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Forked from ckorn/alias-completion
Created August 28, 2016 16:37
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Bash auto-completion with aliases. Aliases are nice to shorten often used commands. But ever got frustrated when bash's tab completion did not work? Instead of "git checkout" I just type "go". But I also want to type "go m<tab>" to get completed to "go master" automatically. This script creates a wrapper function to be used with the alias. (Also…
# Author.: Ole J
# Date...: 23.03.2008
# License: Whatever
# Wraps a completion function
# make-completion-wrapper <actual completion function> <name of new func.> <alias>
# <command name> <list supplied arguments>
# eg.
# alias agi='apt-get install'
# make-completion-wrapper _apt_get _apt_get_install apt-get install
# defines a function called _apt_get_install (that's $2) that will complete
# the 'agi' alias. (complete -F _apt_get_install agi)
#make-completion-wrapper _git_checkout _git_checkout_shortcut go git checkout
function make-completion-wrapper () {
local comp_function_name="$1"
local function_name="$2"
local alias_name="$3"
local arg_count=$(($#-4))
shift 3
local args="$*"
local function="
function $function_name {
let COMP_POINT+=$((${#args}-${#alias_name}))
COMP_WORDS=("$@" \"\${COMP_WORDS[@]:1}\")
local cur words cword prev
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur words cword prev
return 0
eval "$function"
# echo $function_name
# echo "$function"
__git_shortcut () {
# Because cherry-pick has the function _git_cherry_pick
type _git_${n2}_shortcut &>/dev/null || make-completion-wrapper _git_$n2 _git_${n2}_shortcut $1 git $2
complete -o bashdefault -o default -o nospace -F _git_${n2}_shortcut $1
__apt_cache_shortcut () {
type _apt_cache_$2_shortcut &>/dev/null || make-completion-wrapper _apt_cache _apt_cache_$2_shortcut $1 apt-cache $2
# is not executed automatically. Normally only on first apt-cache <tab>
[ ! -f /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/apt-cache ] || source /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/apt-cache
complete -F _apt_cache_$2_shortcut $1
alias qhe="VISUAL=nano quilt header -e"
alias gs='git status '
alias ga='git add '
alias gb='git branch '
alias gc='git commit'
alias gd='git diff'
alias gds='git diff --staged'
alias go="git checkout"
alias gcp='git cherry-pick'
alias apt-policy="apt-cache policy"
alias apt-show="apt-cache show"
if [ -f /usr/local/bin/make-completion-wrapper ]; then
. /usr/local/bin/make-completion-wrapper
# qhe
make-completion-wrapper _quilt_completion _qhe qhe quilt header -e
complete -o filenames -F _qhe qhe
# apt-policy
__apt_cache_shortcut apt-policy policy
# apt-show
__apt_cache_shortcut apt-show show
# __git_shortcut gs status # no completion for git status
__git_shortcut ga add
__git_shortcut gb branch
__git_shortcut gc commit
__git_shortcut gd diff
__git_shortcut go checkout
__git_shortcut gcp cherry-pick
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