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Created November 11, 2019 20:58
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Decompresses SystemPlayReport .msgpack.lz4 files if needed and converts msgpack to json
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import struct
import sys
import json
import base64
import os
from pathlib import Path
import msgpack
import lz4.block
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
sys.exit('Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' [dirname]')
MSGPACK_PATH = Path(sys.argv[1])
if not MSGPACK_PATH.exists() or not MSGPACK_PATH.is_dir():
sys.exit('Path "' + str(MSGPACK_PATH) + '" does not exist or is not a directory.')
for filepath in MSGPACK_PATH.iterdir():
if not filepath.is_file():
decomp_filepath = None
decomp = bytes()
with'rb') as f:
data =
file_size = len(data)
print('File ' + + ' size: ', file_size)
if filepath.suffix == '.lz4':
i = 0
while i < file_size:
chunk_size = struct.unpack('<I', data[i:i+4])[0]
i += 4
decomp += lz4.block.decompress(data[i:i+chunk_size], uncompressed_size=0x400000)
i += chunk_size
decomp_filepath = filepath.with_suffix('')
print('Decompressed size: ', len(decomp))
with'wb') as f:
if len(decomp) == 0:
decomp = data
if decomp_filepath or filepath.suffix == '.msgpack':
def ext_hook(_, hook_data):
return hook_data.hex()
class Base64Encoder(json.JSONEncoder):
# pylint: disable=method-hidden
def default(self, o):
if isinstance(o, bytes):
return base64.b64encode(o).decode()
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
with filepath.with_suffix('').with_suffix('.json').open(mode='w') as f:
decomp = msgpack.unpackb(decomp, raw=False, ext_hook=ext_hook)
json.dump(decomp, f, cls=Base64Encoder)
print('Final JSON size: ', os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_size)
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