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Created July 14, 2020 15:04
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# Get metrics for all storage accounts in an azure sub
## Fill in the shared variables
$sub = "" # Azure Subscription GUID
## The script
$metrics = @()
az login
# list all my resource groups in this sub
$rgs = az group list --subscription $sub | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach ($rg in $rgs)
# list all storage accounts in this resource group
$accounts = az storage account list --subscription $sub --resource-group $ | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach ($acct in $accounts)
$resource = "/subscriptions/" + $sub + "/resourceGroups/" + $ + "/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/" + $
Write-Host "Getting Metrics for $resource"
# export the metrics to a json object
$metric = az monitor metrics list `
--resource $resource `
--end-time ([System.DateTime]::UtcNow).ToString("O") `
--offset 1d `
--interval 1h --metric UsedCapacity Transactions Ingress Egress | ConvertFrom-Json
# convert the json object to a reportable object
foreach ($mv in $metric.value)
foreach ($ts in $mv.timeseries)
foreach ($tsd in $
$metrics += [pscustomobject]@{
Write-Host "Saving Results File"
$metrics | Format-Table > "results.txt"
$metrics | Export-csv -Path ".\results.csv"
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