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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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Quick REST Client Wrapper, and an example wrapper for the blink(1)control REST API
Wrapper client for the blink(1)control REST API.
Example Usage:
import blinky
b = Blinky()
b.on() # Let there be (white) light
# Have the first LED fade to #336699 over 10 seconds
b.fade_to_rgb(rgb='#336699', time=10, ledn=1)
# Have the other LED fade to red almost instantly (0.1 secs)
b.fade_to_rgb(rgb='red', ledn=2)
b.play_pattern(pname='policecar') # play a known pattern as defined in the blink(1)control app
b.stop_pattern(pname='policecar') # no more light
For details of the underlying REST API, see:
from .resty import SimpleRestClient, SimpleQuery
class Blinky(SimpleRestClient):
def __init__(self, base_url='http://localhost:8934/blink1'):
super(Blinky, self).__init__(base_url)
on = SimpleQuery('on') # Stop pattern playback and set blink(1) to white (#FFFFFF)
off = SimpleQuery('off') # Stop pattern playback and set blink(1) to black (#000000)
play_pattern = SimpleQuery('pattern/play', params=['pname']) # Play/test a specific color pattern
stop_pattern = SimpleQuery('pattern/stop', params=['pname']) # Stop playback of given pattern or all patterns
# Send fadeToRGB command to blink(1) with hex color and fade time (defaults to 0.1 if not provided)
# The id parameter can be used to address specific blink(1) device
# The ledn parameted can be used to choose LED to control. 0=all, 1=LED A, 2=LED B
fade_to_rgb = SimpleQuery('fadeToRGB', params=['rgb'], optional=['time', 'id', 'ledn'])
id = SimpleQuery('id') # Display blink1_id and blink1 serial numbers (if any)
enumerate = SimpleQuery('enumerate') # Re-enumerate and List available blink(1) devices
last_color = SimpleQuery('lastColor') # Return the last color command sent to blink(1)
regenerate_id = SimpleQuery('regenerateblink1id') # Generate, save, and return new blink1_id
""" -- Create simple REST clients quickly.
This is currently a POC and supports only basic GET/POST queries. It is meant to allow users to quickly define a Python
class that interfaces with a REST API.
See for an example.
import json
import types
import urllib
import urllib2
from urlparse import urljoin
class SimpleRestClient(object):
Base class for defining a simple REST API wrapper class
def __init__(self, base_url):
:param base_url: Base URL for REST API we are wrapping.
self.base_url = base_url
def _bind_queries(self):
# for each class attribute that is an SimpleQuery instance, bind the its query function as an object method
queries = ((key, obj) for key, obj in self.__class__.__dict__.items() if isinstance(obj, SimpleQuery))
for key, obj in queries:
setattr(self, key, types.MethodType(obj.get_query_func(self.base_url), self))
class SimpleQuery(object):
"""Factory class for a specific REST query.
Instantiate this as an attribute to a :SimpleRestClient: class to define an API method.
supported_methods = ('GET', 'POST')
def __init__(self, command, params=None, optional=None, method='GET'):
:param command: Query path, relative to base_url
:param params: Required query parameters
:param optional: Optional query parameters
:param method: HTTP method to use. Defaults to GET.
assert method in self.supported_methods, 'Unsupported method. Expecting: {0}'.format(self.supported_methods)
self.command = command
self.required_params = frozenset(params or [])
self.valid_params = frozenset(optional or []).union(self.required_params)
self.method = method
def get_query_func(self, base_url):
"""Returns a callable that will perform the actual REST call.
For now, always assume that the service will return a JSON output.
:param base_url: Base URL for REST API we are wrapping.
:return: callable
def _REST_query(caller, *args, **kwargs):
self._validate_kwargs(args, kwargs)
return self._load(base_url, self.command, kwargs)
return _REST_query
def load_url(url, data=None):
"""Wrapper method for urllib2.urlopen that handles urllib2 exceptions and parses the response data as JSON.
:param url: URL to load.
:param data: addition data to be sent to server. HTTP POST method will be used if this is defined.
:return: output of json.loads
response = urllib2.urlopen(url, data).read()
except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
raise QueryError('Could not fulfill request. Error code {0}'.format(e.code))
except urllib2.URLError as e:
raise ConnectionError('Could not reach server. Reason {0}'.format(e.reason))
return json.loads(response)
def join_url(base_url, command):
# we play musical chairs with the slashes to make sure urljoin does the right thing when the base url contains
# a partial path and not just a netloc
return urljoin(base_url.rstrip('/') + '/', command.lstrip('/'))
def _load(self, base_url, command, kwargs):
url = self.join_url(base_url, command)
params = urllib.urlencode(kwargs)
if self.method == 'GET':
url = url + '?' + params
params = None
return self.load_url(url, params)
def _validate_kwargs(self, input_args, input_kwargs):
missing_params = self.required_params.difference(input_kwargs)
invalid_params = [x for x in input_kwargs if x not in self.valid_params]
msg = []
if input_args:
msg.append(' * No positional args expected. {0} provided.'.format(len(input_args)))
if missing_params:
msg.append(' * Required keyword args were not provided: {0}'.format(', '.join(missing_params)))
if invalid_params:
msg.append(' * Unexpected keyword args provided: {0}'.format(', '.join(invalid_params)))
if msg:
raise UsageError('Invalid parameters for "{0}":\n{1}'.format(self.command, '\n'.join(msg)))
class ConnectionError(Exception):
"""Raised when a connection could not be made to the server.
class QueryError(Exception):
"""Raised when the server returns an error code.
class UsageError(Exception):
"""Raised on invalid method calls, e.g. when a required parameter is not provided.
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