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Last active April 18, 2018 15:26
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Adjusting ranges retrieved from an API (,, etc.) for use with NSAttributedString
// Swift 4.0.3
import Foundation
extension NSRange: SurrogatePairAdjustable {
func adjusted(for pairs: [String.SurrogatePair]) -> NSRange {
if pairs.isEmpty {
return self
var adjusted = self
for pair in pairs {
if pair.index <= NSMaxRange(adjusted) {
if pair.index < adjusted.location {
adjusted.location += pair.offset
} else {
adjusted.length += pair.offset
return adjusted
// Swift 4.0.3
extension String {
struct SurrogatePair {
var index: Int
var offset: IndexDistance
var surrogatePairs: [SurrogatePair] {
return surrogatePairs(upTo: endIndex)
func surrogatePairs(upTo end: Index) -> [SurrogatePair] {
if isEmpty || end <= startIndex {
return []
var pairs: [SurrogatePair] = []
var idx: Int = 0
for char in self[..<end] {
let offset = char.unicodeScalars.offsetToUTF16
if offset > 0 {
pairs.append(SurrogatePair(index: idx, offset: offset))
idx += 1
return pairs
extension String.SurrogatePair: Hashable {
var hashValue: Int {
return index.hashValue ^ offset.hashValue
static func ==(lhs: String.SurrogatePair, rhs: String.SurrogatePair) -> Bool {
return lhs.index == rhs.index && lhs.offset == rhs.offset
private extension Character.UnicodeScalarView {
var offsetToUTF16: IndexDistance {
return reduce(into: 0, { $0 += $1.utf16.count - 1 })
// Swift 4.0.3
/// A type which can be adjusted to accomidate SurrogatePairs.
protocol SurrogatePairAdjustable {
func adjusted(for pairs: [String.SurrogatePair]) -> Self
extension SurrogatePairAdjustable {
mutating func adjust(for pairs: [String.SurrogatePair]) {
self = adjusted(for: pairs)
extension Sequence where Iterator.Element: SurrogatePairAdjustable {
func adjusted(for pairs: [String.SurrogatePair]) -> [Iterator.Element] {
return map { $0.adjusted(for: pairs) }
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