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Last active January 15, 2025 00:34
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µPing: Ping library for MicroPython
# µPing (MicroPing) for MicroPython
# copyright (c) 2018 Shawwwn <>
# License: MIT
# Internet Checksum Algorithm
# Author: Olav Morken
# @data: bytes
def checksum(data):
if len(data) & 0x1: # Odd number of bytes
data += b'\0'
cs = 0
for pos in range(0, len(data), 2):
b1 = data[pos]
b2 = data[pos + 1]
cs += (b1 << 8) + b2
while cs >= 0x10000:
cs = (cs & 0xffff) + (cs >> 16)
cs = ~cs & 0xffff
return cs
def ping(host, count=4, timeout=5000, interval=10, quiet=False, size=64):
import utime
import uselect
import uctypes
import usocket
import ustruct
import urandom
# prepare packet
assert size >= 16, "pkt size too small"
pkt = b'Q'*size
pkt_desc = {
"type": uctypes.UINT8 | 0,
"code": uctypes.UINT8 | 1,
"checksum": uctypes.UINT16 | 2,
"id": uctypes.UINT16 | 4,
"seq": uctypes.INT16 | 6,
"timestamp": uctypes.UINT64 | 8,
} # packet header descriptor
h = uctypes.struct(uctypes.addressof(pkt), pkt_desc, uctypes.BIG_ENDIAN)
h.type = 8 # ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST
h.code = 0
h.checksum = 0 = urandom.getrandbits(16)
h.seq = 1
# init socket
sock = usocket.socket(usocket.AF_INET, usocket.SOCK_RAW, 1)
addr = usocket.getaddrinfo(host, 1)[0][-1][0] # ip address
sock.connect((addr, 1))
not quiet and print("PING %s (%s): %u data bytes" % (host, addr, len(pkt)))
seqs = list(range(1, count+1)) # [1,2,...,count]
c = 1
t = 0
n_trans = 0
n_recv = 0
finish = False
while t < timeout:
if t==interval and c<=count:
# send packet
h.checksum = 0
h.seq = c
h.timestamp = utime.ticks_us()
h.checksum = checksum(pkt)
if sock.send(pkt) == size:
n_trans += 1
t = 0 # reset timeout
c += 1
# recv packet
while 1:
socks, _, _ =[sock], [], [], 0)
if socks:
resp = socks[0].recv(4096)
resp_mv = memoryview(resp)
h2 = uctypes.struct(uctypes.addressof(resp_mv[20:]), pkt_desc, uctypes.BIG_ENDIAN)
# TODO: validate checksum (optional)
seq = h2.seq
if h2.type==0 and and (seq in seqs): # 0: ICMP_ECHO_REPLY
t_elasped = (utime.ticks_us()-h2.timestamp) / 1000
ttl = ustruct.unpack('!B', resp_mv[8:9])[0] # time-to-live
n_recv += 1
not quiet and print("%u bytes from %s: icmp_seq=%u, ttl=%u, time=%f ms" % (len(resp), addr, seq, ttl, t_elasped))
if len(seqs) == 0:
finish = True
if finish:
t += 1
# close
ret = (n_trans, n_recv)
not quiet and print("%u packets transmitted, %u packets received" % (n_trans, n_recv))
return (n_trans, n_recv)
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mcl-uk commented Feb 10, 2024

Great code, nice work. Works perfectly on ESP32 WROOM, thanks for sharing,

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pretty sweet!

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Thank you so much, this is really, really useful on the RPi Pico-W with RP2040 and CYW43439 running MicroPython v1.23.0.

I can ping other devices within the same WLAN as well as servers in the internet.

There is one little "problem" though: I cannot ping the local host, neither by nor by using the WLAN-IP-Address:

  •'') results in
    PING ( 64 data bytes
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/lib/", line 71, in ping
    OSError: [Errno 113] EHOSTUNREACH
  •'') with being the current IP address of the Pico-W results in
    PING ( 64 data bytes
    4 packets transmitted, 0 packets received
    (4, 0)
    Even if I try several times, I always get (4, 0).

My question is: Is this due to the way how is implemented or is this due to the underlying lwIP-Module of MicroPython?

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