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Created July 22, 2023 10:00
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# @version 0.3.7
@title yETH bootstrap
@author 0xkorin, Yearn Finance
@license Copyright (c) Yearn Finance, 2023 - all rights reserved
Implements the bootstrap phase as outlined in YIP-72, summarized:
Contract defines multiple periods
- Whitelist period: LSD protocols apply to be whitelisted by depositing 1 ETH
- Deposit period: anyone can deposit ETH, which mints st-yETH 1:1 locked into the contract
- Incentive period: anyone is able to incentivize voting for a whitelisted protocol by depositing tokens
- Vote period: depositors are able to vote on their preferred whitelisted protocol
After the vote period up to 5 protocols are declared as winner.
Incentives for winning protocols will be distributed over all voters according to their overall vote weight,
regardless whether they voted for that specific protocol or not.
Protocols that do not win will have their incentives refunded.
10% of deposited ETH is sent to the POL.
90% of deposited ETH is used to buy LSDs and deposit into the newly deployed yETH pool.
The minted yETH is used to pay off 90% of the debt in the bootstrap contract.
Depositor's st-yETH become withdrawable after a specific time.
from vyper.interfaces import ERC20
interface Token:
def mint(_account: address, _amount: uint256): nonpayable
def burn(_account: address, _amount: uint256): nonpayable
interface Staking:
def deposit(_assets: uint256) -> uint256: nonpayable
token: public(immutable(address))
staking: public(immutable(address))
treasury: public(immutable(address))
pol: public(immutable(address))
management: public(address)
pending_management: public(address)
repay_allowed: public(HashMap[address, bool])
applications: HashMap[address, uint256]
debt: public(uint256)
deposited: public(uint256)
deposits: public(HashMap[address, uint256]) # user => amount deposited
incentives: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]]) # protocol => incentive => amount
incentive_depositors: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]]]) # protocol => incentive => depositor => amount
voted: public(uint256)
votes_used: public(HashMap[address, uint256]) # user => votes used
votes_used_protocol: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]]) # user => protocol => votes
votes: public(HashMap[address, uint256]) # protocol => votes
winners_list: public(DynArray[address, MAX_WINNERS])
winners: public(HashMap[address, bool]) # protocol => winner?
incentive_claimed: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, HashMap[address, bool]]]) # winner => incentive => user => claimed?
whitelist_begin: public(uint256)
whitelist_end: public(uint256)
incentive_begin: public(uint256)
incentive_end: public(uint256)
deposit_begin: public(uint256)
deposit_end: public(uint256)
vote_begin: public(uint256)
vote_end: public(uint256)
lock_end: public(uint256)
event Apply:
protocol: indexed(address)
event Whitelist:
protocol: indexed(address)
event Incentivize:
protocol: indexed(address)
incentive: indexed(address)
depositor: indexed(address)
amount: uint256
event Deposit:
depositor: indexed(address)
receiver: indexed(address)
amount: uint256
event Shadow:
depositor: indexed(address)
receiver: indexed(address)
amount: uint256
wenMoon: uint256
blockNumber: uint256
event Claim:
claimer: indexed(address)
receiver: indexed(address)
amount: uint256
event Vote:
voter: indexed(address)
protocol: indexed(address)
amount: uint256
event Repay:
payer: indexed(address)
amount: uint256
event Split:
amount: uint256
event ClaimIncentive:
protocol: indexed(address)
incentive: indexed(address)
claimer: indexed(address)
amount: uint256
event RefundIncentive:
protocol: indexed(address)
incentive: indexed(address)
depositor: indexed(address)
amount: uint256
event SetPeriod:
period: indexed(uint256)
begin: uint256
end: uint256
event Winners:
winners: DynArray[address, MAX_WINNERS]
event PendingManagement:
management: indexed(address)
event SetManagement:
management: indexed(address)
NOTHING: constant(uint256) = 0
APPLIED: constant(uint256) = 1
WHITELISTED: constant(uint256) = 2
MAX_WINNERS: constant(uint256) = 5
def __init__(_token: address, _staking: address, _treasury: address, _pol: address):
@notice Constructor
@param _token yETH token address
@param _staking st-yETH token address
@param _treasury Treasury address
@param _pol POL address
token = _token
staking = _staking
treasury = _treasury
pol = _pol = msg.sender
assert ERC20(token).approve(_staking, max_value(uint256), default_return_value=True)
def __default__():
@notice Send ETH in exchange for 1:1 locked st-yETH
def apply(_protocol: address):
As a LSD protocol apply to be whitelisted for potential inclusion into the yETH pool.
Requires an application fee of 1 ETH to be sent along with the call
@param _protocol The LSD protocol token address
assert msg.value == 1_000_000_000_000_000_000 # dev: application fee
assert block.timestamp >= self.whitelist_begin and block.timestamp < self.whitelist_end # dev: outside application period
assert self.applications[_protocol] == NOTHING # dev: already applied
self.applications[_protocol] = APPLIED
log Apply(_protocol)
def incentivize(_protocol: address, _incentive: address, _amount: uint256):
Incentivize depositors to vote on a specific protocol.
Deposited incentives are refunded if the protocol does not receive sufficient votes to be included in the yETH pool
@param _protocol The LSD protocol address
@param _incentive The incentive token address
@param _amount The amount of tokens to deposit as incentive
assert _amount > 0
assert block.timestamp >= self.incentive_begin and block.timestamp < self.incentive_end # dev: outside incentive period
assert self.applications[_protocol] == WHITELISTED # dev: not whitelisted
self.incentives[_protocol][_incentive] += _amount
self.incentive_depositors[_protocol][_incentive][msg.sender] += _amount
assert ERC20(_incentive).transferFrom(msg.sender, self, _amount, default_return_value=True)
log Incentivize(_protocol, _incentive, msg.sender, _amount)
def deposit(_account: address = msg.sender):
@notice Deposit ETH in exchange for 1:1 locked st-yETH
@param _account Deposit on behalf of this account
def _deposit(_account: address):
@notice Deposit ETH in exchange for 1:1 locked st-yETH
@param _account Deposit on behalf of this account
assert msg.value > 0
assert block.timestamp >= self.deposit_begin and block.timestamp < self.deposit_end # dev: outside deposit period
assert self.lock_end > 0
self.debt += msg.value
self.deposited += msg.value
self.deposits[_account] += msg.value
Token(token).mint(self, msg.value)
log Deposit(msg.sender, _account, msg.value)
log Shadow(msg.sender, _account, msg.value, block.timestamp, block.number)
def claim(_amount: uint256, _receiver: address = msg.sender):
@notice Claim st-yETH once the lock has expired
@param _amount Amount of tokens to claim
@param _receiver Account to transfer the tokens to
assert _amount > 0
assert block.timestamp >= self.lock_end
self.deposited -= _amount
self.deposits[msg.sender] -= _amount
assert ERC20(staking).transfer(_receiver, _amount, default_return_value=True)
log Claim(msg.sender, _receiver, _amount)
def votes_available(_account: address) -> uint256:
@notice Get the amount of available votes for a specific account
@param _account The account to query for
@return Amount of available votes
if block.timestamp < self.vote_begin or block.timestamp >= self.vote_end:
return 0
return self.deposits[_account] - self.votes_used[_account]
def vote(_protocols: DynArray[address, 32], _votes: DynArray[uint256, 32]):
@notice Vote for whitelisted protocols to be included into the pool
@param _protocols Protocols to vote for
@param _votes Amount of votes to allocate for each protocol
assert len(_protocols) == len(_votes)
assert block.timestamp >= self.vote_begin and block.timestamp < self.vote_end # dev: outside vote period
used: uint256 = 0
for i in range(32):
if i == len(_protocols):
protocol: address = _protocols[i]
votes: uint256 = _votes[i]
assert self.applications[protocol] == WHITELISTED # dev: protocol not whitelisted
used += votes
self.votes[protocol] += votes
self.votes_used_protocol[msg.sender][protocol] += votes
log Vote(msg.sender, protocol, votes)
self.voted += used
used += self.votes_used[msg.sender]
assert used <= self.deposits[msg.sender] # dev: too many votes
self.votes_used[msg.sender] = used
def undo_vote(_protocol: address, _account: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:
@notice Undo vote for a protocol that had their whitelist retracted
@param _protocol Protocol to undo votes for
@param _account Account to undo votes for
@return Amount of freed up votes
assert block.timestamp >= self.vote_begin and block.timestamp < self.vote_end # dev: outside vote period
assert self.applications[_protocol] != WHITELISTED
assert _account == msg.sender or msg.sender ==
votes: uint256 = self.votes_used_protocol[_account][_protocol]
assert votes > 0
self.voted -= votes
self.votes[_protocol] -= votes
self.votes_used[_account] -= votes
self.votes_used_protocol[_account][_protocol] = 0
return votes
def repay(_amount: uint256):
@notice Repay yETH debt by burning it
@param _amount Amount of debt to repay
@dev Requires prior permission by management
assert self.repay_allowed[msg.sender]
self.debt -= _amount
assert ERC20(token).transferFrom(msg.sender, self, _amount, default_return_value=True)
Token(token).burn(self, _amount)
log Repay(msg.sender, _amount)
def split():
@notice Split deposited ETH 9:1 between treasury and POL
assert msg.sender == or msg.sender == treasury
amount: uint256 = self.balance
assert amount > 0
log Split(amount)
raw_call(pol, b"", value=amount/10)
amount -= amount/10
raw_call(treasury, b"", value=amount)
def claimable_incentive(_protocol: address, _incentive: address, _claimer: address) -> uint256:
@notice Get the amount of claimable incentives
@param _protocol Address of the LSD protocol to claim incentives for
@param _incentive Incentive token to claim
@param _claimer Account to query for
@return Amount of claimable incentive tokens
if not[_protocol] or self.incentive_claimed[_protocol][_incentive][_claimer]:
return 0
return self.incentives[_protocol][_incentive] * self.votes_used[_claimer] / self.voted
def claim_incentive(_protocol: address, _incentive: address, _claimer: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:
@notice Claim a specific incentive
@param _protocol Address of the LSD protocol to claim incentives for
@param _incentive Incentive token to claim
@param _claimer Account to claim for
@return Amount of incentive tokens claimed
assert[_protocol] # dev: protocol is not winner
assert not self.incentive_claimed[_protocol][_incentive][_claimer] # dev: incentive already claimed
incentive: uint256 = self.incentives[_protocol][_incentive] * self.votes_used[_claimer] / self.voted
assert incentive > 0 # dev: nothing to claim
self.incentive_claimed[_protocol][_incentive][_claimer] = True
assert ERC20(_incentive).transfer(_claimer, incentive, default_return_value=True)
log ClaimIncentive(_protocol, _incentive, _claimer, incentive)
return incentive
def refund_incentive(_protocol: address, _incentive: address, _depositor: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:
@notice Refund incentive for protocols that did not win
@param _protocol Address of the LSD protocol to refund incentives for
@param _incentive Incentive token to refund
@param _depositor Account that deposited the incentive
@return Amount of incentive tokens refunded
assert len(self.winners_list) > 0 # dev: no winners declared
assert not[_protocol] # dev: protocol is winner
amount: uint256 = self.incentive_depositors[_protocol][_incentive][_depositor]
assert amount > 0 # dev: nothing to refund
self.incentive_depositors[_protocol][_incentive][_depositor] = 0
assert ERC20(_incentive).transfer(_depositor, amount, default_return_value=True)
log RefundIncentive(_protocol, _incentive, _depositor, amount)
return amount
def has_applied(_protocol: address) -> bool:
@notice Check whether the LSD protocol has applied to be whitelisted
@param _protocol Address of the LSD protocol to query for
@return True if the protocol has applied, False if it has not yet applied
return self.applications[_protocol] > NOTHING
def is_whitelisted(_protocol: address) -> bool:
@notice Check whether the LSD protocol is whitelisted
@param _protocol Address of the LSD protocol to query for
@return True if the protocol is whitelisted, False if it has not been whitelisted
return self.applications[_protocol] == WHITELISTED
def num_winners() -> uint256:
@notice Get the number of declared winners
@return Number of declared winners
return len(self.winners_list)
def set_whitelist_period(_begin: uint256, _end: uint256):
@notice Set the period during which protocols can apply to be whitelisted
@param _begin Timestamp of the beginning of the period
@param _end Timestamp of the end of the period
assert msg.sender ==
assert _end > _begin
self.whitelist_begin = _begin
self.whitelist_end = _end
log SetPeriod(0, _begin, _end)
def set_incentive_period(_begin: uint256, _end: uint256):
@notice Set the period during which incentives can be deposited
@dev Not allowed to start before the whitelist period
@param _begin Timestamp of the beginning of the period
@param _end Timestamp of the end of the period
assert msg.sender ==
assert _begin >= self.whitelist_begin
assert _end > _begin
self.incentive_begin = _begin
self.incentive_end = _end
log SetPeriod(1, _begin, _end)
def set_deposit_period(_begin: uint256, _end: uint256):
@notice Set the period during which users can deposit ETH for st-yETH
@dev Not allowed to start before the whitelist period
@param _begin Timestamp of the beginning of the period
@param _end Timestamp of the end of the period
assert msg.sender ==
assert _begin >= self.whitelist_begin
assert _end > _begin
self.deposit_begin = _begin
self.deposit_end = _end
log SetPeriod(2, _begin, _end)
def set_vote_period(_begin: uint256, _end: uint256):
@notice Set the period during which depositors can vote for protocols
@dev Not allowed to start before the deposit period
@param _begin Timestamp of the beginning of the period
@param _end Timestamp of the end of the period
assert msg.sender ==
assert _begin >= self.deposit_begin
assert _end > _begin
assert _end <= self.lock_end
self.vote_begin = _begin
self.vote_end = _end
log SetPeriod(3, _begin, _end)
def set_lock_end(_end: uint256):
@notice Set the time the st-yETH lock ends
@dev Not allowed to be before the end of the vote period
@param _end Timestamp of the end of the lock
assert msg.sender ==
assert _end >= self.vote_end
self.lock_end = _end
log SetPeriod(4, 0, _end)
def whitelist(_protocol: address):
@notice Whitelist a protocol
@param _protocol Address of the LSD protocol
assert msg.sender ==
assert self.applications[_protocol] == APPLIED # dev: has not applied
self.applications[_protocol] = WHITELISTED
log Whitelist(_protocol)
def undo_whitelist(_protocol: address):
@notice Undo a protocol whitelist. Should only be used in emergencies
@param _protocol Address of the LSD protocol
assert msg.sender ==
assert self.applications[_protocol] == WHITELISTED # dev: not whitelisted
self.applications[_protocol] = APPLIED
def declare_winners(_winners: DynArray[address, MAX_WINNERS]):
@notice Declare the winners of the vote
@param _winners Addresses of the LSD protocols
assert msg.sender ==
assert block.timestamp >= self.incentive_end
assert block.timestamp >= self.deposit_end
assert block.timestamp >= self.vote_end
assert len(self.winners_list) == 0
for winner in _winners:
assert self.applications[winner] == WHITELISTED
assert not[winner]
self.winners_list.append(winner)[winner] = True
log Winners(_winners)
def allow_repay(_account: address, _allow: bool):
@notice Allow specific account to repay debt
@param _account Account to set permission for
@param _allow Flag whether to allow repayment or not
assert msg.sender ==
self.repay_allowed[_account] = _allow
def set_management(_management: address):
Set the pending management address.
Needs to be accepted by that account separately to transfer management over
@param _management New pending management address
assert msg.sender ==
self.pending_management = _management
log PendingManagement(_management)
def accept_management():
Accept management role.
Can only be called by account previously marked as pending management by current management
assert msg.sender == self.pending_management
self.pending_management = empty(address) = msg.sender
log SetManagement(msg.sender)
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