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Created November 20, 2023 16:28
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Generated through discussion with a gpt trained on several volumes of material related to the logic of harris matrices, this file represents the gpt's best attempt at representing the conventions of a harris matrix via mermaid.js . There is no text-based specification explicitly for harris matrices, to my knowledge, so this is a kind of band-aid…
# Stratigraphic Representation with Mermaid.js: A Guide to Conventions
This document outlines a set of conventions for representing complex stratigraphic sequences using Mermaid.js diagram syntax. The aim is to provide a standardized approach to visualize archaeological stratigraphy in a clear and comprehensible manner.
## 1. Superposition
- **Chronological Superposition**: Use vertical arrows to represent the layering of strata over time.
graph TD;
## 2. Contemporaneity
- **Contemporaneous Layers**: Place nodes at the same horizontal level with bidirectional arrows to indicate simultaneous existence.
graph TD;
## 3. Cuts and Fills
- **Cuts**: Dashed arrows indicate cuts into layers.
- **Fills**: Solid arrows represent the material used to fill cuts.
graph TD;
A -->|Cut| B;
B -.->|Fill| C;
## 4. Interruptions and Hiatuses
- **Gaps in Deposition**: Dotted lines with "Hiatus" note indicate a temporal gap between layers.
graph TD;
A -. "Hiatus" .- B;
## 5. Re-depositions
- **Material Movement**: Show removal from one layer and deposition in another.
graph TD;
A -->|Removed| B;
B -->|Deposited| C;
## 6. Complex Features
- **Features like walls, pits**: Use subgraphs and annotations to group related features.
graph TD;
subgraph "Pit with Fills"
Pit1 -.-> Fill1;
Pit1 -.-> Fill2;
A --> Pit1;
## 7. Uncertainties
- **Uncertain Stratigraphic Position**: A line pointing to a range with "Uncertain" annotation.
graph TD;
A -. "Uncertain" .-|Layer B to D| B;
## 8. Overlap and Interdigitation
- **Overlapping Layers**: Converging lines with "Overlaps" annotation.
graph TD;
A --> C;
B -. "Overlaps" .-> C;
## 9. Distinctive Events
- **Events like floods, earthquakes**: Use specific colors or styles for affected layers.
graph TD;
style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;
A --> B;
## 10. Annotations
- **Additional Context**: Text annotations provide context or explanations adjacent to the relevant nodes.
graph TD;
A --> B;
B --> C;
C --> D;
D --> E;
note right of E "Note: Layer E represents the 1900s flood event";
## Legend
- Solid Arrow (\`-->\`): Direct stratigraphic sequence.
- Dashed Arrow (\`-.->\`): Cut into a layer.
- Dotted Line (\`-.-\`): Hiatus or gap in the sequence.
- Bidirectional Arrow (\`---\`): Contemporaneous layers.
- Colored Node (\`style A fill:#f9f\`): Event-specific layer.
Ensure to maintain consistency with these conventions throughout your diagrams for clarity. The legend should be included with any diagrams using these conventions to aid interpretation.
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