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Created July 17, 2021 02:18
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// Copyright 2021 Shaun McCance
// This code is available under the MIT license
/// = Accessible Color Utilities
This module provides utility functions for ensuring colors have contrast,
according to the W3C Web Content Accessiblity Guidelines.
/// =
@use 'sass:color'
@use 'sass:map'
@use 'sass:math'
/// == luminance()
Calculates the relative luminance of a color, according to the W3C Web
Content Accessibility Guildelines. Returns a number between 0 and 1.
/// ==
@function luminance($color)
$cols: ('r':$color), 'g':$color), 'b':$color))
$lums: ('r': 0, 'g': 0, 'b': 0)
@each $key, $val in $cols
$lum: math.pow(math.div(math.div($val, 255) + 0.055, 1.055), 2.4)
$lums: map.set($lums, $key, $lum)
@return (0.2126 * map.get($lums, "r")) + (0.7152 * map.get($lums, "g")) + (0.0722 * map.get($lums, "b"))
/// == contrast()
Calculates the contrast ratio of two colors, according to the W3C Web
Content Accessibility Guildelines. Returns a number between 1 and 21.
Normal text should have a contrast ratio of at least 7 against the
/// ==
@function contrast($color1, $color2)
$lum1: luminance($color1)
$lum2: luminance($color2)
@if $lum1 < $lum2
@return math.div(luminance($color2) + 0.05, luminance($color1) + 0.05)
@return math.div(luminance($color1) + 0.05, luminance($color2) + 0.05)
/// == create-contrast()
Attemps to create a color similar to a starting color, but with enough
contrast against a background color. This function will move the HSL
lightness of $code($color) away from $code($bg) in steps until the
contrast ratio between the new color and $code($bg) is at least
$code($target). It does not adjust the hue or saturation.
It's possible to pass arguments for which this algorithm can't create
a sufficiently contrasting color. This function will give up after a
maximum number of adjustments and just return whatever it's calculated
so far. It will issue a warning when this happens.
/// ==
@function create-contrast($color, $bg, $target: 7)
$retval: $color
$contrast: contrast($retval, $bg)
$iters: 1
$maxiters: 20
@while $contrast < $target and $iters < $maxiters
$iters: $iters + 1
$retval: color.adjust($retval, $lightness: math.div(color.lightness($color) - color.lightness($bg), 10))
$contrast: contrast($retval, $bg)
@if $contrast < $target and $iters == $maxiters
@warn "Could not create contrasting color for #{$color} on #{$bg} with target #{$target}. Using #{$retval} with contrast #{$contrast}."
@return $retval
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