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Fastboot commands for ROG Phone II
@======== Fastboot command ========
@Get info :
@>>> fastboot oem gpt-info
@>>> fastboot oem isn-info
@>>> fastboot oem ssn-info
@>>> fastboot oem system-info
@>>> fastboot oem device-info
@Get ID :
@>>> fastboot oem get-prjid
@>>> fastboot oem get-hwid
@>>> fastboot oem get-dtid
@>>> fastboot oem get-skuid
@>>> fastboot oem get-rfsku
@>>> fastboot oem get-cpuid
@>>> fastboot oem get-featureid
@>>> fastboot oem get-jtagid
@Get battery capacity :
@>>> fastboot oem get-batcap
@Get battery voltage :
@>>> fastboot oem get-batvol
@Get image version :
@>>> fastboot oem get_build_version
@Get boot count :
@>>> fastboot oem get-bootcount
@Check if do copy CN tar to fsg for CN low cost sku or not :
@>>> fastboot oem get-CNtar
@Check fuse status :
@>>> fastboot oem check-fuse
@Check setup wizard status :
@>>> fastboot oem checksetupwizard
@Show barcode :
@>>> fastboot oem show-barcode
@Reset count info (the device need to be authorized) :
@>>> fastboot oem reset-boot_count
@>>> fastboot oem reset-lock_count
@>>> fastboot oem reset-a_retry_count
@>>> fastboot oem reset-a_unbootable_count
@>>> fastboot oem reset-b_retry_count
@>>> fastboot oem reset-b_unbootable_count
@Lock device authorized :
@>>> fastboot oem reset-dev_info
@Lock device authorized2:
@>>> fastboot oem reset-auth2
@Reset if do copy CN tar to fsg for CN sku or not flag :
@>>> fastboot oem reset-CNtar
@ASUS lock (the device need to be authorized) :
@>>> fastboot oem asus-csc_lk
@Disable/Enable verity status :
@>>> fastboot oem disable-verity
@>>> fastboot oem enable-verity
@Read pmic register :
@>>> fastboot oem dump-pmic-reg_
@[Usage]: fastboot oem dump-pmic-reg_[PmicIndex][RegAddress]
@[Ex]: fastboot oem dump-pmic-reg_0810
@Write pmic register :
@>>> fastboot oem write-pmic-reg_
@[Usage]: fastboot oem write-pmic-reg_[PmicIndex][RegAddress][WriteValue]
@[Ex]: fastboot oem write-pmic-reg_081102
@Force HW ID :
@>>> fastboot oem force-hwid_
@ fastboot set_active a
@ fastboot continue
@Default enable adb :
@>>> fastboot oem adb_enable
@Factory reset and reboot the device :
@>>> fastboot oem factory-reset
@Factory reset and reboot the device to bootloader :
@>>> fastboot oem factory-reset2
@Reboot the device to recovery :
@>>> fastboot oem reboot-recovery
@Shutdown the device :
@>>> fastboot oem shutdown
@Enter shipping mode :
@>>> fastboot oem EnterShippingMode
@Enable/Disable charger screen :
@>>> fastboot oem enable-charger-screen
@>>> fastboot oem disable-charger-screen
@>>> fastboot oem off-mode-charge
@Select panel :
@>>> fastboot oem select-display-panel
@[Usage]: fastboot oem select-display-panel [Mode]
@[Ex]: fastboot oem select-display-panel none
@[Ex]: fastboot oem select-display-panel prim:
@Get fastboot variable :
@>>> fastboot getvar
@[Usage]: fastboot getvar [Var]
@[Ex]: fastboot getvar all
@[Ex]: fastboot getvar cid
@Dungle unlock :
@>>> fastboot oem gen-random
@>>> fastboot oem auth-hash
@>>> fastboot oem auth-hash_2
@Check crc :
@>>> fastboot oem crc32_
@[Usage]: fastboot oem crc32_[PartitionName]
@[Ex]: fastboot oem crc32_boot_a
@>>> fastboot oem hash_
@[Usage]: fastboot oem hash_[PartitionName]
@[Ex]: fastboot oem hash_boot_a
@Rsa test :
@>>> fastboot oem rsa_test_
@Enter emergency download mode :
@>>> fastboot oem enter-dload
@Check S3 pm_app_pon_reset_source_type :
@>>> fastboot oem check-s3
@Set default permissive :
@>>> fastboot oem set-permissive
@Set slot b enable :
@>>> fastboot oem slot_b_enable
@Get verify vbmeta ret :
@>>> fastboot oem get-verify_vbmeta_ret
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