HomeKey.create()));

Important Note: History.single(HomeKey.create()) is actually clearing up the backstack and HomeKey class as First Navigation Destination for more look at setHistory api(s).

  1. Make your like :
class MyApplication extends Application{
  private GlobalServices globalServices;
    //Defines a singleton components with singleton dependencies. This is maindatory for to run scoped services, which we will be using for lightweight viewModel.
    globalServices = GlobalServices.builder().addService("RecordDatabase", RecordDatabase.getInstance(sApplication)).build();

  1. Adding Fragment to the activity having FrameLayout or FragmentContainerView(ig...)

a. Fragment Key

public abstract class HomeKey extends FragmentKey {
  public static HomeKey create() {
      //This should be generated by AutoValue.. If not, rebuild your project. 
      return new AutoValue_HomeKey();

  public int getTitle() {
      return R.string.app_name;

  protected Fragment instantiateFragment() {
      //Create a single instance of fragment, simple stack will inflate it.
      return new HomeFragment();

  public void bindServices(@NonNull ServiceBinder serviceBinder) {
      //Just leave this line if you don't want to use viewModel.
      serviceBinder.addService(HomeViewModel.class.toString(), new HomeViewModel()); 

b. Fragment class

@AndroidEntryPoint //You can use hilt for field injection in normal way...
public class HomeFragment extends KeyedFragment {
  private static String TAG = "HomeFragment";
  FirebaseAuth auth;

  public HomeFragment() {

  public void onViewCreated(@NonNull View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
      super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);
      binding = ActivityMainBinding.bind(view);


c. ViewModel(via Scoped Service)

public class HomeViewModel implements  ScopedServices.Activated {
    private static String TAG = "HomeViewModel";
    private final MutableLiveData<ViewModelState> _states = new MutableLiveData<>();
    public final LiveData<ViewModelState> state = _states;
    //This function will be called when the viewModel will start
    public void onServiceActive() {
        _states.postValue(new ViewModelState.Loading());
        HomeViewModelEntryPoint entryPoint = EntryPoints.get(getContext(), HomeViewModelEntryPoint.class);
        auth = entryPoint.getAuth();
    //This function will be called when the viewModel will end
    public void onServiceInactive() {
    //To Use hilt in scoped service you need to make new entry points
    interface HomeViewModelEntryPoint {
        FirebaseAuth getAuth();


Moving from one Fragment To Other Fragment.


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