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Created November 12, 2015 23:02
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Knight D3 MOOC — module 2
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Violent crimes in Massachusetts municipalities</title>
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<h2>Violent crime rates in Massachusetts</h2>
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// Load data, then stack it
d3.csv("mass_violent_crime.csv", function(crime){
// Transpose the data into layers by operating system
var categories = d3.layout.stack()(["murderManslaughterRate", "rapeRate", "robberyRate", "assaultRate"]
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return {x:, y: +d[category]};
// compute the x-domain (by # of cities) and y-domain (by max height for a given city)
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city population violentCrimeRate murderManslaughterRate rapeRate robberyRate assaultRate
Boston 630648 835 9 39.5 302.9 483.6
Brookline 59658 137.5 0 6.7 52 78.8
Cambridge 106981 402.9 0.9 18.7 126.2 257.1
Lynn 91846 820.9 2.2 52.3 185.1 581.4
Malden 60605 462 1.7 31.4 123.8 305.3
Newton 86710 87.6 0 5.8 19.6 62.3
Quincy 93736 427.8 0 33.1 89.6 305.1
Somerville 77200 348.4 0 29.8 106.2 212.4
Worcester 183247 959.4 4.4 18 228.7 708.3
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