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Created September 22, 2016 23:05
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SourcePawn example for someone that requested it!
// has all the main functions you will be using.
#include <sourcemod>
// initialize variables
float gF_MyNumber = 0.2;
int gI_MyNumber = 3;
any gA_MyNumber = 5; // can be everything!
char gC_MyChar = view_as<char>('a'); // casting
// void OnPluginStart()
// called when the plugin loads.
public void OnPluginStart()
// syntax: void PrintToServer(const char[] format, any ...)
PrintToServer("Our float is %.02f", gF_MyNumber);
PrintToServer("Our integer is %d", gI_MyNumber);
PrintToServer("Our any is %d", gA_MyNumber);
PrintToServer("Our char is %c", gC_MyChar);
// syntax: void PrintToChatAll(const char[] format, any ...)
PrintToChatAll("Hello, world!");
// syntax: void RegConsoleCmd(const char[] cmd, ConCmd callback, const char[] description="", int flags=0)
RegConsoleCmd("sm_test_console", Command_TestConsole, "Test command!");
// void RegAdminCmd(const char[] cmd, ConCmd callback, int adminflags, const char[] description="", const char[] group="", int flags=0)
RegAdminCmd("sm_test_admin", Command_TestAdmin, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Test admin command!");
// void OnPluginEnd()
public void OnPluginEnd()
// for(before; condition; after)
// MaxClients is the amount of the maximum player slots so we can iterate
for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
// syntax: bool IsClientConnected(int client)
// syntax: bool IsClientInGame(int client)
// syntax: bool IsPlayerAlive(int client)
bool bAlive = IsPlayerAlive(i);
// \x03 is the team color
// \x01 returns to default
// %N is a formatting parameter that translates a client index to name
PrintToChat(i, "Hey \x03%N\x01! You are %s.", i, bAlive? "alive":"dead");
// syntax: public Action FUNCTION(int client, int args)
public Action Command_TestConsole(int client, int args)
// syntax: void ReplyToCommand(int client, const char[] format, any ...)
ReplyToCommand(client, "Hey~ the <CONSOLE> command works!");
// must be returned so we don't get 'unknown command'.
// Plugin_Continue lets everything run as usual but stops the Action
// Plugin_Changed applies changes to references
// Plugin_Stop stops the game and plugin hooks
// Plugin_Handled stops the game but not the plugin hooks
return Plugin_Handled;
// syntax: public Action FUNCTION(int client, int args)
public Action Command_TestAdmin(int client, int args)
// syntax: void ReplyToCommand(int client, const char[] format, any ...)
ReplyToCommand(client, "Hey~ the <ADMIN> command works!");
// must be returned so we don't get 'unknown command'.
// Plugin_Continue lets everything run as usual but stops the Action
// Plugin_Changed applies changes to references
// Plugin_Stop stops the game and plugin hooks
// Plugin_Handled stops the game but not the plugin hooks
return Plugin_Handled;
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