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Last active August 23, 2020 20:22
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Convert camelCase to kebab-case
(s/defn camel->lisp :- s/Str
[s :- s/Str]
(->> s
(re-seq #("?:^\p{javaLowerCase}|\p{javaUpperCase}\p{javaLowerCase}+"))
(map string/lower-case)
(string/join "-")))
(s/defn keys-camel->list :- {s/Keyword s/Any}
[h :- {s/Keyword s/Any} & [recursive :- s/Bool]]
(into {} (map (fn [[k v]] [(-> k str (subs 1) camel->lisp)
(if (and recursive (map? v)) (keys-camel->lisp v true) v)]
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