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Created February 2, 2023 00:58
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snippets for Parsons "Intro to Python" training
# Here's some data to play with!
data = [
{'first_name': 'Megan', 'last_name': 'Rapinoe', 'age': '37', 'date_updated': '1674121763'},
{'first_name': 'Tobin', 'last_name': 'Heath', 'age': '34', 'date_updated': '1664121763'},
{'first_name': 'Crystal', 'last_name': 'Dunn', 'age': '31', 'date_updated': '1664121763'},
{'first_name': 'Midge', 'last_name': 'Purce', 'age': '26', 'date_updated': '1664121763'},
{'first_name': 'Sophia', 'last_name': 'Smith', 'age': '23', 'date_updated': '1664121763'}
# This is a list of dictionaries, which are filled with strings.
# (Lists and dictionaries can hold different types of things, including other lists and dictionaries!)
# We can access them like this:
midge_age = data[4]["age"] # Note: zero-indexing, different ways to access list and dictionary
# what if you look for a key that's not there?
midge_vote = data[4]["voter_status"] # oh no an error!
midge_vote = data[4].get("voter_status") # returns None
midge_vote = data[4].get("voter_status", "unknown") # can set a default value
print(type(midge_age)) # check types (note: nesting print and type here)
new_variable = int(midge_age) # convert types
# Python built-in types: integer, string, boolean, float, list, dict, object, None
# One common but more complex type is datetimes
import datetime # imports are a thing!
result = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(data[0]["date_updated"])
for person in data: # iterating through a list gives the whole item
for column_name in data[0]: # iterating through a dictionary just gives the key
for column_value in data[0].values(): # get values instead
for column_name, column_value in data[0].items(): # get both!
print(column_name, column_value)
# Fancy way to do this in Python: "comprehensions"
ages = [person["age"] for person in data]
data_dict = { person["last_name"]: [person["first_name"], person["age"]] for person in data }
# What if you want to select some things and not others?
for person in data:
if int(person["age"]) > 30:
print(f"{person['first_name'] person['last_name'] is over 30!}") # hey, f-strings!
print(f"{person['first_name'] person['last_name'] is under 30!}")
# Add conditions with "elif":
for person in data:
if int(person["age"]) > 30:
print(f"{person['first_name'] person['last_name'] is over 30!}") # hey, f-strings!
elif int(person["age"]) > 25:
print(f"{person['first_name'] person['last_name'] is over 25 but under 30!}")
print(f"{person['first_name'] person['last_name'] is under 30!}")
# Note: sometimes we "refactor" to remove redundant bits, like so:
for person in data:
age_string = ""
if int(person["age"]) > 30:
age_string = "over 30"
elif int(person["age"]) > 25:
age_string = "over 25 but under 30"
age_string ="under 30"
print(f"{person['first_name'] person['last_name'] is {age_string}}!")
# See also: continue, break
# You can use if/else with comprehensions!
ages_over_30 = [person["age"] for person in data if int(person["age"]) > 30]
# Move things into functions
def create_age_string(person):
age_string = ""
if int(person["age"]) > 30:
age_string = "over 30"
elif int(person["age"]) > 25:
age_string = "over 25 but under 30"
age_string ="under 30"
return f"{person['first_name'] person['last_name'] is {age_string}}!"
for person in data:
# Can set multiple inputs, default values, keyword arguments, etc
# Loading data from an external file like a csv.
# Version 1: With Python Standard Library
import csv
with open('data.csv') as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
data = list(reader)
# Version 2: With Parsons
from parsons import Table
import datetime
data = Table.from_csv(".data.csv")
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