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Created January 17, 2022 17:49
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script to generate a table of metadata concerning theses in CURVE repository; curve is changing soon so this will become dated
base_url <- ""
theses = data.frame()
# there are 316 theses as of jan 17 2022 in the CURVE repository, so 15 pages
for(page_result in seq(from =0, to = 15, by = 1)){
link = paste("", page_result, sep='')
page = read_html(link)
title = page %>% html_nodes("h2.field-content") %>% html_text()
thesis_link = page %>% html_nodes("h2:nth-child(1) > a:nth-child(1)") %>% html_attr("href")
author = page %>% html_nodes("div.views-field-dcterms-creator-1") %>% html_text()
degree = page %>% html_nodes("div.views-field-thesis-degree-name") %>% html_text()
year = page %>% html_nodes("div.views-field-views-conditional-3") %>% html_text()
theses = rbind(theses, data.frame(title, author, year, degree, thesis_url = paste(base_url,thesis_link, sep=""), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
print(paste("Page:", page_result))
theses <- theses %>%
mutate_at("author", str_replace, " Creator: ", "") %>%
mutate_at("degree", str_replace, " Degree Name: ", "") %>%
mutate_at("year", str_replace, " Date: ", "")
write.csv(theses, "history_theses.csv")
## part two, get the abstracts & pdf file links
get_thesis_abstract <- function(url) {
if (!nchar(url)) return(NA_character_)
page <- url %>%
## try to read channel
abstract <- page %>%
html_nodes(xpath = '/html/body/div[2]/div/div[4]/div/div/div/div[2]/div/section/div/div/article/div/div/div/section[3]/div/div/p') %>%
if (!length(abstract)) {
abstract <- "null"
ifelse(length(abstract), abstract, NA_character_)
get_thesis_pdf <- function(url) {
if (!nchar(url)) return(NA_character_)
page <- url %>%
## try to read channel
t_pdf <- page %>%
html_nodes(xpath = '/html/body/div[2]/div/div[4]/div/div/div/div[2]/div/section/div/div/article/div/div/div/div/div/div/a') %>%
if (!length(t_pdf)) {
t_pdf <- "null"
ifelse(length(t_pdf), t_pdf, NA_character_)
get_thesis_subject <- function(url) {
if (!nchar(url)) return(NA_character_)
page <- url %>%
## try to read channel
t_subject <- page %>%
html_nodes(xpath = '/html/body/div[2]/div/div[4]/div/div/div/div[2]/div/section/div/div/article/div/div/div/section[4]/div') %>%
if (!length(t_subject)) {
t_subject <- "null"
ifelse(length(t_subject), t_subject, NA_character_)
thesis_abstract = purrr::map_chr(as.character(theses$thesis_url), get_thesis_abstract)
thesis_pdf = purrr::map_chr(as.character(theses$thesis_url), get_thesis_pdf)
thesis_subject = purrr::map_chr(as.character(theses$thesis_url), get_thesis_subject)
thesis_subject <- gsub("([a-z])([A-Z])", "\\1; \\2", thesis_subject)
theses <- cbind(theses,thesis_abstract)
theses <- cbind(theses,thesis_pdf)
theses <- cbind(theses, thesis_subject)
# part three, write to csv!
write.csv(theses, "history_theses.csv")
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