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Created March 18, 2018 17:25
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List and OptimizedList, a sectioned Collection.
struct List<Element>: Sequence, Collection where Element: Hashable {
private var contents: [[Element]]
init(_ sections: [[Element]] = [[]]) {
contents = sections
// MARK: - Sequence
typealias Iterator = AnyIterator<Element>
func makeIterator() -> AnyIterator<Element> {
let end = endIndex
var idx = startIndex
return AnyIterator<Element> {
var element: Element?
if idx < end {
element = self[idx]
idx = self.index(after: idx)
return element
// MARK: - Collection
typealias Index = ListIndex
var startIndex: ListIndex {
return ListIndex(section: contents.startIndex, row: contents[contents.startIndex].startIndex)
var endIndex: ListIndex {
return ListIndex(section: contents.endIndex, row: 0)
func index(after i: ListIndex) -> ListIndex {
// |*********|--> This is my concern.
guard (i.row + 1) < contents[i.section].endIndex else {
return ListIndex(section: i.section + 1, row: 0)
return ListIndex(section: i.section, row: i.row + 1)
subscript(position: ListIndex) -> Element {
return contents[position.section][position.row]
struct ListIndex: Comparable, Hashable {
var section: Int
var row: Int
init(section: Int, row: Int) {
self.section = section
self.row = row
// MARK: Hashable
var hashValue: Int {
return section.hashValue ^ row.hashValue
// MARK: Equatable
static func ==(lhs: ListIndex, rhs: ListIndex) -> Bool {
return lhs.section == rhs.section && lhs.row == rhs.row
// MARK: Comparable
static func <(lhs: ListIndex, rhs: ListIndex) -> Bool {
if lhs.section == rhs.section {
return lhs.row < rhs.row
return lhs.section < rhs.section
struct OptimizedList<Element>: Sequence, BidirectionalCollection where Element: Hashable {
init() {
init<S: Sequence>(_ section: S) where S.Element == Element {
init(_ sections: [[Element]]) {
contents = sections
endIndices = sections.endListIndices()
private var contents: [[Element]] {
didSet {
endIndices = contents.endListIndices()
private var endIndices: Set<ListIndex>
// MARK: - Inserting
mutating func prepend<S: Sequence>(section newItems: S) where S.Element == Element {
insert(section: newItems, at: .start)
mutating func append<S: Sequence>(section newItems: S) where S.Element == Element {
insert(section: newItems, at: .end)
mutating func insert<S: Sequence>(section newItems: S, at section: Int) where S.Element == Element {
insert(section: newItems, at: .index(section))
mutating func prepend<S: Sequence>(items newItems: S, at section: Int) where S.Element == Element {
insert(items: newItems, into: section, at: .start)
mutating func append<S: Sequence>(items newItems: S, at section: Int) where S.Element == Element {
insert(items: newItems, into: section, at: .end)
mutating func insert<S: Sequence>(items newItems: S, at index: ListIndex) where S.Element == Element {
insert(items: newItems, into: index.section, at: .index(index.row))
// MARK: - Removing
mutating func remove(at section: Int) -> [Element] {
return contents.remove(at: section)
mutating func removeFirst(_ n: Int, from section: Int) {
mutating func removeFirst(from section: Int) -> Element {
return contents[section].removeFirst()
mutating func removeLast(_ n: Int, from section: Int) {
mutating func removeLast(from section: Int) -> Element {
return contents[section].removeLast()
// MARK: Sequence
typealias Iterator = AnyIterator<Element>
func makeIterator() -> AnyIterator<Element> {
let end = endIndex
var index = startIndex
return AnyIterator {
var element: Element?
if index < end {
element = self[index]
index = self.index(after: index)
return element
// MARK: Collection
typealias Index = ListIndex
var startIndex: ListIndex {
return ListIndex(section: contents.startIndex, row: contents[contents.startIndex].startIndex)
var endIndex: ListIndex {
return ListIndex(section: contents.endIndex, row: 0)
func index(after i: ListIndex) -> ListIndex {
var next = ListIndex(section: i.section, row: i.row + 1)
if endIndices.contains(next) {
next.section += 1
next.row = 0
return next
func index(before i: ListIndex) -> ListIndex {
var prev = ListIndex(section: i.section, row: i.row - 1)
if prev.row < 0 {
guard let endIndex = endIndices.first(where: { $0.section == (prev.section - 1) }) else {
fatalError("section (\(prev.section - 1)) out of bounds")
prev = endIndex
prev.row -= 1
return prev
subscript(position: ListIndex) -> Element {
return contents[position.section][position.row]
// MARK: - Private
/// Index location for new items
private enum Insert {
case start
case index(Int)
case end
private mutating func insert<S: Sequence>(section newItems: S, at location: Insert) where S.Element == Element {
let index: Int
switch location {
case .start:
index = contents.startIndex
case .index(let i):
index = i
case .end:
index = contents.endIndex
contents.insert(Array(newItems), at: index)
private mutating func insert<S: Sequence>(items: S, into section: Int, at location: Insert) where S.Element == Element {
let index: Int
switch location {
case .start:
index = contents[section].startIndex
case .index(let i):
index = i
case .end:
index = contents[section].endIndex
contents[section].insert(contentsOf: Array(items), at: index)
private extension Collection where Index == Int, Element: Collection, Element.Index == Index {
func endListIndices() -> Set<ListIndex> {
var result = Set<ListIndex>()
var index = startIndex
for element in self {
result.insert(ListIndex(section: index, row: element.endIndex))
index += 1
return result
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