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Created March 19, 2015 23:28
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Powershell DSC for UrlRewrite Module install and ApplicationHost changes
Package UrlRewrite
#Install URL Rewrite module for IIS
DependsOn = "[WindowsFeaturesWebServer]windowsFeatures"
Ensure = "Present"
Name = "IIS URL Rewrite Module 2"
Path = ""
Arguments = "/quiet"
ProductId = "EB675D0A-2C95-405B-BEE8-B42A65D23E11"
Script ReWriteRules
#Adds rewrite allowedServerVariables to applicationHost.config
DependsOn = "[Package]UrlRewrite"
SetScript = {
$current = Get-WebConfiguration /system.webServer/rewrite/allowedServerVariables | select -ExpandProperty collection | ?{$_.ElementTagName -eq "add"} | select -ExpandProperty name
$missing = $expected | where {$current -notcontains $_}
$missing | %{ Add-WebConfiguration /system.webServer/rewrite/allowedServerVariables -atIndex 0 -value @{name="$_"} -Verbose }
Stop-WebCommitDelay -Commit $true
catch [System.Exception]
$_ | Out-String
TestScript = {
$current = Get-WebConfiguration /system.webServer/rewrite/allowedServerVariables | select -ExpandProperty collection | select -ExpandProperty name
$result = -not @($expected| where {$current -notcontains $_}| select -first 1).Count
return $result
GetScript = {
$allowedServerVariables = Get-WebConfiguration /system.webServer/rewrite/allowedServerVariables | select -ExpandProperty collection
return $allowedServerVariables
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