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Created April 24, 2015 19:29
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Save shawndube/8c6dab938729179b11ba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
I needed a way to generate simple classes for some tables across SQL version 2012 to 6.5. Based on Stack Overflow answer from Alex Aza:
-- =============================================
-- Author: Shawn Dube, twitter: @shawndube
-- Create date: 4/24/15
-- Based on work by Alex Aza:
-- Uses: Initial use was to create C# Classes
-- from an existing database table schema.
-- May be able to do other templating type
-- things based on structure.
-- Notes: Best if run in "Results to Text" , or out to file
-- =============================================
-- Assume class per table, no inferred inheritance
-- want to support various nullable declarations
-- int?
-- Nullable<int> --c#
-- Nullable(Of Integer)
-- Templates:
-- set @NullableTypeTemplate = '{{ConvertedType}}?'
-- set @NullableTypeTemplate = 'Nullable<{{ConvertedType}}>'
-- set @NullableTypeTemplate = 'Nullable(Of {{ConvertedType}})'
-- =============================================
declare @ClassHeaderTemplate varchar(8000)
declare @ClassFooterTemplate varchar(8000)
declare @PropertyTemplate varchar(8000)
declare @NullableTypeTemplate varchar(8000)
declare @NonNullableTypeTemplate varchar(8000)
set @ClassHeaderTemplate = '
namespace IDSTC.Enterprise.IdentityManagement.Models
public class {{TABLE_NAME}} : BaseEntity, IAuditableEntity
set @PropertyTemplate = '
public {{ConvertedTypeWithNullability}} {{COLUMN_NAME}} { get; set; }
set @NullableTypeTemplate = '{{ConvertedType}}?'
set @NonNullableTypeTemplate = '{{ConvertedType}}'
set @ClassFooterTemplate = '
--Move conversions to table... would like to be a function BUT i want this script self contained (for now)
declare @TypeConversions table (
SQLType sysname,
CSharpType NVARCHAR(4000),
dotNetType NVARCHAR(4000),
SqlDbTypeEnum NVARCHAR(4000),
DbTypeEnum NVARCHAR(4000)
insert into @TypeConversions
-- slightly edited table from
select 'bigint', 'long', 'Int64', 'BigInt', 'Int64' Union
select 'binary', 'byte[]', 'Byte[]', 'VarBinary', 'Binary' Union
select 'bit', 'bool', 'Boolean', 'Bit', 'Boolean' Union
select 'char', 'string', 'String', 'Char', 'AnsiStringFixedLength' Union
select 'date', 'DateTime', 'DateTime', 'Date', 'Date' Union
select 'datetime', 'DateTime', 'DateTime', 'DateTime', 'DateTime' Union
select 'datetime2', 'DateTime', 'DateTime', 'DateTime2', 'DateTime2' Union
select 'datetimeoffset', 'DateTimeOffset', 'DateTimeOffset', 'DateTimeOffset', 'DateTimeOffset' Union
select 'decimal', 'decimal', 'Decimal', 'Decimal', 'Decimal' Union
select 'FILESTREAM', 'byte[]', 'Byte[]', 'VarBinary', 'Binary' Union
select 'float', 'float', 'Double', 'Float', 'Double' Union
select 'image', 'byte[]', 'Byte[]', 'Binary', 'Binary' Union
select 'int', 'int', 'Int32', 'Int', 'Int32' Union
select 'money', 'decimal', 'Decimal', 'Money', 'Decimal' Union
select 'nchar', 'char', 'String', 'NChar', 'StringFixedLength' Union
select 'ntext', 'string', 'String', 'NText', 'String' Union
select 'numeric', 'decimal', 'Decimal', 'Decimal', 'Decimal' Union
select 'nvarchar', 'string', 'String', 'NVarChar', 'String' Union
select 'real', 'double', 'Single', 'Real', 'Single' Union
select 'rowversion', 'byte[]', 'Byte[]', 'Timestamp', 'Binary' Union
select 'smalldatetime', 'DateTime', 'DateTime', 'DateTime', 'DateTime' Union
select 'smallint', 'short', 'Int16', 'SmallInt', 'Int16' Union
select 'smallmoney', 'decimal', 'Decimal', 'SmallMoney', 'Decimal' Union
select 'sql_variant', 'object', 'Object', 'Variant', 'Object' Union
select 'text', 'string', 'String', 'Text', 'String' Union
select 'time', 'timespan', 'TimeSpan', 'Time', 'Time' Union
select 'timestamp', 'DateTime', 'Byte[]', 'Timestamp', 'Binary' Union
select 'tinyint', 'byte', 'Byte', 'TinyInt', 'Byte' Union
select 'uniqueidentifier', 'Guid', 'Guid', 'UniqueIdentifier', 'Guid' Union
select 'varbinary', 'byte[]', 'Byte[]', 'VarBinary', 'Binary' Union
select 'varchar', 'string', 'String', 'VarChar', 'AnsiString ' Union
select 'xml', 'xml', 'Xml', 'Xml', 'Xml'
--at first I was using a row_number() over() but then needed to get data from a SQL 6.5 database.
--I realized I can use Ordinal_Position = 1 for the first row but I needed (wanted really) to know the last row for the footer.
declare @TableColumnPositionInfo table(
Table_Name sysname,
FirstFieldPosition int,
LastFieldPosition int
insert into @TableColumnPositionInfo
select table_name, min(Ordinal_Position) as FirstFieldPosition, max(Ordinal_Position) as LastFieldPosition from information_schema.columns group by table_name
declare @TablesToConvert table(
Table_Name sysname,
Table_Order int identity(1,1) --give the user a chance to set the order via the select below
insert into @TablesToConvert
select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name like '%sale%' and table_name not like '%wrk'
order by case when table_name like '%log' then 1 else 0 end, table_name --put all the log tables last
case when IsFirstField = 1 then replace(coalesce(@ClassHeaderTemplate, ''), '{{TABLE_NAME}}', Table_Name) else '' end +
replace(replace(replace(@PropertyTemplate, '{{ConvertedTypeWithNullability}}', ConvertedTypeWithNullability), '{{ConvertedType}}', ConvertedType), '{{COLUMN_NAME}}', COLUMN_NAME) +
case when IsLastField = 1 then @ClassFooterTemplate else '' end
replace(column_name, ' ', '_') as column_name,
Ordinal_Position ,
case when Ordinal_Position = tcpi.FirstFieldPosition then 1 else 0 end as IsFirstField,
case when Ordinal_Position = tcpi.LastFieldPosition then 1 else 0 end as IsLastField,
coalesce(CSharpType, 'UNKNOWN_' + DATA_TYPE) ConvertedType,
case --//TODO: Move nullable into the @TypeConversions table
when is_nullable = 'YES' and DATA_TYPE in ('bigint', 'bit', 'date', 'datetime', 'datetime2', 'datetimeoffset', 'decimal', 'float', 'int', 'money', 'numeric', 'real', 'smalldatetime', 'smallint', 'smallmoney', 'time', 'tinyint', 'uniqueidentifier')
then @NullableTypeTemplate
else @NonNullableTypeTemplate
end ConvertedTypeWithNullability,
from information_schema.columns c
left join @TypeConversions tc on tc.SQLType = c.DATA_TYPE
join @TablesToConvert ttc on ttc.Table_name = c.Table_name
join @TableColumnPositionInfo tcpi on tcpi.Table_Name = c.Table_name
) k
order by Table_Order, Table_Name, Ordinal_Position
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