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Last active October 30, 2018 16:59
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A simple pattern for pushing production builds live on Netlify when your CI build passes.



CI Pattern

< run tests >

< if fail, do nothing - site remains locked on working version >

< if pass && branch==master, run the following: >

    # capture latest deploy id from successful builds of the master branch
    deploy_id=`curl -s<PRODUCTION SITE ID>/deploys/deploys?page=1&per_page=15&branch=master&match=true -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" | ./node_modules/node-jq/bin/jq -r 'map(select(.state | contains("ready"))) | .[0].id'`

    # publish the latest deploy
    curl -s "<production site id>/deploys/$deploy_id/restore" -X POST -d "" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>"

    # lock the latest deploy
    curl -s "$deploy_id/lock" -X POST -d "" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>"
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