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Last active August 22, 2022 18:54
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extracting structured notes from PUBLIC annotations based on
import requests, re, json, types, traceback
class HypothesisAnnotation:
def __init__(self, row):
"""Encapsulate relevant parts of one row of a Hypothesis API search."""
self.tags = []
if row.has_key('tags') and row['tags'] is not None:
self.tags = row['tags']
if isinstance(self.tags, types.ListType):
self.tags = [t.strip() for t in self.tags]
self.text = ''
if row.has_key('text'):
self.text = row['text'] = []
if row.has_key('target'): = row['target']
self.start = self.end = self.prefix = self.exact = self.suffix = None
if isinstance(,list) and len( and[0].has_key('selector'):
selectors =[0]['selector']
for selector in selectors:
if selector.has_key('type') and selector['type'] == 'TextQuoteSelector':
self.prefix = selector['prefix']
self.exact = selector['exact']
self.suffix = selector['suffix']
if selector.has_key('type') and selector['type'] == 'TextPositionSelector' and selector.has_key('start'):
self.start = selector['start']
self.end = selector['end']
if selector.has_key('type') and selector['type'] == 'FragmentSelector' and selector.has_key('value'):
self.fragment_selector = selector['value']
print traceback.format_exc()
canonical_url = raw_input("Canonical URL?")
alternate_url = raw_input("Annotated URL?")
query_url = '' % alternate_url
text = requests.get(query_url).text.decode('utf-8')
rows = json.loads(text)['rows']
h_annotations = [HypothesisAnnotation(row) for row in rows]
def filter_tags_by_prefix(tags, tag_prefix):
return [tag for tag in tags if tag.lower().startswith(tag_prefix.lower())]
def has_tag_starting_with(h_annotation, tag_prefix):
filtered = filter_tags_by_prefix(h_annotation.tags, tag_prefix)
return len(filtered) > 0
def get_tag_starting_with(h_annotation, tag_prefix):
filtered = filter_tags_by_prefix(h_annotation.tags, tag_prefix)
if len(filtered) > 0:
return filtered[0]
return None
def select_annotations_with_tag_prefix(rows, tag_prefix):
return [h_annotation for h_annotation in h_annotations if has_tag_starting_with(h_annotation, tag_prefix)]
def make_interpretation_element(h_annotations, tag_prefix):
list = []
h_annotations = select_annotations_with_tag_prefix(rows, tag_prefix)
for h_annotation in h_annotations:
tag = get_tag_starting_with(h_annotation, tag_prefix)
subtag = tag.split(':')[1]
list.append(subtag + ': ' + h_annotation.exact)
return list
def make_abstract(h_annotations):
html = """
**Title:** %s
**Subject:** %s
**Key Themes:** %s
**Key Literature:** %s
**The Interesting Bits:**
%s""" % (
select_annotations_with_tag_prefix(h_annotations, 'Title')[0].exact,
', '.join(make_interpretation_element(h_annotations, 'Subject')),
', '.join(make_interpretation_element(h_annotations, 'Keytheme')),
', '.join(make_interpretation_element(h_annotations, 'Keylit')),
'<ul><li>' + '</li><li>'.join(make_interpretation_element(h_annotations, 'Item')) + '</li></ul>' )
return html
def subfindings_from_h_annotation(h_annotation):
body = re.sub('\n*<.+>\n*', '', h_annotation.text)
rows = []
chunks = body.split('\n\n')
for chunk in chunks:
fields = chunk.split('\n')
fields = [re.sub('\w+:\s+','',field) for field in fields]
rows.append('<tr><td>' + '</td><td>'.join(fields) + '</td></tr>')
return rows
def make_table(h_annotations):
rows = []
raw_findings = select_annotations_with_tag_prefix(h_annotations, 'Item')
for raw_finding in raw_findings:
rows += subfindings_from_h_annotation(raw_finding)
html = '<table>'
headers = ['Observation','Resonances','Crossref','Problems'] #these are headings you'd use in your actual annotation. change as appropriate
html += '<tr><th>' + '</th><th>'.join(headers) + '</th></tr>'
html += '\n'.join(rows)
html += '</table>'
return html
html = """
table, td, th { border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid black }
td { padding: 6px }
th { padding: 6px; background-color: lightgrey}
## Reading report
for [%s](%s)
### Summary
### Tabular Representation
""" % ( canonical_url, canonical_url, make_abstract(h_annotations), make_table(h_annotations) )
savefileas = raw_input("save the report as?")
f = open(savefileas+'.md','w')
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switched things up so that it writes as .md

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also, it now asks you for the URL so you don't have to change that line up yourself. Think this works.

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judell commented May 5, 2016

Well done!

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Author also asks you for an output file name, which'll be saved as .md

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@judell thanks!

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...added the styling back into the table.

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