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Created June 28, 2023 18:15
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@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix ex: <> .
# Classes
ex:IllegalAntiquitiesTrade rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Illegal Antiquities Trade" ;
rdfs:comment "The trade involving the buying and selling of artefacts that may have been stolen or looted from galleries, museums, auction houses, archaeological sites, or personal collections." .
ex:Person rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Person" ;
rdfs:comment "A human being involved in the antiquities trade." .
ex:Artefact rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Artefact" ;
rdfs:comment "An antiquity or artifact." .
ex:Museum rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Museum" ;
rdfs:comment "An institution acquiring and displaying antiquities." .
ex:Gallery rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Gallery" ;
rdfs:comment "An establishment that exhibits and sells artworks, including antiquities." .
ex:AuctionHouse rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Auction House" ;
rdfs:comment "An institution that conducts auctions for the sale of antiquities and other items." .
ex:ArchaeologicalSite rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Archaeological Site" ;
rdfs:comment "A site of archaeological significance." .
ex:Police rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Police" ;
rdfs:comment "Law enforcement authorities investigating illegal antiquities trade." .
ex:GovernmentOrganization rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Government Organization" ;
rdfs:comment "A governmental institution or department." .
ex:Country rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Country" ;
rdfs:comment "A country." .
ex:City rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "City" ;
rdfs:comment "A city." .
# Properties
ex:locatedIn rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "located in" ;
rdfs:domain ex:Person, ex:Gallery, ex:Museum, ex:AuctionHouse, ex:City, ex:ArchaeologicalSite, ex:Police, ex:GovernmentOrganization, ex:Artefact ;
rdfs:range ex:Country, ex:City, ex:ArchaeologicalSite ;
rdfs:comment "Specifies that an actor should be located somewhere" .
ex:originates rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "originates" ;
rdfs:domain ex:Artefact ;
rdfs:range ex:Country, ex:City, ex:ArchaeologicalSite ;
rdfs:comment "Specifies that an artefact originally came from somewhere" .
ex:sellsToGallery rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "sells to gallery" ;
rdfs:domain ex:Person, ex:Gallery, ex:Museum, ex:AuctionHouse ;
rdfs:range ex:Artefact ;
rdfs:comment "Specifies the selling of an artefact to a gallery." .
ex:sellsToMuseum rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "sells to museum" ;
rdfs:domain ex:Person, ex:Gallery, ex:Museum, ex:AuctionHouse ;
rdfs:range ex:Artefact ;
rdfs:comment "Specifies the selling of an artefact to a museum." .
ex:sellsAtAuction rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "sells at auction" ;
rdfs:domain ex:Person, ex:Gallery, ex:Museum, ex:AuctionHouse ;
rdfs:range ex:Artefact ;
rdfs:comment "Specifies the selling of an artefact at an auction." .
ex:involvedInIllegalTrade rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "involved in illegal trade" ;
rdfs:domain ex:Person ;
rdfs:range ex:IllegalAntiquitiesTrade ;
rdfs:comment "Specifies that a person is involved in the illegal antiquities trade." .
ex:involvedInLooting rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "involved in looting" ;
rdfs:domain ex:Person ;
rdfs:range ex:ArchaeologicalSite ;
rdfs:comment "Specifies that a person is involved in looting artefacts from archaeological sites." .
ex:nationality rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "nationality" ;
rdfs:domain ex:Person ;
rdfs:range ex:Country ;
rdfs:comment "Specifies the nationality of a person." .
ex:associatedWithPolice rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "associated with police" ;
rdfs:domain ex:Person ;
rdfs:range ex:Police ;
rdfs:comment "Specifies that a person is associated with the police." .
ex:belongsToCountry rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "belongs to country" ;
rdfs:domain ex:City ;
rdfs:range ex:Country ;
rdfs:comment "Specifies the country to which a city belongs." .
ex:belongsToCountry rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "belongs to country" ;
rdfs:domain ex:ArchaeologicalSite ;
rdfs:range ex:Country ;
rdfs:comment "Specifies the country to which an archaeological site belongs." .
# Instances
ex:JohnSmith rdf:type ex:Person ;
rdfs:label "John Smith" ;
rdfs:comment "An individual involved in the antiquities trade." .
ex:BritishMuseum rdf:type ex:Museum ;
rdfs:label "British Museum" ;
rdfs:comment "A museum acquiring and displaying antiquities." .
ex:JohnDoe rdf:type ex:Person ;
rdfs:label "John Doe" ;
rdfs:comment "An individual involved in the antiquities trade." .
ex:GalleryXYZ rdf:type ex:Gallery ;
rdfs:label "Gallery XYZ" ;
rdfs:comment "An art gallery specializing in antiquities." .
ex:Sothebys rdf:type ex:AuctionHouse ;
rdfs:label "Sotheby's" ;
rdfs:comment "An auction house conducting auctions for the sale of antiquities." .
ex:Statue rdf:type ex:Artefact ;
rdfs:label "Statue" ;
rdfs:comment "An ancient statue." .
ex:BritishCustoms rdf:type ex:GovernmentOrganization ;
rdfs:label "British Customs" ;
rdfs:comment "A government organization responsible for regulating imports and exports." .
ex:MinistryOfCulture rdf:type ex:GovernmentOrganization ;
rdfs:label "Ministry of Culture" ;
rdfs:comment "A governmental department responsible for cultural affairs." .
ex:London rdf:type ex:City ;
rdfs:label "London" ;
rdfs:comment "The capital city of the United Kingdom." .
ex:UnitedKingdom rdf:type ex:Country ;
rdfs:label "United Kingdom" ;
rdfs:comment "A country located in Europe." .
# Interrelationships
ex:JohnSmith ex:sellsToGallery ex:GalleryXYZ ;
rdfs:comment "John Smith sells an artefact to Gallery XYZ." .
ex:JohnSmith ex:sellsToMuseum ex:BritishMuseum ;
rdfs:comment "John Smith sells an artefact to the British Museum." .
ex:JohnSmith ex:donatesToMuseum ex:BritishMuseum ;
rdfs:comment "John Smith donates an artefact to the British Museum." .
ex:Sothebys ex:sellsToCollector ex:JohnDoe ;
rdfs:comment "Sotheby's sells an artefact to John Doe." .
ex:BritishMuseum ex:owns ex:Statue ;
rdfs:comment "The British Museum owns the statue." .
ex:BritishMuseum ex:possesses ex:Statue ;
rdfs:comment "The British Museum possesses the statue." .
ex:Customs ex:investigates ex:GalleryXYZ ;
rdfs:comment "Customs investigates Gallery XYZ's involvement in the illegal antiquities trade." .
ex:MinistryOfCulture ex:repatriatesTo ex:BritishMuseum ;
rdfs:comment "The Ministry of Culture repatriates artefacts to the British Museum." .
ex:JohnSmith ex:steals ex:Statue ;
rdfs:comment "John Smith steals the statue." .
ex:JohnSmith ex:worksWith ex:JohnDoe ;
rdfs:comment "John Smith works with John Doe." .
ex:JohnSmith ex:employedBy ex:BritishMuseum ;
rdfs:comment "John Smith is employed by the British Museum." .
ex:BritishMuseum ex:locatedIn ex:London ;
rdfs:comment "The British Museum is located in London." .
ex:London ex:locatedIn ex:UnitedKingdom ;
rdfs:comment "London is located in the United Kingdom." .
ex:Sothebys ex:locatedIn ex:London ;
rdfs:comment "Sotheby's is located in London." .
ex:GalleryXYZ ex:locatedIn ex:London ;
rdfs:comment "Gallery XYZ is located in London." .
ex:BritishCustoms ex:locatedIn ex:UnitedKingdom ;
rdfs:comment "British Customs is located in the United Kingdom." .
ex:MinistryOfCulture ex:locatedIn ex:UnitedKingdom ;
rdfs:comment "The Ministry of Culture is located in the United Kingdom." .
ex:Aidonia ex:locatedIn ex:Greece ;
rdfs:comment "Aidonia is an archaeological site located in Greece." .
ex:Statue ex:originates ex:Aidonia ;
rdfs:comment "The statue was looted from Aidonia." .
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