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Last active August 5, 2020 18:10
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Buildbot BuildSlave for testcode2
Buildbot BuildStep that runs and parses the output of testcode2.
Copyright (c) 2013 Shawn Chin
This sofware is released under the BSD 3-Clause License
import re
from itertools import chain
from collections import defaultdict
from import ShellCommand
from buildbot.status.results import SUCCESS, WARNINGS, FAILURE
class TestCodeStep(ShellCommand):
BuildStep for running and parsing the output of testcode2.
name = "testcode"
description = "running testcode"
descriptionDone = "testcode"
def __init__(self, testcode="", test_exe=None, action="run",
category=None, mpi=False, num_procs=1, **kwargs):
@param testcode: executable (path relative to workdir)
@param test_exe: test executable (path relative to workdir)
@param action: testcode action
@param action: testcode category
@param mpi: is parallel run?
@num_procs: number of mpi procs if parallel run, number of concurrent
tests if serial run
self.testcode = testcode
self.test_exe = test_exe
self.category = category
self.mpi = mpi
if action == "run" and not test_exe:
raise Exception("test_exe must be defined for 'run'")
self.action = action
self.num_procs = int(num_procs)
if self.num_procs < 1:
raise Exception()
raise Exception("invalid value for num_procs")
# insert generated command into "command" arg
kwargs["command"] = self._get_command()
# request that the called python script does not buffer
kwargs.setdefault("env", {})["PYTHONUNBUFFERED"] = "x"
# Let the baseclass do its work
ShellCommand.__init__(self, **kwargs)
def _get_command(self):
"""Returns command as a list"""
cmd = [self.testcode, '--verbose']
if self.test_exe:
cmd.append("--executable=%s" % self.test_exe)
if self.category:
cmd.append("--category=%s" % self.category)
if self.action == "run":
if self.mpi:
cmd.append("--processors=%d" % self.num_procs)
cmd.append("--total-processors=%d" % self.num_procs)
return cmd
def _create_log(self, events, reports, status, label):
if not events[status]:
header = ["The following tests resulted in %s:" % label]
items = (" - %s (param: %s)" % x for x in events[status])
blank = [""]
summary = chain(header, items, blank)
out = chain(summary, ["Details:", "--------"], reports[status])
self.addCompleteLog("%s (%d)" % (label, len(events[status])),
def createSummary(self, log):
events = defaultdict(list)
reports = defaultdict(list)
stopword = "All done." # marker for end of test results
re_result = re.compile("""
""", re.VERBOSE)
# statuses that may be followed by text we want to keep
interesting_status = ("**FAILED**", "WARNING")
more_expected = False # control flags
comparisons_skipped = 0
for line in log.getText().split("\n"):
if not line:
if line.startswith("Skipping comparison"):
comparisons_skipped += 1
m = re_result.match(line)
if not m and more_expected and not line.startswith(stopword):
elif m:
status ="status")
if status == "Unknown":
status = "WARNING" # treat "Unknown" as warning
reports[status].append("\n" + line)
more_expected = (False, status)[status in interesting_status]
# store counts
self.warn_count = len(events["WARNING"])
self.fail_count = len(events["**FAILED**"])
self.pass_count = len(events["Passed"])
self.skip_count = len(events["SKIPPED"]) + comparisons_skipped
# build log files
self._create_log(events, reports, "**FAILED**", "failures")
self._create_log(events, reports, "WARNING", "warnings")
def getText(self, cmd, results):
words = ["test"]
words.append("Passed %d of %d" % (self.pass_count,
self.pass_count + self.warn_count + self.fail_count))
if self.skip_count:
words.append("(skipped %d)" % self.skip_count)
return words
def evaluateCommand(self, cmd):
if (cmd.didFail() or self.fail_count):
return FAILURE
if self.warn_count:
return SUCCESS
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