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Last active March 19, 2020 01:25
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Powershell script to extract DoD Certificates into a complete chain (for use with Apache), individual certificate files, and a Java Keystore containing the complete certificate chain (for use with Tomcat)
# Exports the entire DoD CA Certificate chain as DoD_CAs.pem, and then exports the individual certificates to individual [CA].pem files, and imports them all into a Java Keystore called client.jks
Function Convert-DodCertBundleToIndivdualCerts {
Param (
$Destination = "."
# Create the destination directory if it doesn't exist yet
if (-Not (Test-Path $Destination)) {
New-Item -Name $Destination -ItemType directory
# TODO: Can we do this without exporting the entire chain?
Write-Host "Converting the DoD certificate bundle to PEM format..."
$certificateBundleFile = $Destination + "\" + "DoD_CA_Bundle.pem"
& openssl pkcs7 -in $Path -print_certs -out $certificateBundleFile
Write-Host "DoD certificate bundle converted to PEM format and saved as DoD_CA_Bundle.pem"
Write-Host "Identifying the individual DoD certificates..."
$certificateBundle = Get-Content $certificateBundleFile | Out-String
# Since -Split includes the match as a separate item, we use some regex trickery to match a zero-length section immediately after our intended match
$certificates = $certificateBundle -Split "(?<=" + "-----END CERTIFICATE-----" + [System.Environment]::NewLine + [System.Environment]::NewLine + ")"
Write-Host "Individual DoD certificates identified"
Write-Host -Object $certificates #Debug
Write-Host -Object $certificates[0] #Debug
foreach ($certificate in $certificates) {
# Get the name of the certificate so we can use it as a filename for the exported file
# Get the first line, which should be the Subject=blahblahCN=[caname]
$subjectLine = $certificate.Split([System.Environment]::NewLine)[0]
$subject = $subjectLine.Substring($subjectLine.LastIndexOf("=") + 1)
$certificateFile = $Destination + "/" + $subject.Trim().Replace(" ", "_") + ".pem"
Write-Host ("Writing " + $certificateFile + "...")
$certificate | Out-File -FilePath $certificateFile
Write-Host "Done!"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Convert-DodCertBundleToIndivdualCerts
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