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Created July 14, 2018 23:20
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var create = (globals) => {
var _G = Object.assign({
}, globals || {
_G._G = _G;
_G.environment = [{
var nil63 = (x) => {
return x === undefined || x === null;
_G.nil63 = nil63;
var is63 = (x) => {
return ! nil63(x);
_G.is63 = is63;
var no = (x) => {
return nil63(x) || x === false;
}; = no;
var yes = (x) => {
return ! no(x);
_G.yes = yes;
var either = (x, y) => {
if (is63(x)) {
return x;
} else {
return y;
_G.either = either;
var has63 = (l, k) => {
return l.hasOwnProperty(k);
_G.has63 = has63;
var _35 = (x) => {
var __n = x.length;
if (number63(__n)) {
return __n;
} else {
var __n1 = -1;
var ____o = x;
var __k = undefined;
for (__k in ____o) {
var __v = ____o[__k];
var __e;
if (numeric63(__k)) {
__e = parseInt(__k);
} else {
__e = __k;
var __k1 = __e;
if (number63(__k1) && __k1 > __n1) {
__n1 = __k1;
return __n1 + 1;
_G._35 = _35;
var none63 = (x) => {
return _35(x) === 0;
_G.none63 = none63;
var some63 = (x) => {
return _35(x) > 0;
_G.some63 = some63;
var one63 = (x) => {
return _35(x) === 1;
_G.one63 = one63;
var two63 = (x) => {
return _35(x) === 2;
_G.two63 = two63;
var hd = (l) => {
return l[0];
_G.hd = hd;
var type = (x) => {
return typeof(x);
_G.type = type;
var type63 = (x, y) => {
return type(x) === y;
_G.type63 = type63;
var string63 = (x) => {
return type63(x, "string");
_G.string63 = string63;
var number63 = (x) => {
return type63(x, "number");
_G.number63 = number63;
var boolean63 = (x) => {
return type63(x, "boolean");
_G.boolean63 = boolean63;
var function63 = (x) => {
return type63(x, "function");
_G.function63 = function63;
var symbol63 = (x) => {
return type63(x, "symbol");
_G.symbol63 = symbol63;
var obj63 = (x) => {
return is63(x) && type63(x, "object");
_G.obj63 = obj63;
var array63 = (x) => {
return Array.isArray(x);
_G.array63 = array63;
var atom63 = (x) => {
return nil63(x) || string63(x) || number63(x) || boolean63(x) || symbol63(x);
_G.atom63 = atom63;
var fresh = (x) => {
var ____x = type(x);
if ("object" === ____x) {
if (nil63(x)) {
return undefined;
} else {
if (array63(x)) {
return [];
} else {
return {
} else {
if ("undefined" === ____x) {
return [];
} else {
if ("symbol" === ____x) {
return Symbol();
} else {
if ("string" === ____x) {
return "";
} else {
if ("number" === ____x) {
return 0;
_G.fresh = fresh;
nan = 0 / 0;
_G.nan = nan;
inf = 1 / 0;
_G.inf = inf;
_inf = - inf;
_G._inf = _inf;
var nan63 = (n) => {
return !( n === n);
_G.nan63 = nan63;
var inf63 = (n) => {
return n === inf || n === _inf;
_G.inf63 = inf63;
var clip = (s, from, upto) => {
return s.substring(from, upto);
_G.clip = clip;
var cut = (x, from, upto) => {
var __l = fresh(x);
var __j = 0;
var __e1;
if (nil63(from) || from < 0) {
__e1 = 0;
} else {
__e1 = from;
var __i1 = __e1;
var __n3 = _35(x);
var __e2;
if (nil63(upto) || upto > __n3) {
__e2 = __n3;
} else {
__e2 = upto;
var __upto = __e2;
while (__i1 < __upto) {
__l[__j] = x[__i1];
__i1 = __i1 + 1;
__j = __j + 1;
var ____o1 = x;
var __k2 = undefined;
for (__k2 in ____o1) {
var __v1 = ____o1[__k2];
var __e3;
if (numeric63(__k2)) {
__e3 = parseInt(__k2);
} else {
__e3 = __k2;
var __k3 = __e3;
if (! number63(__k3)) {
__l[__k3] = __v1;
return __l;
_G.cut = cut;
var keys = (x) => {
var __t = {
var ____o2 = x;
var __k4 = undefined;
for (__k4 in ____o2) {
var __v2 = ____o2[__k4];
var __e4;
if (numeric63(__k4)) {
__e4 = parseInt(__k4);
} else {
__e4 = __k4;
var __k5 = __e4;
if (! number63(__k5)) {
__t[__k5] = __v2;
return __t;
_G.keys = keys;
var edge = (x) => {
return _35(x) - 1;
_G.edge = edge;
var inner = (x) => {
return clip(x, 1, edge(x));
_G.inner = inner;
var tl = (l) => {
return cut(l, 1);
}; = tl;
var char = (s, n) => {
return s.charAt(n);
_G.char = char;
var code = (s, n) => {
return s.charCodeAt(n);
_G.code = code;
var stringLiteral63 = (x) => {
return string63(x) && char(x, 0) === "\"";
_G.stringLiteral63 = stringLiteral63;
var idLiteral63 = (x) => {
return string63(x) && char(x, 0) === "|";
_G.idLiteral63 = idLiteral63;
var add = (l, x) => {
if (l.push) {
} else {
l[_35(l)] = x;
return undefined;
_G.add = add;
var drop = (l) => {
if (l.pop) {
return l.pop();
} else {
var __i4 = edge(l);
var __x1 = l[__i4];
delete l[__i4];
return __x1;
_G.drop = drop;
var last = (l) => {
return l[edge(l)];
_G.last = last;
var almost = (l) => {
return cut(l, 0, edge(l));
_G.almost = almost;
var reverse = (l) => {
var __l1 = fresh(l);
var __n6 = edge(l);
var ____o3 = l;
var __k6 = undefined;
for (__k6 in ____o3) {
var __v3 = ____o3[__k6];
var __e5;
if (numeric63(__k6)) {
__e5 = parseInt(__k6);
} else {
__e5 = __k6;
var __k7 = __e5;
if (number63(__k7)) {
__k7 = __n6 - __k7;
__l1[__k7] = __v3;
return __l1;
_G.reverse = reverse;
var reduce = (f, x) => {
if (none63(x)) {
return undefined;
} else {
if (one63(x)) {
return hd(x);
} else {
return f(hd(x), reduce(f, tl(x)));
_G.reduce = reduce;
var join = ( => {
var __ls = unstash(ls);
var __r42 = fresh(hd(__ls));
var ____x2 = __ls;
var ____i6 = 0;
while (____i6 < _35(____x2)) {
var __l11 = ____x2[____i6];
if (__l11) {
var __n8 = _35(__r42);
var ____o4 = __l11;
var __k8 = undefined;
for (__k8 in ____o4) {
var __v4 = ____o4[__k8];
var __e6;
if (numeric63(__k8)) {
__e6 = parseInt(__k8);
} else {
__e6 = __k8;
var __k9 = __e6;
if (number63(__k9)) {
__k9 = __k9 + __n8;
__r42[__k9] = __v4;
____i6 = ____i6 + 1;
return __r42;
_G.join = join;
var find = (f, t) => {
var ____o5 = t;
var ____i8 = undefined;
for (____i8 in ____o5) {
var __x3 = ____o5[____i8];
var __e7;
if (numeric63(____i8)) {
__e7 = parseInt(____i8);
} else {
__e7 = ____i8;
var ____i81 = __e7;
var __y = f(__x3);
if (__y) {
return __y;
_G.find = find;
var first = (f, l) => {
var ____x4 = l;
var ____i9 = 0;
while (____i9 < _35(____x4)) {
var __x5 = ____x4[____i9];
var __y1 = f(__x5);
if (__y1) {
return __y1;
____i9 = ____i9 + 1;
_G.first = first;
var in63 = (x, t) => {
return find((y) => {
return x === y;
}, t);
_G.in63 = in63;
var pair = (l) => {
var __l12 = fresh(l);
var __i10 = 0;
while (__i10 < _35(l)) {
add(__l12, [l[__i10], l[__i10 + 1]]);
__i10 = __i10 + 1;
__i10 = __i10 + 1;
return __l12;
_G.pair = pair;
var sort = (l, f) => {
var __e8;
if (f) {
__e8 = (a, b) => {
if (f(a, b)) {
return -1;
} else {
return 1;
return l.sort(__e8);
_G.sort = sort;
var map = (f, x) => {
var __t1 = fresh(x);
var ____x6 = x;
var ____i11 = 0;
while (____i11 < _35(____x6)) {
var __v5 = ____x6[____i11];
var __y2 = f(__v5);
if (is63(__y2)) {
add(__t1, __y2);
____i11 = ____i11 + 1;
var ____o6 = x;
var __k10 = undefined;
for (__k10 in ____o6) {
var __v6 = ____o6[__k10];
var __e9;
if (numeric63(__k10)) {
__e9 = parseInt(__k10);
} else {
__e9 = __k10;
var __k11 = __e9;
if (! number63(__k11)) {
var __y3 = f(__v6);
if (is63(__y3)) {
__t1[__k11] = __y3;
return __t1;
}; = map;
var keep = (f, x) => {
return map((v) => {
if (yes(f(v))) {
return v;
}, x);
_G.keep = keep;
var keys63 = (t) => {
var ____o7 = t;
var __k12 = undefined;
for (__k12 in ____o7) {
var __v7 = ____o7[__k12];
var __e10;
if (numeric63(__k12)) {
__e10 = parseInt(__k12);
} else {
__e10 = __k12;
var __k13 = __e10;
if (! number63(__k13)) {
return true;
return false;
_G.keys63 = keys63;
var empty63 = (t) => {
var ____o8 = t;
var ____i14 = undefined;
for (____i14 in ____o8) {
var __x7 = ____o8[____i14];
var __e11;
if (numeric63(____i14)) {
__e11 = parseInt(____i14);
} else {
__e11 = ____i14;
var ____i141 = __e11;
return false;
return true;
_G.empty63 = empty63;
var stash = (args) => {
if (args._stash) {
return args;
} else {
if (keys63(args)) {
var __l2 = [];
var ____x8 = args;
var ____i15 = 0;
while (____i15 < _35(____x8)) {
var __x9 = ____x8[____i15];
add(__l2, __x9);
____i15 = ____i15 + 1;
var __p = keys(args);
__p._stash = __p._stash || true;
add(__l2, __p);
return __l2;
} else {
return args;
_G.stash = stash;
var unstash = (args) => {
if (none63(args)) {
return fresh(args);
} else {
var __l3 = last(args);
if (obj63(__l3) && __l3._stash) {
var __args1 = almost(args);
var ____o9 = __l3;
var __k14 = undefined;
for (__k14 in ____o9) {
var __v8 = ____o9[__k14];
var __e12;
if (numeric63(__k14)) {
__e12 = parseInt(__k14);
} else {
__e12 = __k14;
var __k15 = __e12;
if (!( __k15 === "_stash")) {
__args1[__k15] = __v8;
return __args1;
} else {
return args;
_G.unstash = unstash;
var destash33 = (l, args1) => {
if (obj63(l) && l._stash) {
var ____o10 = l;
var __k16 = undefined;
for (__k16 in ____o10) {
var __v9 = ____o10[__k16];
var __e13;
if (numeric63(__k16)) {
__e13 = parseInt(__k16);
} else {
__e13 = __k16;
var __k17 = __e13;
if (!( __k17 === "_stash")) {
args1[__k17] = __v9;
} else {
return l;
_G.destash33 = destash33;
var search = (s, pattern, start) => {
var __i18 = s.indexOf(pattern, start);
if (__i18 >= 0) {
return __i18;
}; = search;
var split = (s, sep) => {
if (s === "" || sep === "") {
return [];
} else {
var __l4 = [];
var __n16 = _35(sep);
while (true) {
var __i19 = search(s, sep);
if (nil63(__i19)) {
} else {
add(__l4, clip(s, 0, __i19));
s = clip(s, __i19 + __n16);
add(__l4, s);
return __l4;
_G.split = split;
var cat = (...xs) => {
var __xs = unstash(xs);
return either(reduce((a, b) => {
return a + b;
}, __xs), "");
}; = cat;
var _43 = (...xs) => {
var __xs1 = unstash(xs);
return either(reduce((a, b) => {
return a + b;
}, __xs1), 0);
_G._43 = _43;
var _45 = (...xs) => {
var __xs2 = unstash(xs);
return either(reduce((b, a) => {
return a - b;
}, reverse(__xs2)), 0);
_G._45 = _45;
var _42 = (...xs) => {
var __xs3 = unstash(xs);
return either(reduce((a, b) => {
return a * b;
}, __xs3), 1);
_G._42 = _42;
var _47 = (...xs) => {
var __xs4 = unstash(xs);
return either(reduce((b, a) => {
return a / b;
}, reverse(__xs4)), 1);
_G._47 = _47;
var _37 = (...xs) => {
var __xs5 = unstash(xs);
return either(reduce((b, a) => {
return a % b;
}, reverse(__xs5)), 0);
_G._37 = _37;
var pairwise = (f, xs) => {
var __i20 = 0;
while (__i20 < edge(xs)) {
var __a = xs[__i20];
var __b = xs[__i20 + 1];
if (! f(__a, __b)) {
return false;
__i20 = __i20 + 1;
return true;
_G.pairwise = pairwise;
var _60 = (...xs) => {
var __xs6 = unstash(xs);
return pairwise((a, b) => {
return a < b;
}, __xs6);
_G._60 = _60;
var _62 = (...xs) => {
var __xs7 = unstash(xs);
return pairwise((a, b) => {
return a > b;
}, __xs7);
_G._62 = _62;
var _61 = (...xs) => {
var __xs8 = unstash(xs);
return pairwise((a, b) => {
return a === b;
}, __xs8);
_G._61 = _61;
var _6061 = (...xs) => {
var __xs9 = unstash(xs);
return pairwise((a, b) => {
return a <= b;
}, __xs9);
_G._6061 = _6061;
var _6261 = (...xs) => {
var __xs10 = unstash(xs);
return pairwise((a, b) => {
return a >= b;
}, __xs10);
_G._6261 = _6261;
var number = (s) => {
var __n17 = parseFloat(s);
if (! isNaN(__n17)) {
return __n17;
_G.number = number;
var numberCode63 = (n) => {
return n >= 48 && n <= 57;
_G.numberCode63 = numberCode63;
var numeric63 = (s) => {
var __n18 = _35(s);
var __i21 = 0;
while (__i21 < __n18) {
if (! numberCode63(code(s, __i21))) {
return false;
__i21 = __i21 + 1;
return some63(s);
_G.numeric63 = numeric63;
var tostring = (x) => {
return x.toString();
_G.tostring = tostring;
var escape = (s) => {
var __s1 = "\"";
var __i22 = 0;
while (__i22 < _35(s)) {
var __c = char(s, __i22);
var __e14;
if (__c === "\n") {
__e14 = "\\n";
} else {
var __e15;
if (__c === "\r") {
__e15 = "\\r";
} else {
var __e16;
if (__c === "\"") {
__e16 = "\\\"";
} else {
var __e17;
if (__c === "\\") {
__e17 = "\\\\";
} else {
__e17 = __c;
__e16 = __e17;
__e15 = __e16;
__e14 = __e15;
var __c1 = __e14;
__s1 = __s1 + __c1;
__i22 = __i22 + 1;
return __s1 + "\"";
_G.escape = escape;
var simpleId63 = (x) => {
var __id7 = string63(x);
var __e18;
if (__id7) {
var ____id = (() => {
try {
return [true, readString(x)];
catch (__e90) {
return [false, __e90];
var __ok = ____id[0];
var __v10 = ____id[1];
__e18 = __ok && __v10 === x;
} else {
__e18 = __id7;
return __e18;
_G.simpleId63 = simpleId63;
var str = (x, stack) => {
if (nil63(x)) {
return "nil";
} else {
if (nan63(x)) {
return "nan";
} else {
if (x === inf) {
return "inf";
} else {
if (x === _inf) {
return "-inf";
} else {
if (boolean63(x)) {
if (x) {
return "true";
} else {
return "false";
} else {
if (stringLiteral63(x)) {
return x;
} else {
if (simpleId63(x)) {
return x;
} else {
if (string63(x)) {
return escape(x);
} else {
if (atom63(x)) {
return tostring(x);
} else {
if (function63(x)) {
return "function";
} else {
if (stack && in63(x, stack)) {
return "circular";
} else {
var __s = "(";
var __sp = "";
var __xs11 = [];
var __ks = [];
var __l5 = stack || [];
add(__l5, x);
var ____o11 = x;
var __k18 = undefined;
for (__k18 in ____o11) {
var __v11 = ____o11[__k18];
var __e19;
if (numeric63(__k18)) {
__e19 = parseInt(__k18);
} else {
__e19 = __k18;
var __k19 = __e19;
if (number63(__k19)) {
__xs11[__k19] = str(__v11, __l5);
} else {
add(__ks, str(__k19, __l5) + ":");
add(__ks, str(__v11, __l5));
var ____o12 = join(__xs11, __ks);
var ____i24 = undefined;
for (____i24 in ____o12) {
var __v12 = ____o12[____i24];
var __e20;
if (numeric63(____i24)) {
__e20 = parseInt(____i24);
} else {
__e20 = ____i24;
var ____i241 = __e20;
__s = __s + __sp + __v12;
__sp = " ";
return __s + ")";
_G.str = str;
var functionForm63 = (form) => {
return ! atom63(form) && hd(form) === "%function";
_G.functionForm63 = functionForm63;
var windEntry = (entry, frame) => {
var ____id1 = entry;
var __k20 = ____id1[0];
var __wind = ____id1[1];
var __unwind = ____id1[2];
var ____id2 = (() => {
try {
return [true, apply(__wind, join([__k20, frame], entry))];
catch (__e91) {
return [false, __e91];
var __ok1 = ____id2[0];
var __v13 = ____id2[1];
return [__ok1, __v13];
_G.windEntry = windEntry;
var unwindEntry = (entry, frame) => {
var ____id3 = entry;
var __k21 = ____id3[0];
var __wind1 = ____id3[1];
var __unwind1 = ____id3[2];
var ____id4 = (() => {
try {
return [true, apply(__unwind1, join([__k21, frame], entry))];
catch (__e92) {
return [false, __e92];
var __ok2 = ____id4[0];
var __v14 = ____id4[1];
return [__ok2, __v14];
_G.unwindEntry = unwindEntry;
var windFrame = (frame) => {
var ____x10 = frame;
var ____i25 = 0;
while (____i25 < _35(____x10)) {
var __entry = ____x10[____i25];
____i25 = ____i25 + 1;
_G.windFrame = windFrame;
var unwindFrame = (frame) => {
var ____x11 = frame;
var ____i26 = 0;
while (____i26 < _35(____x11)) {
var __entry1 = ____x11[____i26];
____i26 = ____i26 + 1;
_G.unwindFrame = unwindFrame;
var apply = (f, args) => {
var __args = stash(args);
if (functionForm63(f)) {
return _G.interpretApply(f, __args);
} else {
return f.apply(f, __args);
_G.apply = apply;
var call = (f, ...__r88) => {
var ____r88 = unstash(__r88);
var __f = destash33(f, ____r88);
var ____id5 = ____r88;
var __args11 = cut(____id5, 0);
return apply(__f, __args11);
}; = call;
var setenv = (k, ...__r89) => {
var ____r89 = unstash(__r89);
var __k22 = destash33(k, ____r89);
var ____id6 = ____r89;
var __keys = cut(____id6, 0);
if (string63(__k22)) {
var __e21;
if (__keys.toplevel) {
__e21 = hd(_G.environment);
} else {
__e21 = last(_G.environment);
var __frame = __e21;
var __entry2 = __frame[__k22] || {
var ____o13 = __keys;
var __k23 = undefined;
for (__k23 in ____o13) {
var __v15 = ____o13[__k23];
var __e22;
if (numeric63(__k23)) {
__e22 = parseInt(__k23);
} else {
__e22 = __k23;
var __k24 = __e22;
__entry2[__k24] = __v15;
__frame[__k22] = __entry2;
return __frame[__k22];
_G.setenv = setenv;
var print = (x) => {
return console.log(x);
_G.print = print;
abs = Math.abs;
_G.abs = abs;
acos = Math.acos;
_G.acos = acos;
asin = Math.asin;
_G.asin = asin;
atan = Math.atan;
_G.atan = atan;
atan2 = Math.atan2;
_G.atan2 = atan2;
ceil = Math.ceil;
_G.ceil = ceil;
cos = Math.cos;
_G.cos = cos;
floor = Math.floor;
_G.floor = floor;
log = Math.log;
_G.log = log;
log10 = Math.log10;
_G.log10 = log10;
max = Math.max;
_G.max = max;
min = Math.min;
_G.min = min;
pow = Math.pow;
_G.pow = pow;
random = Math.random;
_G.random = random;
sin = Math.sin;
_G.sin = sin;
sinh = Math.sinh;
_G.sinh = sinh;
sqrt = Math.sqrt;
_G.sqrt = sqrt;
tan = Math.tan;
_G.tan = tan;
tanh = Math.tanh;
_G.tanh = tanh;
trunc = Math.floor;
_G.trunc = trunc;
setenv("quote", {
_stash: true,
macro: (form) => {
return quoted(form);
setenv("quasiquote", {
_stash: true,
macro: (form) => {
return quasiexpand(form, 1);
setenv("set", {
_stash: true,
macro: (...args) => {
var __args2 = unstash(args);
return join(["do"], map((__x12) => {
var ____id8 = __x12;
var __lh = ____id8[0];
var __rh = ____id8[1];
return ["%set", __lh, __rh];
}, pair(__args2)));
setenv("at", {
_stash: true,
macro: (l, i) => {
return [l, ["brackets", i]];
setenv("wipe", {
_stash: true,
macro: (place) => {
return ["%delete", place];
setenv("list", {
_stash: true,
macro: (...body) => {
var __body = unstash(body);
if (keys63(__body)) {
return join(["%object"], mapo((x) => {
return x;
}, __body));
} else {
return join(["%array"], __body);
setenv("if", {
_stash: true,
macro: (...branches) => {
var __branches = unstash(branches);
return hd(expandIf(__branches));
setenv("case", {
_stash: true,
macro: (expr, ...__r97) => {
var ____r97 = unstash(__r97);
var __expr = destash33(expr, ____r97);
var ____id9 = ____r97;
var __clauses = cut(____id9, 0);
var __x13 = unique("x");
var __eq = (_) => {
if (_ === "else") {
return true;
} else {
return ["=", _, __x13];
var __cl = (__x14) => {
var ____id10 = __x14;
var __a1 = ____id10[0];
var __body1 = cut(____id10, 1);
if (string63(__a1) || number63(__a1) || hd(__a1) === "quote") {
return [__eq(__a1), join(["do"], __body1)];
} else {
if (one63(__a1)) {
return [__eq(hd(__a1)), join(["do"], __body1)];
} else {
if (_35(__a1) > 1) {
return [join(["or"], map(__eq, __a1)), join(["do"], __body1)];
return ["let", __x13, __expr, join(["if"], apply(join, map(__cl, __clauses)))];
setenv("when", {
_stash: true,
macro: (cond, ...__r100) => {
var ____r100 = unstash(__r100);
var __cond = destash33(cond, ____r100);
var ____id11 = ____r100;
var __body2 = cut(____id11, 0);
return ["if", __cond, join(["do"], __body2)];
setenv("unless", {
_stash: true,
macro: (cond, ...__r101) => {
var ____r101 = unstash(__r101);
var __cond1 = destash33(cond, ____r101);
var ____id12 = ____r101;
var __body3 = cut(____id12, 0);
return ["if", ["not", __cond1], join(["do"], __body3)];
setenv("obj", {
_stash: true,
macro: (...body) => {
var __body4 = unstash(body);
return join(["%object"], mapo((x) => {
return x;
}, __body4));
setenv("let", {
_stash: true,
macro: (bs, ...__r103) => {
var ____r103 = unstash(__r103);
var __bs = destash33(bs, ____r103);
var ____id13 = ____r103;
var __body5 = cut(____id13, 0);
if (atom63(__bs)) {
return join(["let", [__bs, hd(__body5)]], tl(__body5));
} else {
if (none63(__bs)) {
return join(["do"], __body5);
} else {
var ____id14 = __bs;
var __lh1 = ____id14[0];
var __rh1 = ____id14[1];
var __bs2 = cut(____id14, 2);
var ____id15 = bind(__lh1, either(__rh1, "nil"));
var __id16 = ____id15[0];
var __val = ____id15[1];
var __bs1 = cut(____id15, 2);
var __renames = [];
if (! idLiteral63(__id16)) {
var __id111 = unique(__id16);
__renames = [__id16, __id111];
__id16 = __id111;
return ["do", ["%local", __id16, __val], ["let-symbol", __renames, join(["let", join(__bs1, __bs2)], __body5)]];
setenv("with", {
_stash: true,
macro: (x, v, ...__r104) => {
var ____r104 = unstash(__r104);
var __x15 = destash33(x, ____r104);
var __v16 = destash33(v, ____r104);
var ____id17 = ____r104;
var __body6 = cut(____id17, 0);
return join(["let", [__x15, __v16]], __body6, [__x15]);
setenv("let-when", {
_stash: true,
macro: (x, v, ...__r105) => {
var ____r105 = unstash(__r105);
var __x16 = destash33(x, ____r105);
var __v17 = destash33(v, ____r105);
var ____id18 = ____r105;
var __body7 = cut(____id18, 0);
var __y4 = unique("y");
return ["let", __y4, __v17, ["when", ["yes", __y4], join(["let", [__x16, __y4]], __body7)]];
setenv("void", {
_stash: true,
macro: (...body) => {
var __body8 = unstash(body);
return join(["do"], __body8, [["do"]]);
setenv("%setenv", {
_stash: true,
macro: (name, ...__r106) => {
var ____r106 = unstash(__r106);
var __name = destash33(name, ____r106);
var ____id19 = ____r106;
var __keys1 = cut(____id19, 0);
return ["void", join(["setenv", ["quote", __name]], __keys1)];
setenv("define-macro", {
_stash: true,
macro: (name, args, ...__r107) => {
var ____r107 = unstash(__r107);
var __name1 = destash33(name, ____r107);
var __args3 = destash33(args, ____r107);
var ____id20 = ____r107;
var __body9 = cut(____id20, 0);
return {
[0]: "%setenv",
[1]: __name1,
macro: join(["fn", __args3], __body9),
setenv("define-special", {
_stash: true,
macro: (name, args, ...__r108) => {
var ____r108 = unstash(__r108);
var __name2 = destash33(name, ____r108);
var __args4 = destash33(args, ____r108);
var ____id21 = ____r108;
var __body10 = cut(____id21, 0);
return join({
[0]: "%setenv",
[1]: __name2,
special: join(["fn", __args4], __body10),
}, keys(__body10));
setenv("define-symbol-macro", {
_stash: true,
macro: (name, expansion) => {
return {
[0]: "%setenv",
[1]: name,
symbol: ["quote", expansion],
setenv("define-reader", {
_stash: true,
macro: (__x17, ...__r110) => {
var ____id22 = __x17;
var __char = ____id22[0];
var __s11 = ____id22[1];
var ____r110 = unstash(__r110);
var ____x17 = destash33(__x17, ____r110);
var ____id23 = ____r110;
var __body11 = cut(____id23, 0);
return ["set", ["read-table", ["brackets", __char]], join(["fn", [__s11]], __body11)];
setenv("define", {
_stash: true,
macro: (name, x, ...__r111) => {
var ____r111 = unstash(__r111);
var __name3 = destash33(name, ____r111);
var __x18 = destash33(x, ____r111);
var ____id24 = ____r111;
var __body12 = cut(____id24, 0);
setenv(__name3, {
_stash: true,
variable: true,
if (some63(__body12)) {
return join(["%local-function", __name3], bind42(__x18, __body12));
} else {
return ["%local", __name3, __x18];
setenv("define-global", {
_stash: true,
macro: (name, x, ...__r112) => {
var ____r112 = unstash(__r112);
var __name4 = destash33(name, ____r112);
var __x19 = destash33(x, ____r112);
var ____id25 = ____r112;
var __body13 = cut(____id25, 0);
setenv(__name4, {
_stash: true,
toplevel: true,
variable: true,
if (some63(__body13)) {
return ["do", join(["%global-function", __name4], bind42(__x19, __body13)), ["%set", ["_G", "." + __name4], __name4]];
} else {
return ["do", ["%set", __name4, __x19], ["%set", ["_G", "." + __name4], __name4]];
setenv("with-frame", {
_stash: true,
macro: (...body) => {
var __body14 = unstash(body);
var __x20 = unique("x");
return ["do", ["add", ["_G", ".environment"], ["obj"]], ["with", __x20, join(["do"], __body14), ["unwind-frame", ["drop", ["_G", ".environment"]]]]];
setenv("with-bindings", {
_stash: true,
macro: (__x21, ...__r113) => {
var ____id26 = __x21;
var __names = ____id26[0];
var ____r113 = unstash(__r113);
var ____x21 = destash33(__x21, ____r113);
var ____id27 = ____r113;
var __body15 = cut(____id27, 0);
var __x22 = unique("x");
return join(["with-frame", ["each", __x22, __names, ["if", ["default-assignment?", __x22], {
[0]: "setenv",
[1]: ["at", __x22, 1],
variable: true,
}, {
[0]: "setenv",
[1]: __x22,
variable: true,
}]]], __body15);
setenv("let-macro", {
_stash: true,
macro: (definitions, ...__r114) => {
var ____r114 = unstash(__r114);
var __definitions = destash33(definitions, ____r114);
var ____id28 = ____r114;
var __body16 = cut(____id28, 0);
add(_G.environment, {
map((m) => {
return eval(join(["define-macro"], m));
}, __definitions);
var ____x23 = join(["do"], macroexpand(__body16));
return ____x23;
setenv("let-symbol", {
_stash: true,
macro: (expansions, ...__r116) => {
var ____r116 = unstash(__r116);
var __expansions = destash33(expansions, ____r116);
var ____id29 = ____r116;
var __body17 = cut(____id29, 0);
add(_G.environment, {
map((__x25) => {
var ____id30 = __x25;
var __name5 = ____id30[0];
var __exp = ____id30[1];
return eval(["define-symbol-macro", __name5, __exp]);
}, pair(__expansions));
var ____x24 = join(["do"], macroexpand(__body17));
return ____x24;
setenv("let-unique", {
_stash: true,
macro: (names, ...__r118) => {
var ____r118 = unstash(__r118);
var __names1 = destash33(names, ____r118);
var ____id31 = ____r118;
var __body18 = cut(____id31, 0);
var __bs11 = map((n) => {
return [n, ["unique", ["quote", n]]];
}, __names1);
return join(["let", apply(join, __bs11)], __body18);
setenv("fn", {
_stash: true,
macro: (args, ...__r120) => {
var ____r120 = unstash(__r120);
var __args5 = destash33(args, ____r120);
var ____id32 = ____r120;
var __body19 = cut(____id32, 0);
return join(["%function"], bind42(__args5, __body19));
setenv("apply", {
_stash: true,
macro: (f, ...__r121) => {
var ____r121 = unstash(__r121);
var __f1 = destash33(f, ____r121);
var ____id33 = ____r121;
var __args6 = cut(____id33, 0);
if (_35(__args6) > 1) {
return ["%call", "apply", __f1, ["join", join(["list"], almost(__args6)), last(__args6)]];
} else {
return join(["%call", "apply", __f1], __args6);
setenv("guard", {
_stash: true,
macro: (expr) => {
return [["fn", join(), ["%try", ["list", true, expr]]]];
setenv("each", {
_stash: true,
macro: (x, t, ...__r123) => {
var ____r123 = unstash(__r123);
var __x26 = destash33(x, ____r123);
var __t2 = destash33(t, ____r123);
var ____id34 = ____r123;
var __body20 = cut(____id34, 0);
var __o14 = unique("o");
var __n22 = unique("n");
var __i28 = unique("i");
var __e24;
if (atom63(__x26)) {
__e24 = [__i28, __x26];
} else {
var __e25;
if (_35(__x26) > 1) {
__e25 = __x26;
} else {
__e25 = [__i28, hd(__x26)];
__e24 = __e25;
var ____id35 = __e24;
var __k25 = ____id35[0];
var __v18 = ____id35[1];
return ["let", [__o14, __t2, __k25, "nil"], ["%for", __o14, __k25, ["let", [__v18, [__o14, ["brackets", __k25]]], join(["let", __k25, ["if", ["numeric?", __k25], ["parseInt", __k25], __k25]], __body20)]]];
setenv("for", {
_stash: true,
macro: (i, to, ...__r124) => {
var ____r124 = unstash(__r124);
var __i29 = destash33(i, ____r124);
var __to = destash33(to, ____r124);
var ____id36 = ____r124;
var __body21 = cut(____id36, 0);
return ["let", __i29, 0, join(["while", ["<", __i29, __to]], __body21, [["inc", __i29]])];
setenv("step", {
_stash: true,
macro: (v, t, ...__r125) => {
var ____r125 = unstash(__r125);
var __v19 = destash33(v, ____r125);
var __t3 = destash33(t, ____r125);
var ____id37 = ____r125;
var __body22 = cut(____id37, 0);
var __x27 = unique("x");
var __i30 = unique("i");
return ["let", [__x27, __t3], ["for", __i30, ["#", __x27], join(["let", [__v19, ["at", __x27, __i30]]], __body22)]];
setenv("set-of", {
_stash: true,
macro: (...xs) => {
var __xs12 = unstash(xs);
var __l6 = [];
var ____o15 = __xs12;
var ____i31 = undefined;
for (____i31 in ____o15) {
var __x28 = ____o15[____i31];
var __e26;
if (numeric63(____i31)) {
__e26 = parseInt(____i31);
} else {
__e26 = ____i31;
var ____i311 = __e26;
__l6[__x28] = true;
return join(["obj"], __l6);
setenv("join!", {
_stash: true,
macro: (a, ...__r126) => {
var ____r126 = unstash(__r126);
var __a2 = destash33(a, ____r126);
var ____id38 = ____r126;
var __bs21 = cut(____id38, 0);
return ["set", __a2, join(["join", __a2], __bs21)];
setenv("cat!", {
_stash: true,
macro: (a, ...__r127) => {
var ____r127 = unstash(__r127);
var __a3 = destash33(a, ____r127);
var ____id39 = ____r127;
var __bs3 = cut(____id39, 0);
return ["set", __a3, join(["cat", __a3], __bs3)];
setenv("inc", {
_stash: true,
macro: (n, by) => {
var __e27;
if (nil63(by)) {
__e27 = 1;
} else {
__e27 = by;
return ["set", n, ["+", n, __e27]];
setenv("dec", {
_stash: true,
macro: (n, by) => {
var __e28;
if (nil63(by)) {
__e28 = 1;
} else {
__e28 = by;
return ["set", n, ["-", n, __e28]];
setenv("with-indent", {
_stash: true,
macro: (form) => {
var __x29 = unique("x");
return ["do", ["inc", "indent-level"], ["with", __x29, form, ["dec", "indent-level"]]];
setenv("export", {
_stash: true,
macro: (...names) => {
var __names2 = unstash(names);
return join(["do"], map((k) => {
return ["set", ["exports", "." + k], k];
}, __names2));
setenv("when-compiling", {
_stash: true,
macro: (...body) => {
var __body23 = unstash(body);
return eval(join(["do"], __body23));
setenv("during-compilation", {
_stash: true,
macro: (...body) => {
var __body24 = unstash(body);
var __x30 = expand(join(["do"], __body24));
return __x30;
setenv("class", {
_stash: true,
macro: (x, ...__r132) => {
var ____r132 = unstash(__r132);
var __x31 = destash33(x, ____r132);
var ____id40 = ____r132;
var __body25 = cut(____id40, 0);
if (atom63(__x31)) {
return join(["%class", [__x31]], __body25);
} else {
return join(["%class", __x31], __body25);
setenv(".", {
_stash: true,
macro: (...args) => {
var __args7 = unstash(args);
if (none63(__args7)) {
return ["this", ".constructor"];
} else {
if (one63(__args7)) {
return join([".", "this", hd(__args7)], tl(__args7));
} else {
var ____id41 = __args7;
var __name6 = ____id41[0];
var __a4 = ____id41[1];
var __bs4 = cut(____id41, 2);
var __e29;
if (atom63(__a4)) {
__e29 = ["quote", compile(__a4)];
} else {
var __e30;
if ("quote" === hd(__a4)) {
__e30 = ["quote", compile(__a4[1])];
} else {
__e30 = __a4;
__e29 = __e30;
var __prop = __e29;
var __expr1 = [__name6, ["brackets", __prop]];
if (! atom63(__a4) && "quote" === hd(__a4) || stringLiteral63(__a4) || none63(__bs4)) {
return __expr1;
} else {
return join([__expr1], __bs4);
setenv("try", {
_stash: true,
macro: (...body) => {
var __body26 = unstash(body);
var __e23 = unique("e");
return join(["%condition-case", __e23, join(["do"], map((x) => {
if (!( obj63(x) && in63(hd(x), ["catch", "finally"]))) {
return x;
}, __body26))], map((x) => {
if (obj63(x)) {
if (hd(x) === "finally") {
return x;
} else {
if (hd(x) === "catch") {
var ____id42 = x;
var ___ = ____id42[0];
var __type = ____id42[1];
var __var = ____id42[2];
var __body27 = cut(____id42, 3);
return ["catch", __type, join(["let", [__var, __e23]], __body27)];
}, __body26));
setenv("throw", {
_stash: true,
macro: (x) => {
return ["%throw", x];
setenv("brackets", {
_stash: true,
macro: (...args) => {
var __args8 = unstash(args);
return join(["%brackets"], __args8);
setenv("braces", {
_stash: true,
macro: (...args) => {
var __args9 = unstash(args);
return join(["%braces"], __args9);
var __exports = {
var __self = __exports;
var __module = {
exports: __exports,
var getenv = (k, p) => {
if (string63(k)) {
var __i32 = edge(_G.environment);
while (__i32 >= 0) {
var __b1 = _G.environment[__i32][k];
if (is63(__b1)) {
var __e40;
if (p) {
__e40 = __b1[p];
} else {
__e40 = __b1;
return __e40;
} else {
__i32 = __i32 - 1;
_G.getenv = getenv;
var macroFunction = (k) => {
return getenv(k, "macro");
_G.macroFunction = macroFunction;
var macro63 = (k) => {
return is63(macroFunction(k));
_G.macro63 = macro63;
var special63 = (k) => {
return is63(getenv(k, "special"));
var specialForm63 = (form) => {
return ! atom63(form) && special63(hd(form));
var statement63 = (k) => {
return special63(k) && getenv(k, "stmt");
var symbolExpansion = (k) => {
return getenv(k, "symbol");
var symbolMacro63 = (k) => {
return is63(symbolExpansion(k));
var variable63 = (k) => {
return is63(getenv(k, "variable"));
var bound63 = (x) => {
return macro63(x) || special63(x) || symbolMacro63(x) || variable63(x);
_G.bound63 = bound63;
var quoted = (form) => {
if (string63(form)) {
return escape(form);
} else {
if (atom63(form)) {
return form;
} else {
if (keys63(form)) {
return join(["%object"], mapo(quoted, form));
} else {
return join(["%array"], map(quoted, form));
_G.quoted = quoted;
var literal = (s) => {
if (stringLiteral63(s)) {
return s;
} else {
return quoted(s);
var stash42 = (args) => {
if (keys63(args)) {
var __l7 = ["%object", "\"_stash\"", true];
var ____o16 = args;
var __k26 = undefined;
for (__k26 in ____o16) {
var __v20 = ____o16[__k26];
var __e41;
if (numeric63(__k26)) {
__e41 = parseInt(__k26);
} else {
__e41 = __k26;
var __k27 = __e41;
if (! number63(__k27)) {
add(__l7, literal(__k27));
add(__l7, __v20);
return join(args, [__l7]);
} else {
return args;
var bias = (k) => {
return k;
var defaultAssignmentOp = "o";
var defaultAssignment63 = (x) => {
return ! atom63(x) && hd(x) === defaultAssignmentOp;
_G.defaultAssignment63 = defaultAssignment63;
var bind = (lh, rh) => {
if (atom63(lh)) {
return [lh, rh];
} else {
if (defaultAssignment63(lh)) {
return bind(lh[1], ["if", ["is?", rh], rh, lh[2]]);
} else {
var __id43 = unique("id");
var __bs5 = [__id43, rh];
var ____o17 = lh;
var __k28 = undefined;
for (__k28 in ____o17) {
var __v21 = ____o17[__k28];
var __e42;
if (numeric63(__k28)) {
__e42 = parseInt(__k28);
} else {
__e42 = __k28;
var __k29 = __e42;
var __e43;
if (__k29 === "rest") {
__e43 = ["cut", __id43, _35(lh)];
} else {
__e43 = [__id43, ["brackets", ["quote", __k29]]];
var __x32 = __e43;
if (is63(__k29)) {
var __e44;
if (__v21 === true) {
__e44 = __k29;
} else {
__e44 = __v21;
var __k30 = __e44;
__bs5 = join(__bs5, bind(__k30, __x32));
return __bs5;
_G.bind = bind;
var bind42 = (args, body) => {
var __args12 = [];
var rest = (r) => { = r;
return ["unstash", r];
if (atom63(args)) {
return [__args12, join(["let", [args, rest(args)]], body)];
} else {
var __bs6 = [];
var __r154 = unique("r");
var ____o18 = args;
var __k31 = undefined;
for (__k31 in ____o18) {
var __v22 = ____o18[__k31];
var __e45;
if (numeric63(__k31)) {
__e45 = parseInt(__k31);
} else {
__e45 = __k31;
var __k32 = __e45;
if (number63(__k32)) {
if (atom63(__v22)) {
add(__args12, __v22);
} else {
var __x33 = unique("x");
add(__args12, __x33);
__bs6 = join(__bs6, [__v22, __x33]);
if (keys63(args)) {
__bs6 = join(__bs6, [__r154, rest(__r154)]);
var __n27 = _35(__args12);
var __i36 = 0;
while (__i36 < __n27) {
var __v23 = __args12[__i36];
__bs6 = join(__bs6, [__v23, ["destash!", __v23, __r154]]);
__i36 = __i36 + 1;
__bs6 = join(__bs6, [keys(args), __r154]);
return [__args12, join(["let", __bs6], body)];
_G.bind42 = bind42;
var quoting63 = (depth) => {
return number63(depth);
var quasiquoting63 = (depth) => {
return quoting63(depth) && depth > 0;
var canUnquote63 = (depth) => {
return quoting63(depth) && depth === 1;
var quasisplice63 = (x, depth) => {
return canUnquote63(depth) && ! atom63(x) && hd(x) === "unquote-splicing";
var expandLocal = (__x34) => {
var ____id44 = __x34;
var __x35 = ____id44[0];
var __name7 = ____id44[1];
var __value = ____id44[2];
setenv(__name7, {
_stash: true,
variable: true,
return ["%local", __name7, macroexpand(__value)];
var expandFunction = (__x36) => {
var ____id45 = __x36;
var __x37 = ____id45[0];
var __args10 = ____id45[1];
var __body28 = cut(____id45, 2);
add(_G.environment, {
var ____o19 = __args10;
var ____i37 = undefined;
for (____i37 in ____o19) {
var ____x38 = ____o19[____i37];
var __e46;
if (numeric63(____i37)) {
__e46 = parseInt(____i37);
} else {
__e46 = ____i37;
var ____i371 = __e46;
if (defaultAssignment63(____x38)) {
setenv(____x38[1], {
_stash: true,
variable: true,
} else {
setenv(____x38, {
_stash: true,
variable: true,
var ____x39 = join(["%function", __args10], macroexpand(__body28));
return ____x39;
var expandTable = (__x40) => {
var ____id46 = __x40;
var __x41 = ____id46[0];
var __args111 = cut(____id46, 1);
var __expr2 = join([__x41], keys(__args111));
var ____x42 = __args111;
var ____i38 = 0;
while (____i38 < _35(____x42)) {
var __x43 = ____x42[____i38];
if (atom63(__x43)) {
add(__expr2, [__x43, macroexpand(__x43)]);
} else {
if (_35(__x43) <= 2) {
var ____id47 = __x43;
var __name8 = ____id47[0];
var __v24 = ____id47[1];
add(__expr2, [macroexpand(__name8), macroexpand(__v24)]);
} else {
var ____id48 = __x43;
var __prefix = ____id48[0];
var __name9 = ____id48[1];
var __args121 = ____id48[2];
var __body29 = cut(____id48, 3);
if (some63(__body29)) {
add(_G.environment, {
var ____o20 = __args121;
var ____i39 = undefined;
for (____i39 in ____o20) {
var ____x44 = ____o20[____i39];
var __e47;
if (numeric63(____i39)) {
__e47 = parseInt(____i39);
} else {
__e47 = ____i39;
var ____i391 = __e47;
if (defaultAssignment63(____x44)) {
setenv(____x44[1], {
_stash: true,
variable: true,
} else {
setenv(____x44, {
_stash: true,
variable: true,
var ____x45 = add(__expr2, join([__prefix, macroexpand(__name9), __args121], macroexpand(__body29)));
} else {
add(__expr2, [__prefix, macroexpand(__name9), macroexpand(__args121)]);
____i38 = ____i38 + 1;
return __expr2;
var expandClass = (__x46) => {
var ____id49 = __x46;
var __x47 = ____id49[0];
var __name10 = ____id49[1];
var __body30 = cut(____id49, 2);
return join([__x47, __name10], tl(expandTable(join(["%table"], __body30))));
var expandConditionCase = (__x48) => {
var ____id50 = __x48;
var __x49 = ____id50[0];
var __var1 = ____id50[1];
var __form = ____id50[2];
var __clauses1 = cut(____id50, 3);
return join(["%condition-case", __var1, macroexpand(__form)], map((__x50) => {
var ____id51 = __x50;
var __which = ____id51[0];
var __body31 = cut(____id51, 1);
if (__which === "finally") {
return join([__which], map(macroexpand, __body31));
} else {
add(_G.environment, {
var ____o21 = [__var1];
var ____i40 = undefined;
for (____i40 in ____o21) {
var ____x51 = ____o21[____i40];
var __e48;
if (numeric63(____i40)) {
__e48 = parseInt(____i40);
} else {
__e48 = ____i40;
var ____i401 = __e48;
if (defaultAssignment63(____x51)) {
setenv(____x51[1], {
_stash: true,
variable: true,
} else {
setenv(____x51, {
_stash: true,
variable: true,
var ____x52 = join([__which], map(macroexpand, __body31));
return ____x52;
}, __clauses1));
_G.expandConditionCase = expandConditionCase;
var expandDefinition = (__x53) => {
var ____id52 = __x53;
var __x54 = ____id52[0];
var __name11 = ____id52[1];
var __args13 = ____id52[2];
var __body32 = cut(____id52, 3);
add(_G.environment, {
var ____o22 = __args13;
var ____i41 = undefined;
for (____i41 in ____o22) {
var ____x55 = ____o22[____i41];
var __e49;
if (numeric63(____i41)) {
__e49 = parseInt(____i41);
} else {
__e49 = ____i41;
var ____i411 = __e49;
if (defaultAssignment63(____x55)) {
setenv(____x55[1], {
_stash: true,
variable: true,
} else {
setenv(____x55, {
_stash: true,
variable: true,
var ____x56 = join([__x54, __name11, __args13], macroexpand(__body32));
return ____x56;
var expandMacro = (form) => {
return macroexpand(expand1(form));
var expand1 = (__x57) => {
var ____id53 = __x57;
var __name12 = ____id53[0];
var __body33 = cut(____id53, 1);
return apply(macroFunction(__name12), __body33);
_G.expand1 = expand1;
var macroexpand = (form) => {
if (symbolMacro63(form)) {
return macroexpand(symbolExpansion(form));
} else {
if (atom63(form)) {
return form;
} else {
var __x58 = hd(form);
if (__x58 === "%local") {
return expandLocal(form);
} else {
if (__x58 === "%function") {
return expandFunction(form);
} else {
if (__x58 === "%table") {
return expandTable(form);
} else {
if (__x58 === "%class") {
return expandClass(form);
} else {
if (__x58 === "%condition-case") {
return expandConditionCase(form);
} else {
if (__x58 === "%global-function") {
return expandDefinition(form);
} else {
if (__x58 === "%local-function") {
return expandDefinition(form);
} else {
if (macro63(__x58)) {
return expandMacro(form);
} else {
return map(macroexpand, form);
_G.macroexpand = macroexpand;
var quasiquoteList = (form, depth) => {
var __xs13 = [["list"]];
var ____o23 = form;
var __k33 = undefined;
for (__k33 in ____o23) {
var __v25 = ____o23[__k33];
var __e50;
if (numeric63(__k33)) {
__e50 = parseInt(__k33);
} else {
__e50 = __k33;
var __k34 = __e50;
if (! number63(__k34)) {
var __e51;
if (quasisplice63(__v25, depth)) {
__e51 = quasiexpand(__v25[1]);
} else {
__e51 = quasiexpand(__v25, depth);
var __v26 = __e51;
last(__xs13)[__k34] = __v26;
var ____x59 = form;
var ____i43 = 0;
while (____i43 < _35(____x59)) {
var __x60 = ____x59[____i43];
if (quasisplice63(__x60, depth)) {
var __x61 = quasiexpand(__x60[1]);
add(__xs13, __x61);
add(__xs13, ["list"]);
} else {
add(last(__xs13), quasiexpand(__x60, depth));
____i43 = ____i43 + 1;
var __pruned = keep((x) => {
return _35(x) > 1 || !( hd(x) === "list") || keys63(x);
}, __xs13);
if (one63(__pruned)) {
return hd(__pruned);
} else {
return join(["join"], __pruned);
var quasiexpand = (form, depth) => {
if (quasiquoting63(depth)) {
if (atom63(form)) {
return ["quote", form];
} else {
if (canUnquote63(depth) && hd(form) === "unquote") {
return quasiexpand(form[1]);
} else {
if (hd(form) === "unquote" || hd(form) === "unquote-splicing") {
return quasiquoteList(form, depth - 1);
} else {
if (hd(form) === "quasiquote") {
return quasiquoteList(form, depth + 1);
} else {
return quasiquoteList(form, depth);
} else {
if (atom63(form)) {
return form;
} else {
if (hd(form) === "quote") {
return form;
} else {
if (hd(form) === "quasiquote") {
return quasiexpand(form[1], 1);
} else {
return map((x) => {
return quasiexpand(x, depth);
}, form);
_G.quasiexpand = quasiexpand;
var expandIf = (__x62) => {
var ____id54 = __x62;
var __a5 = ____id54[0];
var __b2 = ____id54[1];
var __c11 = cut(____id54, 2);
if (is63(__b2)) {
return [join(["%if", __a5, __b2], expandIf(__c11))];
} else {
if (is63(__a5)) {
return [__a5];
_G.expandIf = expandIf;
indentLevel = 0;
_G.indentLevel = indentLevel;
var indentation = () => {
var __s2 = "";
var __i44 = 0;
while (__i44 < indentLevel) {
__s2 = __s2 + " ";
__i44 = __i44 + 1;
return __s2;
_G.indentation = indentation;
var reserved = {
["="]: true,
["=="]: true,
["+"]: true,
["-"]: true,
["%"]: true,
["*"]: true,
["/"]: true,
["<"]: true,
[">"]: true,
["<="]: true,
[">="]: true,
["break"]: true,
["case"]: true,
["catch"]: true,
["class"]: true,
["const"]: true,
["continue"]: true,
["debugger"]: true,
["default"]: true,
["delete"]: true,
["do"]: true,
["else"]: true,
["export"]: true,
["extends"]: true,
["finally"]: true,
["for"]: true,
["function"]: true,
["if"]: true,
["import"]: true,
["in"]: true,
["instanceof"]: true,
["new"]: true,
["return"]: true,
["switch"]: true,
["throw"]: true,
["try"]: true,
["typeof"]: true,
["var"]: true,
["void"]: true,
["while"]: true,
["with"]: true,
var reserved63 = (x) => {
return has63(reserved, x);
_G.reserved63 = reserved63;
var validCode63 = (n) => {
return numberCode63(n) || n >= 65 && n <= 90 || n >= 97 && n <= 122 || n === 95;
var accessor63 = (x) => {
return string63(x) && _35(x) > 1 && code(x, 0) === 46 && !( code(x, 1) === 46) || obj63(x) && hd(x) === "%brackets";
_G.accessor63 = accessor63;
camelCaseRegex = new RegExp("(?<=[a-z])[-](\\w|$)", "g");
_G.camelCaseRegex = camelCaseRegex;
var camelCase = (name) => {
if (string63(name)) {
return name.replace(camelCaseRegex, (_, x) => {
return x.toUpperCase();
} else {
return name;
_G.camelCase = camelCase;
var symbolId = (id) => {
var __id55 = camelCase(id);
var __id121 = "";
if (numberCode63(code(__id55, 0))) {
__id121 = __id121 + "_";
var __i45 = 0;
while (__i45 < _35(__id55)) {
var __c2 = char(__id55, __i45);
var __n33 = code(__c2);
var __e52;
if (__c2 === "-" && !( __id55 === "-")) {
__e52 = "_";
} else {
var __e53;
if (validCode63(__n33)) {
__e53 = __c2;
} else {
var __e54;
if (__i45 === 0) {
__e54 = "_" + __n33;
} else {
__e54 = __n33;
__e53 = __e54;
__e52 = __e53;
var __c12 = __e52;
__id121 = __id121 + __c12;
__i45 = __i45 + 1;
return __id121;
_G.symbolId = symbolId;
var validId63 = (x) => {
return some63(x) && x === compileId(x);
_G.validId63 = validId63;
var __names3 = {
var unique = (x) => {
if (string63(x)) {
var __x63 = symbolId(x);
if (__names3[__x63]) {
var __i46 = __names3[__x63];
__names3[__x63] = __names3[__x63] + 1;
return unique(__x63 + __i46);
} else {
__names3[__x63] = 1;
return "__" + __x63;
} else {
return x;
_G.unique = unique;
var key = (k) => {
if (string63(k) && validId63(k)) {
return k;
} else {
if (stringLiteral63(k) && validId63(inner(k))) {
return inner(k);
} else {
if (stringLiteral63(k) || ! string63(k)) {
return "[" + compile(k) + "]";
} else {
return compile(k);
_G.key = key;
var mapo = (f, t) => {
var __o24 = [];
var ____o25 = t;
var __k35 = undefined;
for (__k35 in ____o25) {
var __v27 = ____o25[__k35];
var __e55;
if (numeric63(__k35)) {
__e55 = parseInt(__k35);
} else {
__e55 = __k35;
var __k36 = __e55;
var __x64 = f(__v27);
if (is63(__x64)) {
add(__o24, literal(__k36));
add(__o24, __x64);
return __o24;
_G.mapo = mapo;
var infix = [{
not: {
js: "!",
}, {
["*"]: true,
["/"]: true,
["%"]: true,
}, {
cat: {
js: "+",
}, {
["+"]: true,
["-"]: true,
}, {
["<"]: true,
[">"]: true,
["<="]: true,
[">="]: true,
}, {
["="]: {
js: "===",
["=="]: {
js: "==",
}, {
and: {
js: "&&",
}, {
or: {
js: "||",
var unary63 = (form) => {
return two63(form) && in63(hd(form), ["not", "-"]);
var index = (k) => {
return k;
var precedence = (form) => {
if (!( atom63(form) || unary63(form))) {
var ____o26 = infix;
var __k37 = undefined;
for (__k37 in ____o26) {
var __v28 = ____o26[__k37];
var __e56;
if (numeric63(__k37)) {
__e56 = parseInt(__k37);
} else {
__e56 = __k37;
var __k38 = __e56;
var __x65 = hd(form);
if (__v28[__x65]) {
return index(__k38);
return 0;
var getop = (op) => {
return find((level) => {
var __x66 = level[op];
if (__x66 === true) {
return op;
} else {
if (is63(__x66)) {
return __x66.js;
}, infix);
var infix63 = (x) => {
return is63(getop(x));
var infixOperator63 = (x) => {
return obj63(x) && infix63(hd(x));
_G.infixOperator63 = infixOperator63;
var compileNext = (x, args, call63) => {
if (none63(args)) {
if (call63) {
return x + "()";
} else {
return x;
} else {
return x + compileArgs(args, call63);
_G.compileNext = compileNext;
var compileArgs = (args, call63) => {
var __a6 = hd(args);
if (accessor63(__a6)) {
return compileNext(compile(__a6), tl(args), call63);
} else {
if (obj63(__a6) && accessor63(hd(__a6))) {
var ____id56 = __a6;
var __x67 = ____id56[0];
var __ys = cut(____id56, 1);
var __s3 = compileNext(compile(__x67), __ys, true);
return compileNext(__s3, tl(args), call63);
} else {
var __s4 = "";
var __c3 = "";
var __i49 = 0;
while (__i49 < _35(args)) {
var __x68 = args[__i49];
if (defaultAssignment63(__x68)) {
var ____id57 = __x68;
var ___1 = ____id57[0];
var __x111 = ____id57[1];
var __val1 = ____id57[2];
__s4 = __s4 + __c3 + compile(__x111) + " = " + compile(__val1);
} else {
if (accessor63(__x68) || obj63(__x68) && accessor63(hd(__x68))) {
return compileNext("(" + __s4 + ")", cut(args, __i49), call63);
} else {
__s4 = __s4 + __c3 + compile(__x68);
__c3 = ", ";
__i49 = __i49 + 1;
if ( {
__s4 = __s4 + __c3 + "..." + compile(;
return "(" + __s4 + ")";
_G.compileArgs = compileArgs;
var escapeNewlines = (s) => {
var __s12 = "";
var __i50 = 0;
while (__i50 < _35(s)) {
var __c4 = char(s, __i50);
var __e57;
if (__c4 === "\n") {
__e57 = "\\n";
} else {
var __e58;
if (__c4 === "\r") {
__e58 = "";
} else {
__e58 = __c4;
__e57 = __e58;
__s12 = __s12 + __e57;
__i50 = __i50 + 1;
return __s12;
var accessor = (x) => {
var __prop1 = compileAtom(clip(x, 1), true);
if (validId63(__prop1)) {
return "." + __prop1;
} else {
return "[" + escape(__prop1) + "]";
_G.accessor = accessor;
var compileId = (id, raw63) => {
var __id58 = symbolId(id);
if (raw63) {
return __id58;
} else {
if (reserved63(__id58)) {
return "_" + __id58;
} else {
return __id58;
_G.compileId = compileId;
var compileAtom = (x, raw63) => {
if (! raw63 && x === "nil") {
return "undefined";
} else {
if (accessor63(x)) {
return accessor(x);
} else {
if (idLiteral63(x)) {
return inner(x);
} else {
if (stringLiteral63(x)) {
return escapeNewlines(x);
} else {
if (string63(x)) {
return compileId(x, raw63);
} else {
if (boolean63(x)) {
if (x) {
return "true";
} else {
return "false";
} else {
if (nan63(x)) {
return "nan";
} else {
if (x === inf) {
return "inf";
} else {
if (x === _inf) {
return "-inf";
} else {
if (number63(x)) {
return x + "";
} else {
throw new Error("Cannot compile atom: " + str(x));
_G.compileAtom = compileAtom;
var terminator = (stmt63) => {
if (! stmt63) {
return "";
} else {
return ";\n";
var compileSpecial = (form, stmt63) => {
var ____id59 = form;
var __x69 = ____id59[0];
var __args14 = cut(____id59, 1);
var ____id60 = getenv(__x69);
var __special = ____id60["special"];
var __stmt = ____id60["stmt"];
var __selfTr63 = ____id60["tr"];
var __tr = terminator(stmt63 && ! __selfTr63);
return apply(__special, __args14) + __tr;
var parenthesizeCall63 = (x) => {
return ! atom63(x) && hd(x) === "%function" || precedence(x) > 0;
var compileCall = (f, args, parens63) => {
var __f11 = compile(f);
var __args131 = compileArgs(stash42(args));
if (parens63 || parenthesizeCall63(f)) {
return "(" + __f11 + ")" + __args131;
} else {
return __f11 + __args131;
_G.compileCall = compileCall;
var opDelims = (parent, child, ...__r202) => {
var ____r202 = unstash(__r202);
var __parent = destash33(parent, ____r202);
var __child = destash33(child, ____r202);
var ____id61 = ____r202;
var __right = ____id61["right"];
var __e59;
if (__right) {
__e59 = _6261;
} else {
__e59 = _62;
if (__e59(precedence(__child), precedence(__parent))) {
return ["(", ")"];
} else {
return ["", ""];
var compileInfix = (form) => {
var ____id62 = form;
var __op = ____id62[0];
var ____id63 = cut(____id62, 1);
var __a7 = ____id63[0];
var __b3 = ____id63[1];
var ____id64 = opDelims(form, __a7);
var __ao = ____id64[0];
var __ac = ____id64[1];
var ____id65 = opDelims(form, __b3, {
_stash: true,
right: true,
var __bo = ____id65[0];
var __bc = ____id65[1];
var __a8 = compile(__a7);
var __b4 = compile(__b3);
var __op1 = getop(__op);
if (unary63(form)) {
return __op1 + __ao + " " + __a8 + __ac;
} else {
return __ao + __a8 + __ac + " " + __op1 + " " + __bo + __b4 + __bc;
var compileFunction = (args, body, ...__r204) => {
var ____r204 = unstash(__r204);
var __args15 = destash33(args, ____r204);
var __body34 = destash33(body, ____r204);
var ____id66 = ____r204;
var __name13 = ____id66["name"];
var __prefix1 = ____id66["prefix"];
var __infix = ____id66["infix"];
var __tr1 = ____id66["tr"];
var __id67 = either(__name13, "");
var __args16 = compileArgs(__args15);
indentLevel = indentLevel + 1;
var ____x70 = compile(__body34, {
_stash: true,
stmt: true,
indentLevel = indentLevel - 1;
var __body35 = ____x70;
var __ind = indentation();
var __e60;
if (__infix) {
__e60 = " " + __infix;
} else {
__e60 = "";
var __mid = __e60;
var __e61;
if (__prefix1) {
__e61 = __prefix1 + " ";
} else {
__e61 = "";
var __p1 = __e61;
var __tr2 = either(__tr1, "");
return __p1 + __id67 + __args16 + __mid + " {\n" + __body35 + __ind + "}" + __tr2;
_G.compileFunction = compileFunction;
var canReturn63 = (form) => {
return is63(form) && (atom63(form) || !( hd(form) === "return") && ! statement63(hd(form)));
var compile = (form, ...__r206) => {
var ____r206 = unstash(__r206);
var __form1 = destash33(form, ____r206);
var ____id68 = ____r206;
var __stmt1 = ____id68["stmt"];
if (nil63(__form1)) {
return "";
} else {
if (specialForm63(__form1)) {
return compileSpecial(__form1, __stmt1);
} else {
var __tr3 = terminator(__stmt1);
var __e62;
if (__stmt1) {
__e62 = indentation();
} else {
__e62 = "";
var __ind1 = __e62;
var __e63;
if (atom63(__form1)) {
__e63 = compileAtom(__form1);
} else {
var __e64;
if (infix63(hd(__form1))) {
__e64 = compileInfix(__form1);
} else {
__e64 = compileCall(hd(__form1), tl(__form1));
__e63 = __e64;
var __form2 = __e63;
return __ind1 + __form2 + __tr3;
_G.compile = compile;
var lowerStatement = (form, tail63) => {
var __hoist = [];
var __e31 = lower(form, __hoist, true, tail63);
var __e65;
if (some63(__hoist) && is63(__e31)) {
__e65 = join(["do"], __hoist, [__e31]);
} else {
var __e66;
if (is63(__e31)) {
__e66 = __e31;
} else {
var __e67;
if (_35(__hoist) > 1) {
__e67 = join(["do"], __hoist);
} else {
__e67 = hd(__hoist);
__e66 = __e67;
__e65 = __e66;
return either(__e65, ["do"]);
var lowerBody = (body, tail63) => {
return lowerStatement(join(["do"], body), tail63);
var literal63 = (form) => {
return atom63(form) || hd(form) === "%array" || hd(form) === "%object" || hd(form) === "%table";
var standalone63 = (form) => {
return ! atom63(form) && ! infix63(hd(form)) && ! literal63(form) && !( "get" === hd(form)) && !( "%statement" === hd(form)) && !( two63(form) && accessor63(form[1])) || idLiteral63(form);
var lowerDo = (args, hoist, stmt63, tail63) => {
var ____x71 = almost(args);
var ____i51 = 0;
while (____i51 < _35(____x71)) {
var __x72 = ____x71[____i51];
var ____y5 = lower(__x72, hoist, stmt63);
if (yes(____y5)) {
var __e32 = ____y5;
if (standalone63(__e32)) {
add(hoist, __e32);
____i51 = ____i51 + 1;
var __e33 = lower(last(args), hoist, stmt63, tail63);
if (tail63 && canReturn63(__e33)) {
return ["return", __e33];
} else {
return __e33;
var lowerSet = (args, hoist, stmt63, tail63) => {
var ____id69 = args;
var __lh2 = ____id69[0];
var __rh2 = ____id69[1];
var __lh11 = lower(__lh2, hoist);
var __rh11 = lower(__rh2, hoist);
add(hoist, ["%set", __lh11, __rh11]);
if (!( stmt63 && ! tail63)) {
return __lh11;
var lowerIf = (args, hoist, stmt63, tail63) => {
var ____id70 = args;
var __cond2 = ____id70[0];
var __then = ____id70[1];
var __else = ____id70[2];
if (stmt63) {
var __e69;
if (is63(__else)) {
__e69 = [lowerBody([__else], tail63)];
return add(hoist, join(["%if", lower(__cond2, hoist), lowerBody([__then], tail63)], __e69));
} else {
var __e34 = unique("e");
add(hoist, ["%local", __e34]);
var __e68;
if (is63(__else)) {
__e68 = [lower(["%set", __e34, __else])];
add(hoist, join(["%if", lower(__cond2, hoist), lower(["%set", __e34, __then])], __e68));
return __e34;
var lowerShort = (x, args, hoist) => {
var ____id71 = args;
var __a9 = ____id71[0];
var __b5 = ____id71[1];
var __hoist1 = [];
var __b11 = lower(__b5, __hoist1);
if (some63(__hoist1)) {
var __id72 = unique("id");
var __e70;
if (x === "and") {
__e70 = ["%if", __id72, __b5, __id72];
} else {
__e70 = ["%if", __id72, __id72, __b5];
return lower(["do", ["%local", __id72, __a9], __e70], hoist);
} else {
return [x, lower(__a9, hoist), __b11];
var lowerTry = (args, hoist, tail63) => {
return add(hoist, ["%try", lowerBody(args, tail63)]);
var lowerConditionCase = (__x73, hoist, stmt63, tail63) => {
var ____id73 = __x73;
var __var2 = ____id73[0];
var __form3 = ____id73[1];
var __clauses2 = cut(____id73, 2);
if (stmt63) {
return add(hoist, join(["%condition-case", __var2, lowerBody(["do", __form3], tail63)], map((__x74) => {
var ____id74 = __x74;
var __which1 = ____id74[0];
var __body36 = cut(____id74, 1);
if (__which1 === "finally") {
return [__which1, lowerBody(__body36)];
} else {
var ____id75 = __body36;
var __x75 = ____id75[0];
var __args17 = cut(____id75, 1);
return [__which1, lower(__x75), lowerBody(__args17, tail63)];
}, __clauses2)));
} else {
var __e35 = unique("e");
add(hoist, ["%local", __e35]);
add(hoist, join(["%condition-case", __var2, lower(["%set", __e35, __form3])], map((__x76) => {
var ____id76 = __x76;
var __which2 = ____id76[0];
var __body37 = cut(____id76, 1);
if (__which2 === "finally") {
return [__which2, lowerBody(__body37)];
} else {
var ____id77 = __body37;
var __x77 = ____id77[0];
var __args18 = cut(____id77, 1);
return [__which2, lower(__x77), lower(["%set", __e35, join(["do"], __args18)])];
}, __clauses2)));
return __e35;
_G.lowerConditionCase = lowerConditionCase;
var lowerWhile = (args, hoist) => {
var ____id78 = args;
var __c5 = ____id78[0];
var __body38 = cut(____id78, 1);
var __pre = [];
var __c6 = lower(__c5, __pre);
var __e71;
if (none63(__pre)) {
__e71 = ["while", __c6, lowerBody(__body38)];
} else {
__e71 = ["while", true, join(["do"], __pre, [["%if", ["not", __c6], ["break"]], lowerBody(__body38)])];
return add(hoist, __e71);
var lowerFor = (args, hoist) => {
var ____id79 = args;
var __t4 = ____id79[0];
var __k39 = ____id79[1];
var __body39 = cut(____id79, 2);
return add(hoist, ["%for", lower(__t4, hoist), __k39, lowerBody(__body39)]);
var lowerTable = (args, hoist, stmt63, tail63) => {
var __expr3 = join(["%table"], keys(args));
var ____x78 = args;
var ____i52 = 0;
while (____i52 < _35(____x78)) {
var __x79 = ____x78[____i52];
if (atom63(__x79)) {
add(__expr3, __x79);
} else {
if (_35(__x79) <= 2) {
var ____id80 = __x79;
var __name14 = ____id80[0];
var __v29 = ____id80[1];
add(__expr3, [lower(__name14, hoist), lower(__v29, hoist)]);
} else {
var ____id81 = __x79;
var __prefix2 = ____id81[0];
var __name15 = ____id81[1];
var __args19 = ____id81[2];
var __body40 = cut(____id81, 3);
if (some63(__body40)) {
add(__expr3, [__prefix2, lower(__name15, hoist), __args19, lowerBody(__body40, true)]);
} else {
add(__expr3, [__prefix2, lower(__name15, hoist), lower(__args19, hoist)]);
____i52 = ____i52 + 1;
return __expr3;
_G.lowerTable = lowerTable;
var lowerClass = (__x80, hoist, stmt63, tail63) => {
var ____id82 = __x80;
var __x81 = ____id82[0];
var __body41 = cut(____id82, 1);
var __body42 = tl(lowerTable(__body41, hoist));
var ____id83 = __x81;
var __name16 = ____id83[0];
var __parent1 = ____id83[1];
var __parent11 = lower(__parent1, hoist);
var __expr4 = join(["%class", [__name16, __parent11]], __body42);
if (stmt63 && ! tail63) {
return add(hoist, ["%local", __name16, __expr4]);
} else {
return __expr4;
_G.lowerClass = lowerClass;
var lowerFunction = (args) => {
var ____id84 = args;
var __a10 = ____id84[0];
var __body43 = cut(____id84, 1);
return ["%function", __a10, lowerBody(__body43, true)];
var lowerDefinition = (kind, args, hoist) => {
var ____id85 = args;
var __name17 = ____id85[0];
var __args20 = ____id85[1];
var __body44 = cut(____id85, 2);
return add(hoist, [kind, __name17, __args20, lowerBody(__body44, true)]);
var lowerCall = (form, hoist) => {
var __form4 = map((x) => {
return lower(x, hoist);
}, form);
if (some63(__form4)) {
return __form4;
var pairwise63 = (form) => {
return in63(hd(form), ["<", "<=", "=", ">=", ">"]);
var lowerPairwise = (form) => {
if (pairwise63(form)) {
var __e36 = [];
var ____id86 = form;
var __x82 = ____id86[0];
var __args21 = cut(____id86, 1);
reduce((a, b) => {
add(__e36, [__x82, a, b]);
return a;
}, __args21);
return join(["and"], reverse(__e36));
} else {
return form;
var lowerInfix63 = (form) => {
return infix63(hd(form)) && _35(form) > 3;
var lowerInfix = (form, hoist) => {
var __form5 = lowerPairwise(form);
var ____id87 = __form5;
var __x83 = ____id87[0];
var __args22 = cut(____id87, 1);
return lower(reduce((a, b) => {
return [__x83, b, a];
}, reverse(__args22)), hoist);
var lowerSpecial = (__x84, hoist) => {
var ____id88 = __x84;
var __name18 = ____id88[0];
var __args23 = cut(____id88, 1);
var __args141 = map((x) => {
return lower(x, hoist);
}, __args23);
var __form6 = join([__name18], __args141);
return add(hoist, __form6);
var lower = (form, hoist, stmt63, tail63) => {
if (atom63(form)) {
return form;
} else {
if (empty63(form)) {
return ["%array"];
} else {
if (nil63(hoist)) {
return lowerStatement(form);
} else {
if (lowerInfix63(form)) {
return lowerInfix(form, hoist);
} else {
var ____id89 = form;
var __x85 = ____id89[0];
var __args24 = cut(____id89, 1);
if (__x85 === "do") {
return lowerDo(__args24, hoist, stmt63, tail63);
} else {
if (__x85 === "%call") {
return lower(__args24, hoist, stmt63, tail63);
} else {
if (__x85 === "%set") {
return lowerSet(__args24, hoist, stmt63, tail63);
} else {
if (__x85 === "%if") {
return lowerIf(__args24, hoist, stmt63, tail63);
} else {
if (__x85 === "%try") {
return lowerTry(__args24, hoist, tail63);
} else {
if (__x85 === "%condition-case") {
return lowerConditionCase(__args24, hoist, stmt63, tail63);
} else {
if (__x85 === "while") {
return lowerWhile(__args24, hoist);
} else {
if (__x85 === "%for") {
return lowerFor(__args24, hoist);
} else {
if (__x85 === "%table") {
return lowerTable(__args24, hoist, stmt63, tail63);
} else {
if (__x85 === "%class") {
return lowerClass(__args24, hoist, stmt63, tail63);
} else {
if (__x85 === "%function") {
return lowerFunction(__args24);
} else {
if (__x85 === "%local-function" || __x85 === "%global-function") {
return lowerDefinition(__x85, __args24, hoist);
} else {
if (in63(__x85, ["and", "or"])) {
return lowerShort(__x85, __args24, hoist);
} else {
if (statement63(__x85)) {
return lowerSpecial(form, hoist);
} else {
return lowerCall(form, hoist);
_G.lower = lower;
var expand = (form) => {
return lower(macroexpand(form));
_G.expand = expand;
var vm = require("vm");
var context = (ctx) => {
var __sandbox = vm.createContext(ctx);
__sandbox._G = __sandbox;
return __sandbox;
var sandbox = context(_G);
var run = (code, sandbox) => {
return vm.runInContext(code, sandbox || _G);
var eval = (form) => {
var __code = compile(expand(["%set", "%result", form]));
return run(__code);
_G.eval = eval;
var immediateCall63 = (x) => {
return obj63(x) && obj63(hd(x)) && hd(hd(x)) === "%function";
_G.immediateCall63 = immediateCall63;
setenv("%call", {
_stash: true,
special: (f, ...__r241) => {
var ____r241 = unstash(__r241);
var __f2 = destash33(f, ____r241);
var ____id90 = ____r241;
var __args25 = cut(____id90, 0);
return compileCall(__f2, __args25);
setenv("%brackets", {
_stash: true,
special: (...args) => {
var __args26 = unstash(args);
return "[" + inner(compileArgs(__args26)) + "]";
setenv("do", {
_stash: true,
special: (...forms) => {
var __forms = unstash(forms);
var __s5 = "";
var ____x86 = __forms;
var ____i53 = 0;
while (____i53 < _35(____x86)) {
var __x87 = ____x86[____i53];
__s5 = __s5 + compile(__x87, {
_stash: true,
stmt: true,
if (! atom63(__x87)) {
if (hd(__x87) === "return" || hd(__x87) === "break") {
____i53 = ____i53 + 1;
return __s5;
stmt: true,
tr: true,
setenv("%if", {
_stash: true,
special: (cond, cons, alt) => {
var __cond3 = compile(cond);
indentLevel = indentLevel + 1;
var ____x88 = compile(cons, {
_stash: true,
stmt: true,
indentLevel = indentLevel - 1;
var __cons = ____x88;
var __e72;
if (alt) {
indentLevel = indentLevel + 1;
var ____x89 = compile(alt, {
_stash: true,
stmt: true,
indentLevel = indentLevel - 1;
__e72 = ____x89;
var __alt = __e72;
var __ind2 = indentation();
var __s6 = "";
__s6 = __s6 + __ind2 + "if (" + __cond3 + ") {\n" + __cons + __ind2 + "}";
if (__alt) {
__s6 = __s6 + " else {\n" + __alt + __ind2 + "}";
return __s6 + "\n";
stmt: true,
tr: true,
setenv("while", {
_stash: true,
special: (cond, form) => {
var __cond4 = compile(cond);
indentLevel = indentLevel + 1;
var ____x90 = compile(form, {
_stash: true,
stmt: true,
indentLevel = indentLevel - 1;
var __body45 = ____x90;
var __ind3 = indentation();
return __ind3 + "while (" + __cond4 + ") {\n" + __body45 + __ind3 + "}\n";
stmt: true,
tr: true,
setenv("%for", {
_stash: true,
special: (t, k, form) => {
var __t5 = compile(t);
var __ind4 = indentation();
indentLevel = indentLevel + 1;
var ____x91 = compile(form, {
_stash: true,
stmt: true,
indentLevel = indentLevel - 1;
var __body46 = ____x91;
return __ind4 + "for (" + k + " in " + __t5 + ") {\n" + __body46 + __ind4 + "}\n";
stmt: true,
tr: true,
setenv("%try", {
_stash: true,
special: (form) => {
var __e37 = unique("e");
var __ind5 = indentation();
indentLevel = indentLevel + 1;
var ____x92 = compile(form, {
_stash: true,
stmt: true,
indentLevel = indentLevel - 1;
var __body47 = ____x92;
var __hf = ["return", ["%array", false, __e37]];
indentLevel = indentLevel + 1;
var ____x93 = compile(__hf, {
_stash: true,
stmt: true,
indentLevel = indentLevel - 1;
var __h = ____x93;
return __ind5 + "try {\n" + __body47 + __ind5 + "}\n" + __ind5 + "catch (" + __e37 + ") {\n" + __h + __ind5 + "}\n";
stmt: true,
tr: true,
setenv("%condition-case", {
_stash: true,
special: (e, form, ...__r246) => {
var ____r246 = unstash(__r246);
var __e38 = destash33(e, ____r246);
var __form7 = destash33(form, ____r246);
var ____id91 = ____r246;
var __clauses3 = cut(____id91, 0);
var __ind6 = indentation();
indentLevel = indentLevel + 1;
var ____x94 = compile(__form7, {
_stash: true,
stmt: true,
indentLevel = indentLevel - 1;
var __body48 = ____x94;
var __str = __ind6 + "try {\n" + __body48 + __ind6 + "}";
var __form8 = [];
var ____x95 = __clauses3;
var ____i54 = 0;
while (____i54 < _35(____x95)) {
var __x96 = ____x95[____i54];
if (hd(__x96) === "catch") {
var ____id92 = __x96;
var ___2 = ____id92[0];
var __type1 = ____id92[1];
var __body49 = ____id92[2];
var __e73;
if (boolean63(__type1)) {
__e73 = __type1;
} else {
__e73 = ["instanceof", __e38, __type1];
add(__form8, __e73);
add(__form8, __body49);
____i54 = ____i54 + 1;
if (! none63(__form8)) {
add(__form8, ["%throw", __e38]);
var __expr5 = hd(expandIf(__form8));
indentLevel = indentLevel + 1;
var ____x97 = compile(__expr5, {
_stash: true,
stmt: true,
indentLevel = indentLevel - 1;
var __h1 = ____x97;
__str = __str + " catch (" + __e38 + ") {\n" + __h1 + __ind6 + "}";
var __clause = first((x) => {
if (hd(x) === "finally") {
return x;
}, __clauses3);
if (__clause) {
var __body50 = tl(__clause);
indentLevel = indentLevel + 1;
var ____x98 = compile(join(["do"], __body50), {
_stash: true,
stmt: true,
indentLevel = indentLevel - 1;
var __h2 = ____x98;
__str = __str + " finally {\n" + __h2 + __ind6 + "}";
__str = __str + "\n";
return __str;
stmt: true,
tr: true,
setenv("%delete", {
_stash: true,
special: (place) => {
return indentation() + "delete " + compile(place);
stmt: true,
setenv("break", {
_stash: true,
special: () => {
return indentation() + "break";
stmt: true,
setenv("%function", {
_stash: true,
special: (args, body) => {
return compileFunction(args, body, {
_stash: true,
infix: "=>",
setenv("%global-function", {
_stash: true,
special: (name, args, body) => {
return compile(["%local", name, ["%function", args, body]], {
_stash: true,
stmt: true,
stmt: true,
tr: true,
setenv("%local-function", {
_stash: true,
special: (name, args, body) => {
return compile(["%local", name, ["%function", args, body]], {
_stash: true,
stmt: true,
stmt: true,
tr: true,
setenv("return", {
_stash: true,
special: (x) => {
var __e74;
if (nil63(x)) {
__e74 = "return";
} else {
__e74 = "return " + compile(x);
var __x99 = __e74;
return indentation() + __x99;
stmt: true,
setenv("async", {
_stash: true,
special: (...x) => {
var __x100 = unstash(x);
if (_35(__x100) > 1) {
return compile(join([["async", hd(__x100)]], tl(__x100)));
} else {
return "async " + compile(hd(__x100));
setenv("await", {
_stash: true,
special: (...x) => {
var __x101 = unstash(x);
if (_35(__x101) > 1) {
return compile(join([["await", hd(__x101)]], tl(__x101)));
} else {
return "await (" + compile(hd(__x101)) + ")";
setenv("new", {
_stash: true,
special: (...x) => {
var __x102 = unstash(x);
if (_35(__x102) > 1) {
return compile(join([["new", hd(__x102)]], tl(__x102)));
} else {
return "new " + compile(hd(__x102));
setenv("instanceof", {
_stash: true,
special: (a, b) => {
return "(" + compile(a) + " instanceof " + compile(b) + ")";
setenv("typeof", {
_stash: true,
special: (x) => {
return "typeof(" + compile(x) + ")";
setenv("%throw", {
_stash: true,
special: (x) => {
return indentation() + "throw " + compile(x);
stmt: true,
setenv("error", {
_stash: true,
special: (x) => {
var __e39 = "throw " + compile(["new", ["Error", x]]);
return indentation() + __e39;
stmt: true,
setenv("%local", {
_stash: true,
special: (name, value) => {
var __id93 = compile(name);
var __value1 = compile(value);
var __e75;
if (is63(value)) {
__e75 = " = " + __value1;
} else {
__e75 = "";
var __rh3 = __e75;
var __keyword = "var ";
var __ind7 = indentation();
return __ind7 + __keyword + __id93 + __rh3;
stmt: true,
setenv("%set", {
_stash: true,
special: (lh, rh) => {
var __lh3 = compile(lh);
var __e76;
if (nil63(rh)) {
__e76 = "nil";
} else {
__e76 = rh;
var __rh4 = compile(__e76);
return indentation() + __lh3 + " = " + __rh4;
stmt: true,
setenv("get", {
_stash: true,
special: (t, k) => {
var __t11 = compile(t);
var __k111 = compile(k);
if (infixOperator63(t)) {
__t11 = "(" + __t11 + ")";
if (stringLiteral63(k) && validId63(inner(k))) {
return __t11 + "." + inner(k);
} else {
return __t11 + "[" + __k111 + "]";
setenv("%array", {
_stash: true,
special: (...forms) => {
var __forms1 = unstash(forms);
var __open = "[";
var __close = "]";
var __s7 = "";
var __c7 = "";
var ____o27 = __forms1;
var __k40 = undefined;
for (__k40 in ____o27) {
var __v30 = ____o27[__k40];
var __e77;
if (numeric63(__k40)) {
__e77 = parseInt(__k40);
} else {
__e77 = __k40;
var __k41 = __e77;
if (number63(__k41)) {
__s7 = __s7 + __c7 + compile(__v30);
__c7 = ", ";
return __open + __s7 + __close;
setenv("%object", {
_stash: true,
special: (...forms) => {
var __forms2 = unstash(forms);
var __s8 = "{\n";
var __sep = ": ";
indentLevel = indentLevel + 1;
var __ind8 = indentation();
var ____x104 = pair(__forms2);
var ____i56 = 0;
while (____i56 < _35(____x104)) {
var ____id94 = ____x104[____i56];
var __k42 = ____id94[0];
var __v31 = ____id94[1];
__s8 = __s8 + __ind8 + key(__k42) + __sep + compile(__v31) + ",\n";
____i56 = ____i56 + 1;
var ____x103;
indentLevel = indentLevel - 1;
return __s8 + indentation() + "}";
setenv("%table", {
_stash: true,
special: (...forms) => {
var __forms3 = unstash(forms);
var __s9 = "{\n";
var __c8 = "";
var __sep1 = ": ";
var __comma = either(__forms3.comma, ", ");
indentLevel = indentLevel + 1;
var __ind9 = indentation();
var ____x106 = __forms3;
var ____i57 = 0;
while (____i57 < _35(____x106)) {
var __x107 = ____x106[____i57];
if (atom63(__x107)) {
__s9 = __s9 + __c8 + __ind9 + key(__x107) + __sep1 + compile(__x107);
} else {
if (_35(__x107) <= 2) {
var ____id95 = __x107;
var __name19 = ____id95[0];
var __v32 = ____id95[1];
__s9 = __s9 + __c8 + __ind9 + key(__name19) + __sep1 + compile(__v32);
} else {
var ____id96 = __x107;
var __prefix3 = ____id96[0];
var __name20 = ____id96[1];
var __args27 = ____id96[2];
var __body51 = cut(____id96, 3);
var __e78;
if (in63(__prefix3, ["define", "def"])) {
__e78 = "";
} else {
__e78 = __prefix3;
var __prefix4 = __e78;
var __e79;
if (some63(__body51)) {
__e79 = compileFunction(__args27, join(["do"], __body51), {
_stash: true,
name: key(__name20),
prefix: __prefix4,
} else {
__e79 = key(__name20) + __sep1 + compile(__args27);
var __h3 = __e79;
__s9 = __s9 + __c8 + __ind9 + __h3;
__c8 = inner(__comma) + "\n";
____i57 = ____i57 + 1;
var ____x105;
indentLevel = indentLevel - 1;
return __s9 + "\n" + indentation() + "}";
setenv("%class", {
_stash: true,
special: (name, ...__r261) => {
var ____r261 = unstash(__r261);
var __name21 = destash33(name, ____r261);
var ____id97 = ____r261;
var __body52 = cut(____id97, 0);
var __e80;
if (atom63(__name21)) {
__e80 = [__name21];
} else {
__e80 = __name21;
var ____id98 = __e80;
var __name22 = ____id98[0];
var __parent2 = ____id98[1];
var __e81;
if (__name22) {
__e81 = [__name22, "\" \""];
} else {
__e81 = [];
var __name23 = __e81;
var __e82;
if (__parent2) {
__e82 = ["\"extends \"", __parent2, "\" \""];
} else {
__e82 = [];
var __ext = __e82;
return compile(join(["%literal", "\"class \""], __name23, __ext, [join({
[0]: "%table",
comma: "\"\"",
}, __body52)]));
setenv("%literal", {
_stash: true,
special: (...args) => {
var __args28 = unstash(args);
var __s10 = "";
var ____x108 = __args28;
var ____i58 = 0;
while (____i58 < _35(____x108)) {
var __x109 = ____x108[____i58];
if (stringLiteral63(__x109)) {
__s10 = __s10 + eval(__x109);
} else {
__s10 = __s10 + compile(__x109);
____i58 = ____i58 + 1;
return __s10;
setenv("%statement", {
_stash: true,
special: (...args) => {
var __args29 = unstash(args);
var __s111 = indentation();
var ____x110 = __args29;
var ____i59 = 0;
while (____i59 < _35(____x110)) {
var __x1111 = ____x110[____i59];
if (stringLiteral63(__x1111)) {
__s111 = __s111 + eval(__x1111);
} else {
__s111 = __s111 + compile(__x1111);
____i59 = ____i59 + 1;
__s111 = __s111 + "\n";
return __s111;
stmt: true,
tr: true,
setenv("%indentation", {
_stash: true,
special: () => {
return indentation();
setenv("%spread", {
_stash: true,
special: (x) => {
return "..." + compile(x);
__exports.context = context;
__exports.sandbox = sandbox; = run;
__exports.eval = eval;
__exports.expand = expand;
__exports.compile = compile;
_G.compiler = __exports;
var __exports1 = {
var __self1 = __exports1;
var __module1 = {
exports: __exports1,
delimiters = {
["{"]: true,
["}"]: true,
["["]: true,
["]"]: true,
["("]: true,
[")"]: true,
[";"]: true,
["\r"]: true,
["\n"]: true,
_G.delimiters = delimiters;
whitespace = {
[" "]: true,
["\t"]: true,
["\r"]: true,
["\n"]: true,
_G.whitespace = whitespace;
var stream = (str, more) => {
var __s121 = {
pos: 0,
string: str,
len: _35(str),
if (is63(more)) {
__s121.more = more;
return __s121;
}; = stream;
var peekChar = (s) => {
if (s.pos < s.len) {
return char(s.string, s.pos);
_G.peekChar = peekChar;
var readChar = (s) => {
var __c9 = peekChar(s);
if (__c9) {
s.pos = s.pos + 1;
return __c9;
_G.readChar = readChar;
var skipNonCode = (s) => {
while (true) {
var __c10 = peekChar(s);
if (nil63(__c10)) {
} else {
if (whitespace[__c10]) {
} else {
if (__c10 === ";") {
while (__c10 && !( __c10 === "\n")) {
__c10 = readChar(s);
} else {
_G.skipNonCode = skipNonCode;
readTable = {
_G.readTable = readTable;
eof = {
_G.eof = eof;
var read = (s) => {
var __c111 = peekChar(s);
if (is63(__c111)) {
return (readTable[__c111] || readTable[""])(s);
} else {
return eof;
}; = read;
var readAll = (s) => {
var __l8 = [];
while (true) {
var __form9 = read(s);
if (__form9 === eof) {
add(__l8, __form9);
return __l8;
_G.readAll = readAll;
var readString = (str, more) => {
var __x112 = read(stream(str, more));
if (!( __x112 === eof)) {
return __x112;
_G.readString = readString;
var key63 = (atom) => {
return string63(atom) && _35(atom) > 1 && char(atom, edge(atom)) === ":";
var expected = (s, c) => {
var ____id99 = s;
var __more = ____id99["more"];
var __pos = ____id99["pos"];
var __id100 = __more;
var __e83;
if (__id100) {
__e83 = __id100;
} else {
throw new Error("Expected " + c + " at " + __pos);
__e83 = undefined;
return __e83;
_G.expected = expected;
var wrap = (s, x) => {
var __y6 = read(s);
if (__y6 === s.more) {
return __y6;
} else {
return [x, __y6];
_G.wrap = wrap;
var hexPrefix63 = (str) => {
var __e84;
if (code(str, 0) === 45) {
__e84 = 1;
} else {
__e84 = 0;
var __i60 = __e84;
var __id101 = code(str, __i60) === 48;
var __e85;
if (__id101) {
__i60 = __i60 + 1;
var __n37 = code(str, __i60);
__e85 = __n37 === 120 || __n37 === 88;
} else {
__e85 = __id101;
return __e85;
_G.hexPrefix63 = hexPrefix63;
var maybeNumber = (str) => {
if (hexPrefix63(str)) {
return parseInt(str, 16);
} else {
if (numberCode63(code(str, edge(str))) && !( code(str, 0) === 46)) {
return number(str);
_G.maybeNumber = maybeNumber;
var real63 = (x) => {
return number63(x) && ! nan63(x) && ! inf63(x);
_G.real63 = real63;
readTable[""] = (s) => {
var __str1 = "";
while (true) {
var __c121 = peekChar(s);
if (__c121 && (! whitespace[__c121] && ! delimiters[__c121])) {
if (__c121 === "\\") {
__str1 = __str1 + readChar(s);
__str1 = __str1 + readChar(s);
} else {
if (__str1 === "true") {
return true;
} else {
if (__str1 === "false") {
return false;
} else {
var __n38 = maybeNumber(__str1);
if (real63(__n38)) {
return __n38;
} else {
return __str1;
readTable["("] = (s) => {
var __r279 = undefined;
var __l9 = [];
while (nil63(__r279)) {
var __c13 = peekChar(s);
if (__c13 === ")") {
__r279 = __l9;
} else {
if (nil63(__c13)) {
__r279 = expected(s, ")");
} else {
var __x113 = read(s);
if (key63(__x113)) {
var __k43 = clip(__x113, 0, edge(__x113));
var __v33 = read(s);
__l9[__k43] = __v33;
} else {
add(__l9, __x113);
return __r279;
readTable[")"] = (s) => {
throw new Error("Unexpected ) at " + s.pos);
readTable["["] = (s) => {
var __r282 = undefined;
var __l10 = [];
while (nil63(__r282)) {
var __c14 = peekChar(s);
if (__c14 === "]") {
__r282 = join(["brackets"], __l10);
} else {
if (nil63(__c14)) {
__r282 = expected(s, "]");
} else {
var __x114 = read(s);
add(__l10, __x114);
return __r282;
readTable["]"] = (s) => {
throw new Error("Unexpected ] at " + s.pos);
readTable["{"] = (s) => {
var __r285 = undefined;
var __l111 = [];
while (nil63(__r285)) {
var __c15 = peekChar(s);
if (__c15 === "}") {
__r285 = join(["braces"], __l111);
} else {
if (nil63(__c15)) {
__r285 = expected(s, "}");
} else {
var __x115 = read(s);
add(__l111, __x115);
return __r285;
readTable["}"] = (s) => {
throw new Error("Unexpected } at " + s.pos);
readTable["\""] = (s) => {
var __r288 = undefined;
var __str2 = "\"";
while (nil63(__r288)) {
var __c16 = peekChar(s);
if (__c16 === "\"") {
__r288 = __str2 + readChar(s);
} else {
if (nil63(__c16)) {
__r288 = expected(s, "\"");
} else {
if (__c16 === "\\") {
__str2 = __str2 + readChar(s);
__str2 = __str2 + readChar(s);
return __r288;
readTable["|"] = (s) => {
var __r290 = undefined;
var __str3 = "|";
while (nil63(__r290)) {
var __c17 = peekChar(s);
if (__c17 === "|") {
__r290 = __str3 + readChar(s);
} else {
if (nil63(__c17)) {
__r290 = expected(s, "|");
} else {
__str3 = __str3 + readChar(s);
return __r290;
readTable["'"] = (s) => {
return wrap(s, "quote");
readTable["`"] = (s) => {
return wrap(s, "quasiquote");
readTable[","] = (s) => {
if (peekChar(s) === "@") {
return wrap(s, "unquote-splicing");
} else {
return wrap(s, "unquote");
readTable["?"] = (s) => {
var __c18 = readChar(s);
var __e86;
if (__c18 === "\\") {
__e86 = readChar(s);
} else {
__e86 = __c18;
var __c131 = __e86;
return code(__c131);
readTable["#"] = (s) => {
var __c19 = peekChar(s);
if (__c19 === "'") {
return wrap(s, "function");
} else {
s.pos = s.pos - 1;
return readTable[""](s);
}; = stream; = read;
__exports1.readAll = readAll;
__exports1.readString = readString;
__exports1.readTable = readTable;
_G.reader = __exports1;
var __exports2 = {
var __self2 = __exports2;
var __module2 = {
exports: __exports2,
var fs = require("fs");
var childProcess = require("child_process");
var path = require("path");
var process = require("process");
var readFile = (path, __x116) => {
var __e87;
if (is63(__x116)) {
__e87 = __x116;
} else {
__e87 = "text";
var __mode = __e87;
if (__mode === "text") {
return fs.readFileSync(path, "utf8").replace(/\r/g, "");
} else {
return fs.readFileSync(path);
var writeFile = (path, data) => {
return fs.writeFileSync(path, data, "utf8");
var fileExists63 = (path) => {
return fs.existsSync(path, "utf8") && fs.statSync(path).isFile();
var directoryExists63 = (path) => {
return fs.existsSync(path, "utf8") && fs.statSync(path).isDirectory();
var pathSeparator = path.sep;
var pathJoin = ( => {
var __parts = unstash(parts);
return reduce((x, y) => {
return x + pathSeparator + y;
}, __parts) || "";
var getEnvironmentVariable = (name) => {
return process.env[name];
var setEnvironmentVariable = (name, value) => {
process.env[name] = value;
return process.env[name];
var write = (x, cb) => {
var __out = process.stdout;
return __out.write(x, cb);
var exit = (code) => {
return process.exit(code);
var argv = cut(process.argv, 2);
var reload = (module) => {
delete require.cache[require.resolve(module)];
return require(module);
var shell = (command) => {
return childProcess.execSync(command).toString();
__exports2.readFile = readFile;
__exports2.writeFile = writeFile;
__exports2.fileExists63 = fileExists63;
__exports2.directoryExists63 = directoryExists63;
__exports2.pathSeparator = pathSeparator;
__exports2.pathJoin = pathJoin;
__exports2.getEnvironmentVariable = getEnvironmentVariable;
__exports2.setEnvironmentVariable = setEnvironmentVariable;
__exports2.write = write;
__exports2.exit = exit;
__exports2.argv = argv;
__exports2.reload = reload; = shell;
_G.system = __exports2;
var __exports3 = {
var __self3 = __exports3;
var __module3 = {
exports: __exports3,
var reader = _G.reader;
var compiler = _G.compiler;
var system = _G.system;
var evalPrint = (form) => {
var ____id102 = (() => {
try {
return [true, compiler.eval(form)];
catch (__e93) {
return [false, __e93];
var __ok3 = ____id102[0];
var __v34 = ____id102[1];
if (! __ok3) {
return print(__v34.stack);
} else {
if (is63(__v34)) {
return print(str(__v34));
var rep = (s) => {
return evalPrint(reader.readString(s));
var repl = () => {
var __buf = "";
var rep1 = (s) => {
__buf = __buf + s;
var __more1 = [];
var __form10 = reader.readString(__buf, __more1);
if (!( __form10 === __more1)) {
__buf = "";
return system.write("> ");
system.write("> ");
var __in = process.stdin;
return __in.on("data", rep1);
var ppToString = (body) => {
if (atom63(body)) {
return str(body);
} else {
if (empty63(body)) {
return str(body);
} else {
var __s13 = "(";
var ____x117 = body;
var ____i61 = 0;
while (____i61 < _35(____x117)) {
var __x118 = ____x117[____i61];
__s13 = __s13 + str(__x118) + "\n\n";
____i61 = ____i61 + 1;
return __s13 + ")";
_G.ppToString = ppToString;
var pp = (body) => {
return body;
_G.pp = pp;
var readFile = (path) => {
var __s14 =;
var __body53 = reader.readAll(__s14);
if (one63(__body53)) {
return hd(__body53);
} else {
return join(["do"], __body53);
_G.readFile = readFile;
var expandFile = (path) => {
var __body54 = readFile(path);
return compiler.expand(__body54);
_G.expandFile = expandFile;
var compileFile = (path) => {
var __body55 = expandFile(path);
var __form11 = compiler.expand(join(["do"], __body55));
return compiler.compile(__form11, {
_stash: true,
stmt: true,
_G.compileFile = compileFile;
var load = (path) => {
var __code1 = compileFile(path);
var __prev = _G.exports || {
_G.exports = {
var __x119 = _G.exports;;
_G.exports = __prev;
return __x119;
_G.load = load;
var scriptFile63 = (path) => {
return !( "-" === char(path, 0) || ".js" === clip(path, _35(path) - 3));
var runFile = (path) => {
if (scriptFile63(path)) {
return load(path);
} else {
var usage = () => {
print("usage: dax [<file> <arguments> | options <object files>]");
print(" <file>\t\tProgram read from script file");
print(" <arguments>\tPassed to program in system.argv");
print(" <object files>\tLoaded before compiling <input>");
print(" -c <input>\tCompile input file");
print(" -x <input>\tExpand input file");
print(" -a <input>\tRead input file");
print(" -o <output>\tOutput file");
return print(" -e <expr>\tExpression to evaluate");
var main = () => {
var __arg = hd(system.argv);
if (__arg && scriptFile63(__arg)) {
return load(__arg);
} else {
if (__arg === "-h" || __arg === "--help") {
return usage();
} else {
var __pre1 = [];
var __op2 = undefined;
var __input = undefined;
var __output = undefined;
var __expr6 = undefined;
var __argv = system.argv;
var __i62 = 0;
while (__i62 < _35(__argv)) {
var __a11 = __argv[__i62];
if (__a11 === "-c" || __a11 === "-x" || __a11 === "-a" || __a11 === "-o" || __a11 === "-t" || __a11 === "-e") {
if (__i62 === edge(__argv)) {
print("missing argument for " + __a11);
} else {
__i62 = __i62 + 1;
var __val2 = __argv[__i62];
if (__a11 === "-c") {
__input = __val2;
__op2 = "compile";
} else {
if (__a11 === "-x") {
__input = __val2;
__op2 = "expand";
} else {
if (__a11 === "-a") {
__input = __val2;
__op2 = "read";
} else {
if (__a11 === "-o") {
__output = __val2;
} else {
if (__a11 === "-e") {
__expr6 = __val2;
} else {
if (!( "-" === char(__a11, 0))) {
add(__pre1, __a11);
__i62 = __i62 + 1;
var ____x120 = __pre1;
var ____i63 = 0;
while (____i63 < _35(____x120)) {
var __file = ____x120[____i63];
____i63 = ____i63 + 1;
if (nil63(__input)) {
if (__expr6) {
return rep(__expr6);
} else {
return repl();
} else {
var __e88;
if (__op2 === "expand") {
__e88 = ppToString(expandFile(__input));
} else {
var __e89;
if (__op2 === "read") {
__e89 = ppToString(readFile(__input));
} else {
__e89 = compileFile(__input);
__e88 = __e89;
var __code2 = __e88;
if (nil63(__output) || __output === "-") {
return print(__code2);
} else {
return system.writeFile(__output, __code2);
__exports3.reader = reader;
__exports3.compiler = compiler;
__exports3.system = system;
__exports3.evalPrint = evalPrint;
__exports3.rep = rep;
__exports3.repl = repl;
__exports3.compileFile = compileFile;
__exports3.load = load;
__exports3.scriptFile63 = scriptFile63;
__exports3.runFile = runFile;
__exports3.usage = usage;
__exports3.main = main;
_G.main = __exports3;
Object.assign(_G, _G.main);
return _G;
var ____x121 = typeof(window);
if ("undefined" === ____x121) {
module.exports.create = create;
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