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Last active October 1, 2018 14:33
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Paper Programs API

Paper Programs API

Welcome to Paper Programs! Here's a quick reference followed by longer descriptions:



await paper.get('canvas');
await paper.get('canvas', {width: 500});
await paper.get('canvas', {number: 1234});
await paper.get('supporterCanvas');

await paper.get('papers');
await paper.get('number');
await paper.set('data', { someKey: 'someValue' });

await paper.set('iframe', { src: '' });

paper.whenPointAt({callback, direction, whiskerLength, requiredData, paperNumber});

await paper.get('camera');
paper.drawFromCamera(ctx, camera, srcPoints, dstPoints);

await paper.get('markers');


Each Paper Program runs in its own Web Worker. The standard way to import other scripts into a Web Worker context is via importScripts, thus all Paper Programs first import the paperprogram API via:


If you wish to import other libraries, like d3 for example:



The following console statements will appear on the sidebar log of the editor:

console.log("hello world");

Async and Loops

We often use await statements with the API, so we usually create a top-level async context to use them in:

(async () => {
  // Code goes in here.

For looping (i.e. animations) we do not have access to requestAnimationFrame in a Web Worker, but we can use traditional setInterval:

setInterval(async () => {
  // Code goes in here.
}, 100);

Getting Things

Retrieving things from the API happens usually with the following call. We use await to wait for the promised value before proceeding:

await paper.get(...)

Canvas for Paper

This gives you a canvas to draw things over a specific paper:

const canvas = await paper.get('canvas');                   // get my paper's canvas
const canvas = await paper.get('canvas', { width: 500 });   // get canvas, with custom size
const canvas = await paper.get('canvas', { number: 1234 }); // get another paper's canvas

Canvas for Projector (a.k.a. Supporter)

This gives you a canvas over the entire projection. (Each paper gets its own, so no interference)

const supporterCanvas = await paper.get('supporterCanvas');

Get Paper Data

Get information about all the papers on the screen:

const papers = await paper.get('papers');

This returns an object that maps the paper's number to its data:

  "512": {
    "data": {},
    "points": {
       "center": { x: 100, y: 200 },
       "topLeft": { ... },

To get your paper's number:

const number = await paper.get('number');

Setting Paper Data

You can set attributes on your paper that other paper's can listen for:

await paper.set('data', { someKey: 'someValue' });

Cover Paper in an Iframe

You can set your paper to display an iframe:

await paper.set('iframe', { src: '' });

Paper Whisker to detect nearby papers

A paper can be given a "whisker" that lets you know when it touches another paper:

  callback: ({paperNumber, paperObj}) => {
    /* do something */
  // optional
  direction,      // "up" (default), "down", "left", "right"
  whiskerLength,  // as fraction of the side (default 0.7)
  requiredData,   // array of data fields that must be present in the other paper
  paperNumber,    // paper number to do this for (default is own paper number)

Camera Access (WIP)

You can draw a region of the camera picture to another destination region (using arbitrary quadrilaterals).

For example, to draw another paper's picture to your paper:

const papers = paper.get('papers');
const camera = paper.get('camera');
paper.drawFromCamera(ctx, camera, papers[someNum].points, papers[myNum].points);

Marker Points (WIP)

Any dot that is not detected as part of a paper's corner is exposed as a marker.

All detected markers are exposed here:

const markers = paper.get('markers');

Each marker has the following properties:

  position: {x, y},  // global position
  color: [r, g, b]
  colorName // "red", "green", "blue" or "black"

  // these properties will be null if the marker is not on a paper
  positionOnPaper: {x, y} // position converted to coordinate system of the paper

Also, each paper knows all the markers found inside its borders:

const papers = await paper.get('papers');
const number = await paper.get('number');

const markers = papers[number].markers;
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