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Last active April 21, 2020 23:36
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Batch script for creating emulator shortcuts with commandline options within GeForce Experience for game streaming. (usage examples in the comment section)
@echo off
title GeForce Experience Shortcut generator
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
if %1.==. goto usage
set executable=%1
if not exist %executable% goto :exenotfound
for %%A in (%executable%) do (
set exefullpath=%%~fA
set exeworkingdirectory=%%~dA%%~pA
if %2.==. goto usage
set scanpath=%2
if %3.==. goto usage
if not %3.==. (
set _input=%*
call set _reduce1=%%_input:%1 =%%
call set _args=%%_reduce1:%2 =%%
if exist %scanpath%\* (goto createShortcutForDir)
if exist %scanpath% (set recursive=false & goto createShortcutForFile)
goto scanpathnotfound
echo Could not find executable %executable%
exit /B 1
echo Could not find file or directory %scanpath%
exit /B 1
echo Usage: createGFEShortcuts.bat "^<X:\path\to\executable.exe^>" "^<X:\path\to\romfolder\^|X:\path\to\romfile.ext^>" ^<-arg1 {rom} -arg2 {romdir}^>
echo Placeholders: {rom}=path to rom; {romdir}=path to rom folder
echo Note: Execute "set recursive=true" beforehand if your roms are located in separate subfolders e.g. X:\path\to\romfolder\rom name\romfile.ext
exit /B 1
call:cleanpath scanpath
for %%A in ("%scanpath%") do (
set romdir=%%~fA
if not defined recursive (set recursive=false)
echo Creating shortcuts for directory %romdir% ^(recursive=%recursive%^)
if /I %recursive% == true (
set recurseParam=/D
for %recurseParam% %%i in ("%romdir%\*") do (
set scanpath="%%i"
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto eof
goto eof
for %%A in (%scanpath%) do (
set rom=%%~fA
set romname=%%~nA
if /I %recursive% == true (
for %%B in ("%%~fA\*") do (
set rom=%%~fB
set romname=%%~nxA
set romdir=%%~dA%%~pA
set romshort=%%~sA
echo Creating shortcuts for file "%rom%"
goto eof
if %errorlevel% neq 0 echo Script exited with an error (%errorlevel%)
exit /B %errorlevel%
set shieldAppsPath=NVIDIA Corporation\Shield Apps
set shortcutPath=%LOCALAPPDATA%\%shieldAppsPath%
set shortcutName="%romname%"
set shortcutFullpath=%shortcutPath%\\%shortcutName%.lnk
set shortcutFullpath=%shortcutFullpath:'=''%
set shortcutTarget=%exefullpath%
set shortcutWorkingDirectory=%exeworkingdirectory%
set _tmp=%_args%
call set _tmp=%%_tmp:{rom}=\"%rom%\"%%
call set _tmp=%%_tmp:{romdir}=\"%romdir%\"%%
call set _tmp=%_tmp:'=''%
set shortcutArguments=%_tmp%
set streamingAssetsPath=%shieldAppsPath%\StreamingAssets
set assetsPath=%LOCALAPPDATA%\%streamingAssetsPath%
set boxartFullpath=%assetsPath%\%romname%\
if not exist "%boxartFullpath%\box-art.png" (
if not defined usecustomboxart (set usecustomboxart=false)
echo Adding box-art.png for shortcut... ^(usecustomboxart=%usecustomboxart%^)
if not exist "%boxartFullpath%\*" (
echo Creating directory "%boxartFullpath%"
mkdir "%boxartFullpath%"
echo Adding box-art.png...
if /I %usecustomboxart% == true (call:copyboxart) else (call:generateboxart)
echo Creating shortcut %shortcutFullpath%
powershell $s=(New-Object -COM WScript.Shell).CreateShortcut('%shortcutFullpath%');$s.TargetPath='%shortcutTarget%';$s.WorkingDirectory='%shortcutWorkingDirectory%';$s.Arguments='%shortcutArguments%';$s.Save();echo $s;
if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /B %errorlevel%
goto eof
echo Copying custom %~dp0box-art.png to %boxartFullpath%
copy /Y "%~dp0box-art.png" "%boxartFullpath%"
if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /B %errorlevel%
goto eof
echo Generating %boxartFullpath%box-art.png
powershell Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing;$filename='%boxartFullpath%\box-art.png';$bmp=new-object System.Drawing.Bitmap 628,888;$font=new-object System.Drawing.Font Consolas,24;$brushBg=New-Object Drawing.SolidBrush([System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(254, 29, 29, 29));$graphics=[System.Drawing.Graphics]::FromImage($bmp);$graphics.FillRectangle($brushBg,0,0,$bmp.Width,$bmp.Height);$graphics.Dispose();$bmp.Save($filename)
if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /B %errorlevel%
goto eof
:cleanpath var
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set "_varName=%~1"
set "_tmp=!%~1!"
set "_tmp=%_tmp:"=%"
if not defined _tmp set "_tmp=."
if "%_tmp:~-1%"=="\" set "_tmp=%_tmp%."
for %%# in ("%_tmp%") do set "_tmp=%%~f#"
endlocal & set "%~1=%_tmp%"
goto eof
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shawly commented Apr 21, 2020

Thanks! I'm not sure which landscape box arts you mean, do you mean the box arts on the home tab in GFE?
If so I'd have to tell you that they probably aren't stored locally as it seems, I've scrawled through the NVIDIA folders within AppData but couldn't find anything that relates to the covers.

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When you open the gamestream app on an nvidia shield device, it displays some of the available games with landscape boxart. When you click on "my library" (or whatever its called), it displays all of the available games with portrait boxarts.
Almost thought so as i didnt find any sign of the landscape boxarts while digging through the nvidia files.

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