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Last active October 23, 2019 16:34
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/// A runtime module that interprets a sipmlified pi calculus
use support::{decl_module, decl_storage, decl_event, StorageMap, dispatch::Result, ensure};
use system::ensure_signed;
use rstd::boxed::Box;
use codec::{ Encode, Decode };
use sr_primitives::traits::Hash;
/// All the types of processes in our calculus
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode, Debug)]
pub enum Proc {
Receive(Channel, Box<Proc>),
// Need a default process because the sends and receives maps need
// to return a value when queried at non existant ids
impl Default for Proc {
fn default() -> Self {
// Process ids to be commed together
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode, Debug)]
pub struct Comm<Hash> {
send: Hash,
receive: Hash,
type Channel = u32;
/// The module's configuration trait.
pub trait Trait: system::Trait {
// Idea: Maybe make the module parametric in the process type
/// The overarching event type.
type Event: From<Event<Self>> + Into<<Self as system::Trait>::Event>;
// The tuplespace
decl_storage! {
trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as PCalc {
// How many sends are stored in the tuplespace
Sends get(sends): map T::Hash => Proc;
// How many receives are stored in the tuplespace
Receives get(receives): map T::Hash => Proc;
decl_module! {
/// The module declaration.
pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where
origin: T::Origin
// Initializing events
// this is needed only if you are using events in your module
fn deposit_event() = default;
// Deploy a term into the tuplespace
//TODO eventually we should choose IDs pseudorandomly not take them
// from the user
pub fn deploy(origin, id: T::Hash, term: Proc) -> Result {
// TODO: You only need this if you want to check it was signed.
let deployer = ensure_signed(origin)?;
Self::par_in(&term, id);
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Deployed(id, term));
pub fn comm(origin, c: Comm<T::Hash>) -> Result {
// Ensure the transaction was signed. (Might not be necessary)
let _ = ensure_signed(origin)?;
let send_id = c.send;
let receive_id = c.receive;
// Ensure the specified send exists
ensure!(Sends::<T>::exists(send_id), "No such send in the tuplespace to be commed");
// Ensure the specified receive exists
ensure!(Receives::<T>::exists(receive_id), "No such receive in the tuplespace to be commed");
// Ensure they are on the same channel
if let (Proc::Send(send_chan), Proc::Receive(receive_chan, continuation)) = (Sends::<T>::get(send_id), Receives::<T>::get(receive_id)) {
ensure!(send_chan == receive_chan, "Send and receive must be on same channel");
// Re-deploy the continuation
let new_id = <T as system::Trait>::Hashing::hash_of(&c);
Self::par_in(&continuation, new_id);
// Consume both
// Emit the event
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Comm(send_id, receive_id));
impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
/// Pars the given term into the tuplespace at the given id
fn par_in(term: &Proc, id: T::Hash) {
match term {
Proc::Send(_) => Sends::<T>::insert(id, term),
Proc::Receive(_, _) => Receives::<T>::insert(id, term),
Proc::Nil => (),
// Recursive calls like par and new will go here.
// When we have pars, we'll increment the id for each child.
pub enum Event<T> where ProcId = <T as system::Trait>::Hash {
//TODO Why did I have to re-declare ProcId here?
Deployed(ProcId, Proc),
// Send then Receive
Comm(ProcId, ProcId),
// cargo test -p pcalc-runtime
/// tests for this module
mod tests {
use super::*;
use runtime_io::with_externalities;
use primitives::{H256, Blake2Hasher};
use support::{impl_outer_origin, assert_ok, assert_noop};
use runtime_primitives::{
traits::{BlakeTwo256, IdentityLookup},
testing::{Digest, DigestItem, Header}
impl_outer_origin! {
pub enum Origin for Test {}
// For testing the module, we construct most of a mock runtime. This means
// first constructing a configuration type (`Test`) which `impl`s each of the
// configuration traits of modules we want to use.
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Test;
impl system::Trait for Test {
type Origin = Origin;
type Index = u64;
type BlockNumber = u64;
type Hash = H256;
type Hashing = BlakeTwo256;
type Digest = Digest;
type AccountId = u64;
type Lookup = IdentityLookup<Self::AccountId>;
type Header = Header;
type Event = ();
type Log = DigestItem;
impl Trait for Test {
type Event = ();
type ProcessCalc = Module<Test>;
// This function basically just builds a genesis storage key/value store according to
// our desired mockup.
fn new_test_ext() -> runtime_io::TestExternalities<Blake2Hasher> {
fn deploying_a_send_works() {
with_externalities(&mut new_test_ext(), || {
// Deploy a single send by user 1 with id 1 over channel 1
assert_ok!(ProcessCalc::deploy(Origin::signed(1), 1, Proc::Send(1)));
// Assert that the send is in the tuplespace
assert_eq!(<Sends<Test>>::get(1), Proc::Send(1));
fn deploying_a_receive_works() {
with_externalities(&mut new_test_ext(), || {
// Deploy a single receive by user 1 with id 1 over channel 1
assert_ok!(ProcessCalc::deploy(Origin::signed(1), 1, Proc::Receive(1, Box::new(Proc::Nil))));
// Assert that the receive is in the tuplespace
assert_eq!(<Receives<Test>>::get(1), Proc::Receive(1, Box::new(Proc::Nil)));
fn comm_over_same_channel_works() {
with_externalities(&mut new_test_ext(), || {
// Deploy send (id 1) and receive (id 2)
assert_ok!(ProcessCalc::deploy(Origin::signed(1), 1, Proc::Send(1)));
assert_ok!(ProcessCalc::deploy(Origin::signed(1), 2, Proc::Receive(1, Box::new(Proc::Nil))));
// Run the comm event
assert_ok!(ProcessCalc::comm(Origin::signed(1), 1, 2));
// Assert both were consumed
fn comm_over_different_channels_fails() {
with_externalities(&mut new_test_ext(), || {
// Deploy send (chan 1) and receive (chan 2)
assert_ok!(ProcessCalc::deploy(Origin::signed(1), 1, Proc::Send(1)));
assert_ok!(ProcessCalc::deploy(Origin::signed(1), 2, Proc::Receive(2, Box::new(Proc::Nil))));
// Assert that the comm event fails
assert_noop!(ProcessCalc::comm(Origin::signed(1), 1, 2), "Send and receive must be on same channel");
// Assert neither were consumed
fn comm_with_missing_receive_fails() {
with_externalities(&mut new_test_ext(), || {
// Deploy send (id 1) but no receive
assert_ok!(ProcessCalc::deploy(Origin::signed(1), 1, Proc::Send(1)));
// Assert that the comm event fails
assert_noop!(ProcessCalc::comm(Origin::signed(1), 1, 2), "No such receive in the tuplespace to be commed");
// Assert send not consumed
fn comm_with_missing_send_fails() {
with_externalities(&mut new_test_ext(), || {
// Deploy receive (id 2) but no send
assert_ok!(ProcessCalc::deploy(Origin::signed(1), 2, Proc::Receive(2, Box::new(Proc::Nil))));
// Assert that the comm event fails
assert_noop!(ProcessCalc::comm(Origin::signed(1), 1, 2), "No such send in the tuplespace to be commed");
// Assert receive not consumed
/// A runtime module that interprets a sipmlified pi calculus
use support::{decl_module, decl_storage, decl_event, StorageMap, dispatch::Result, ensure};
use system::ensure_signed;
use rstd::boxed::Box;
use codec::{ Encode, Decode };
use sr_primitives::traits::Hash;
/// All the types of processes in our calculus
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode, Debug)]
pub enum Proc {
Receive(Channel, Box<Proc>),
// Need a default process because the sends and receives maps need
// to return a value when queried at non existant ids
impl Default for Proc {
fn default() -> Self {
// Process ids to be commed together
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode, Debug)]
pub struct Comm<Hash> {
send: Hash,
receive: Hash,
type ProcId<T> = <T as system::Trait>::Hash;
type Channel = u32;
/// The module's configuration trait.
pub trait Trait: system::Trait {
// Idea: Maybe make the module parametric in the process type
/// The overarching event type.
type Event: From<Event<Self>> + Into<<Self as system::Trait>::Event>;
// The tuplespace
decl_storage! {
trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as PCalc {
// How many sends are stored in the tuplespace
Sends get(sends): map ProcId<T> => Proc;
// How many receives are stored in the tuplespace
Receives get(receives): map ProcId<T> => Proc;
decl_module! {
/// The module declaration.
pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where
origin: T::Origin
// Initializing events
// this is needed only if you are using events in your module
fn deposit_event() = default;
// Deploy a term into the tuplespace
//TODO eventually we should choose IDs pseudorandomly not take them
// from the user
pub fn deploy(origin, id: ProcId<T>, term: Proc) -> Result {
// TODO: You only need this if you want to check it was signed.
let deployer = ensure_signed(origin)?;
Self::par_in(&term, id);
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Deployed(id, term));
pub fn comm(origin, c: Comm<ProcId<T>>) -> Result {
// Ensure the transaction was signed. (Might not be necessary)
let _ = ensure_signed(origin)?;
let send_id = c.send;
let receive_id = c.receive;
// Ensure the specified send exists
ensure!(Sends::<T>::exists(send_id), "No such send in the tuplespace to be commed");
// Ensure the specified receive exists
ensure!(Receives::<T>::exists(receive_id), "No such receive in the tuplespace to be commed");
// Ensure they are on the same channel
if let (Proc::Send(send_chan), Proc::Receive(receive_chan, continuation)) = (Sends::<T>::get(send_id), Receives::<T>::get(receive_id)) {
ensure!(send_chan == receive_chan, "Send and receive must be on same channel");
// Re-deploy the continuation
let new_id = <T as system::Trait>::Hashing::hash_of(&c);
Self::par_in(&continuation, new_id);
// Consume both
// Emit the event
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Comm(send_id, receive_id));
impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
/// Pars the given term into the tuplespace at the given id
fn par_in(term: &Proc, id: ProcId<T>) {
match term {
Proc::Send(_) => Sends::<T>::insert(id, term),
Proc::Receive(_, _) => Receives::<T>::insert(id, term),
Proc::Nil => (),
// Recursive calls like par and new will go here.
// When we have pars, we'll increment the id for each child.
pub enum Event<T> where ProcId = <T as system::Trait>::Hash {
//TODO Why did I have to re-declare ProcId here?
Deployed(ProcId, Proc),
// Send then Receive
Comm(ProcId, ProcId),
// cargo test -p pcalc-runtime
/// tests for this module
mod tests {
use super::*;
use runtime_io::with_externalities;
use primitives::{H256, Blake2Hasher};
use support::{impl_outer_origin, assert_ok, assert_noop};
use runtime_primitives::{
traits::{BlakeTwo256, IdentityLookup},
testing::{Digest, DigestItem, Header}
impl_outer_origin! {
pub enum Origin for Test {}
// For testing the module, we construct most of a mock runtime. This means
// first constructing a configuration type (`Test`) which `impl`s each of the
// configuration traits of modules we want to use.
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Test;
impl system::Trait for Test {
type Origin = Origin;
type Index = u64;
type BlockNumber = u64;
type Hash = H256;
type Hashing = BlakeTwo256;
type Digest = Digest;
type AccountId = u64;
type Lookup = IdentityLookup<Self::AccountId>;
type Header = Header;
type Event = ();
type Log = DigestItem;
impl Trait for Test {
type Event = ();
type ProcessCalc = Module<Test>;
// This function basically just builds a genesis storage key/value store according to
// our desired mockup.
fn new_test_ext() -> runtime_io::TestExternalities<Blake2Hasher> {
fn deploying_a_send_works() {
with_externalities(&mut new_test_ext(), || {
// Deploy a single send by user 1 with id 1 over channel 1
assert_ok!(ProcessCalc::deploy(Origin::signed(1), 1, Proc::Send(1)));
// Assert that the send is in the tuplespace
assert_eq!(<Sends<Test>>::get(1), Proc::Send(1));
fn deploying_a_receive_works() {
with_externalities(&mut new_test_ext(), || {
// Deploy a single receive by user 1 with id 1 over channel 1
assert_ok!(ProcessCalc::deploy(Origin::signed(1), 1, Proc::Receive(1, Box::new(Proc::Nil))));
// Assert that the receive is in the tuplespace
assert_eq!(<Receives<Test>>::get(1), Proc::Receive(1, Box::new(Proc::Nil)));
fn comm_over_same_channel_works() {
with_externalities(&mut new_test_ext(), || {
// Deploy send (id 1) and receive (id 2)
assert_ok!(ProcessCalc::deploy(Origin::signed(1), 1, Proc::Send(1)));
assert_ok!(ProcessCalc::deploy(Origin::signed(1), 2, Proc::Receive(1, Box::new(Proc::Nil))));
// Run the comm event
assert_ok!(ProcessCalc::comm(Origin::signed(1), 1, 2));
// Assert both were consumed
fn comm_over_different_channels_fails() {
with_externalities(&mut new_test_ext(), || {
// Deploy send (chan 1) and receive (chan 2)
assert_ok!(ProcessCalc::deploy(Origin::signed(1), 1, Proc::Send(1)));
assert_ok!(ProcessCalc::deploy(Origin::signed(1), 2, Proc::Receive(2, Box::new(Proc::Nil))));
// Assert that the comm event fails
assert_noop!(ProcessCalc::comm(Origin::signed(1), 1, 2), "Send and receive must be on same channel");
// Assert neither were consumed
fn comm_with_missing_receive_fails() {
with_externalities(&mut new_test_ext(), || {
// Deploy send (id 1) but no receive
assert_ok!(ProcessCalc::deploy(Origin::signed(1), 1, Proc::Send(1)));
// Assert that the comm event fails
assert_noop!(ProcessCalc::comm(Origin::signed(1), 1, 2), "No such receive in the tuplespace to be commed");
// Assert send not consumed
fn comm_with_missing_send_fails() {
with_externalities(&mut new_test_ext(), || {
// Deploy receive (id 2) but no send
assert_ok!(ProcessCalc::deploy(Origin::signed(1), 2, Proc::Receive(2, Box::new(Proc::Nil))));
// Assert that the comm event fails
assert_noop!(ProcessCalc::comm(Origin::signed(1), 1, 2), "No such send in the tuplespace to be commed");
// Assert receive not consumed
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