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Created December 12, 2013 15:41
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Save sheedy/7930007 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/* global module: false, process: false */
module.exports = function (grunt) {
var isDev = grunt.option('dev') || process.env.GRUNT_ISDEV === '1',
singleRun = grunt.option('single-run') !== false,
env = grunt.option('env') || 'code',
screenshotsDir = './screenshots',
staticTargetDir = 'static/target/',
testConfDir = 'common/test/assets/javascripts/conf/';
if (isDev) {
grunt.log.subhead('Running Grunt in DEV mode');
// Project configuration.
* Compile
sass: {
compile: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'common/app/assets/stylesheets',
src: ['*.scss', '!_*'],
dest: staticTargetDir + 'stylesheets/',
rename: function(dest, src) {
return dest + src.replace('scss', 'css');
options: {
style: (isDev) ? 'expanded' : 'compressed',
sourcemap: false,
noCache: (isDev) ? false : true,
quiet: (isDev) ? false : true,
loadPath: [
requirejs: {
compile: {
options: {
baseUrl: "common/app/assets/javascripts",
name: "bootstraps/app",
out: staticTargetDir + "javascripts/bootstraps/app.js",
paths: {
bean: "components/bean/bean",
bonzo: "components/bonzo/src/bonzo",
domReady: "components/domready/ready",
EventEmitter: "components/eventEmitter/EventEmitter",
qwery: "components/qwery/mobile/qwery-mobile",
reqwest: "components/reqwest/src/reqwest",
postscribe: "components/postscribe/dist/postscribe",
swipe: "components/swipe/swipe",
swipeview: "components/swipeview/src/swipeview",
lodash: "components/lodash-amd/modern",
imager: 'components/imager.js/src/strategies/container',
omniture: '../../public/javascripts/vendor/omniture'
shim: {
postscribe: {
exports: "postscribe"
imager: {
deps: ['components/imager.js/src/imager'],
exports: 'Imager'
omniture: {
exports: 's'
wrap: {
startFile: "common/app/assets/javascripts/components/curl/dist/curl-with-js-and-domReady/curl.js",
endFile: "common/app/assets/javascripts/bootstraps/go.js"
optimize: (isDev) ? 'none' : 'uglify2',
useSourceUrl: (isDev) ? true : false,
preserveLicenseComments: false
// Create JSON web font files from fonts. See
webfontjson: {
WebAgateSansWoff: {
options: {
"filename": staticTargetDir + "fonts/WebAgateSans.woff.json",
"callback": "guFont",
"fonts": [
"font-family": "AgateSans",
"file": "resources/fonts/AgateSans-Regular.woff",
"format": "woff"
WebAgateSansTtf: {
options: {
"filename": staticTargetDir + "fonts/WebAgateSans.ttf.json",
"callback": "guFont",
"fonts": [
"font-family": "AgateSans",
"file": "resources/fonts/AgateSans-Regular.ttf",
"format": "ttf"
WebEgyptianWoff: {
options: {
"filename": staticTargetDir + "fonts/WebEgyptian.woff.json",
"callback": "guFont",
"fonts": [
"font-family": "EgyptianText",
"file": "resources/fonts/EgyptianText-Regular.woff",
"format": "woff"
"font-family": "EgyptianText",
"font-style": "italic",
"file": "resources/fonts/EgyptianText-RegularItalic.woff",
"format": "woff"
"font-family": "EgyptianText",
"font-weight": "700",
"file": "resources/fonts/EgyptianText-Medium.woff",
"format": "woff"
"font-family": "EgyptianHeadline",
"font-weight": "200",
"file": "resources/fonts/EgyptianHeadline-Light.woff",
"format": "woff"
"font-family": "EgyptianHeadline",
"font-weight": "400",
"file": "resources/fonts/EgyptianHeadline-Regular.woff",
"format": "woff"
// This weight contains only a certain set of chars
// since it is used only in one place (section names)
"font-family": "EgyptianHeadline",
"font-weight": "900",
"file": "resources/fonts/EgyptianHeadline-Semibold-redux.woff",
"format": "woff"
WebEgyptianTtf: {
options: {
"filename": staticTargetDir + "fonts/WebEgyptian.ttf.json",
"callback": "guFont",
"fonts": [
"font-family": "EgyptianText",
"file": "resources/fonts/EgyptianText-Regular.ttf",
"format": "ttf"
"font-family": "EgyptianText",
"font-style": "italic",
"file": "resources/fonts/EgyptianText-RegularItalic.ttf",
"format": "ttf"
"font-family": "EgyptianText",
"font-weight": "700",
"file": "resources/fonts/EgyptianText-Medium.ttf",
"format": "ttf"
"font-family": "EgyptianHeadline",
"font-weight": "200",
"file": "resources/fonts/EgyptianHeadline-Light.ttf",
"format": "ttf"
"font-family": "EgyptianHeadline",
"font-weight": "400",
"file": "resources/fonts/EgyptianHeadline-Regular.ttf",
"format": "ttf"
// This weight contains only a certain set of chars
// since it is used only in one place (section names)
"font-family": "EgyptianHeadline",
"font-weight": "900",
"file": "resources/fonts/EgyptianHeadline-Semibold-redux.ttf",
"format": "ttf"
shell: {
spriteGeneration: {
command: [
'cd tools/sprites/',
'node spricon.js global-icon-config.json'
options: {
stdout: true,
stderr: true,
failOnError: true
* Using this task to copy hooks, as Grunt's own copy task doesn't preserve permissions
copyHooks: {
command: 'cp git-hooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/',
options: {
stdout: true,
stderr: true,
failOnError: false
imagemin: {
files: {
expand: true,
cwd: staticTargetDir + 'images/',
src: ['**/*.{png,gif,jpg}', '!favicons/windows_tile_144_b.png'],
dest: staticTargetDir + 'images'
copy: {
js: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'common/app/public/javascripts',
src: ['**/*.js'],
dest: staticTargetDir + 'javascripts'
images: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'common/app/public/images',
src: ['**/*'],
dest: staticTargetDir + 'images'
flash: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'common/app/public/flash',
src: ['**/*.swf'],
dest: staticTargetDir + 'flash'
headCss: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'static/target/stylesheets',
src: ['**/head*.css'],
dest: 'common/conf/assets'
* NOTE: not using this as doesn't preserve file permissions (using shell:copyHooks instead)
* Waiting for Grunt 0.4.3 -
hooks: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'git-hooks',
src: ['*'],
dest: '.git/hooks/'
hash: {
options: {
// must go where Play can find it from resources at runtime.
// Everything else goes into frontend-static bundling.
mapping: 'common/conf/assets/',
srcBasePath: staticTargetDir,
destBasePath: staticTargetDir,
flatten: false,
hashLength: (isDev) ? 0 : 32
files: {
expand: true,
cwd: staticTargetDir,
src: '**/*',
filter: 'isFile',
dest: staticTargetDir,
rename: function(dest, src) {
// remove .. when hash length is 0
return dest + src.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/');
uglify: {
vendor: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: staticTargetDir + 'javascripts/vendor/',
src: '**/*.js',
dest: staticTargetDir + 'javascripts/vendor/'
* Test
karma: {
options: {
configFile: testConfDir + 'common.js',
reporters: isDev ? ['dots'] : ['progress'],
singleRun: singleRun
common: {
configFile: testConfDir + 'common.js'
facia: {
configFile: testConfDir + 'facia.js'
discussion: {
configFile: testConfDir + 'discussion.js'
identity: {
configFile: testConfDir + 'identity.js'
admin: {
configFile: testConfDir + 'admin.js'
// Lint Javascript sources
jshint: {
options: require('./resources/jshint_conf'),
self: [
common: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'common/app/assets/javascripts/',
src: ['**/*.js', '!components/**', '!utils/atob.js']
faciaTool: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'facia-tool/public/javascripts/',
src: ['**/*.js', '!components/**', '!omniture.js']
// Much of the CasperJS setup borrowed from smlgbl/grunt-casperjs-extra
env: {
casperjs: {
ENVIRONMENT : (process.env.ENVIRONMENT) ? process.env.ENVIRONMENT : (isDev) ? "dev" : "code",
PHANTOMJS_EXECUTABLE : "node_modules/casperjs/node_modules/.bin/phantomjs",
extend: {
value: 'node_modules/.bin',
delimiter: ':'
casperjsLogFile: 'results.xml',
casperjs: {
options: {
// Pre-prod environments have self-signed SSL certs
ignoreSslErrors: 'yes',
includes: ['integration-tests/casper/tests/shared.js'],
xunit: 'integration-tests/target/casper/<%= casperjsLogFile %>',
loglevel: 'debug',
direct: true
screenshot: {
src: ['tools/screenshots/screenshot.js']
all: {
src: ['integration-tests/casper/tests/**/*.spec.js']
allexceptadmin: {
src: ['integration-tests/casper/tests/!(*admin)/*.spec.js']
admin: {
src: ['integration-tests/casper/tests/admin/*.spec.js']
applications: {
src: ['integration-tests/casper/tests/applications/*.spec.js']
article: {
src: ['integration-tests/casper/tests/article/*.spec.js']
common : {
src: ['integration-tests/casper/tests/common/*.spec.js']
discussion: {
src: ['integration-tests/casper/tests/discussion/*.spec.js']
facia: {
src: ['integration-tests/casper/tests/facia/*.spec.js']
open: {
src: ['integration-tests/casper/tests/open/*.spec.js']
* Analyse
cssmetrics: {
common: {
src: [staticTargetDir + 'stylesheets/**/*.css'],
options: {
quiet: false,
maxRules: 4096, //IE max rules
maxFileSize: 1048576 //1mb in bytes
* Miscellaneous
mkdir: {
screenshots: {
options: {
create: [screenshotsDir]
fontsTarget: {
options: {
create: [staticTargetDir + 'fonts']
s3: {
options: {
bucket: 'aws-frontend-store',
access: 'public-read',
//encodePaths: true,
gzip: true
screenshots: {
upload: [{
src: screenshotsDir + '/**/*.png',
dest: '<%= env.casperjs.ENVIRONMENT.toUpperCase() %>/screenshots/',
rel : screenshotsDir
// Clean stuff up
clean: {
staticTarget: [staticTargetDir],
js: [staticTargetDir + 'javascripts'],
css: [staticTargetDir + 'stylesheets'],
images: [staticTargetDir + 'images'],
flash: [staticTargetDir + 'flash'],
fonts: [staticTargetDir + 'fonts'],
// Clean any pre-commit hooks in .git/hooks directory
hooks: ['.git/hooks/pre-commit'],
assets: ['common/conf/assets'],
screenshots: [screenshotsDir]
// Recompile on change
watch: {
js: {
files: ['common/app/{assets, public}/javascripts/**/*.js'],
tasks: ['compile:js'],
options: {
spawn: false
css: {
files: ['common/app/assets/stylesheets/**/*.scss'],
tasks: ['compile:css'],
options: {
spawn: false
images: {
files: ['common/app/{assets, public}/images/**/*'],
tasks: ['compile:images']
flash: {
files: ['common/app/public/flash/**/*'],
tasks: ['compile:flash']
fonts: {
files: ['resources/fonts/**/*'],
tasks: ['compile:fonts']
// Load the plugins
grunt.registerTask('default', ['compile', 'test', 'analyse']);
// Compile tasks
grunt.registerTask('compile:images', ['clean:images', 'copy:images', 'shell:spriteGeneration', 'imagemin']);
grunt.registerTask('compile:css', ['clean:css', 'sass:compile']);
grunt.registerTask('compile:js', function() {['clean:js', 'copy:js']);
if (!isDev) {'uglify:vendor');
grunt.registerTask('compile:fonts', ['clean:fonts', 'mkdir:fontsTarget', 'webfontjson']);
grunt.registerTask('compile:flash', ['clean:flash', 'copy:flash']);
grunt.registerTask('compile', function() {['clean:staticTarget', 'compile:images', 'compile:css', 'compile:js', 'compile:fonts', 'compile:flash']);
if (!isDev) {['clean:assets', 'copy:headCss', 'hash']);
// Test tasks
grunt.registerTask('test:integration', function(app) {
app = app || 'allexceptadmin';
grunt.config('casperjsLogFile', app + '.xml');['env:casperjs', 'casperjs:' + app]);
grunt.registerTask('test', ['jshint:common', 'test:unit', 'test:integration']);
grunt.registerTask('test:unit', function(app) {
grunt.config.set('karma.options.singleRun', (singleRun === false) && app ? false : true);'karma' + (app ? ':' + app : ''));
// Analyse tasks
grunt.registerTask('analyse:css', ['compile:css', 'cssmetrics:common']);
grunt.registerTask('analyse', ['analyse:css']);
// Miscellaneous task
grunt.registerTask('hookmeup', ['clean:hooks', 'shell:copyHooks']);
grunt.registerTask('snap', ['clean:screenshots', 'mkdir:screenshots', 'env:casperjs', 'casperjs:screenshot', 's3:screenshots']);
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