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Created April 19, 2017 21:23
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Design tokens for Jekyll
colorBlue: '#00f'
colorGreen: '#0f0'
colorRed: '#f00'
// SCSS variables
{% for token in %}
${{ token[0] }}: {{ token[1] }};
{% endfor %}
// or as a map
$tokens: ({% for token in %}
{{ token[0] }}: {{ token[1] }},
{% endfor %});
// then you'd create variables like so:
// $color-blue: map-get($tokens, colorBlue);
// generate utility classes for each color
{% for token in %}
{% unless token[0] contains 'color' %}{% continue %}{% endunless %}
{% assign name = token[0] | replace: 'color', '' | downcase %}
.fg-{{ name }} { color: {{ token[1] }}; }
.bg-{{ name }} { background-color: {{ token[1] }}; }
{% endfor %}
// or CSS variables!
:root {
{% for token in %}
--{{ token[0] }}: {{ token[1] }};
{% endfor %}
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