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==== README to examples/namesservice/
This directory demonstrates the implementation of a SOAP server, mimicing
the behavior of an existing service. The XML::Compile::SOAP distribution
demonstrates various ways to create clients for this same service. Here,
we focus on the server implementation.
The original service published a nice WSDL file, and a separate schema,
which have been beautified a bit but nothing more.
. namesservice.wsdl
The WSDL file, describing the service.
. namesservice.xsd
The Schema file, describing the data types transmitted.
To run this example, first start the server
./ -vvv
and then run the client
Please contribute.
# Client which demonstrates the functionality of the server. First start
# the server, and then call the client:
# ./ --verbose=2
# ./
# This scripts shows 3 SOAP calls which are defined via a WSDL, and
# one which is created by hand.
# This file is also included as example in the XML::Compile::SOAP
# distribution. There, rpc-literal, rpc-encoded and shorter versions
# are shown as well.
# Thanks to Thomas Bayer, for providing this example service
# See
# Author: Mark Overmeer, Januari 24 2009
# Using: XML::Compile 1.00
# XML::Compile::SOAP 2.00
# XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon 2.00
# Copyright by the Author, under the terms of Perl itself.
# Feel invited to contribute your examples!
# Of course, all Perl programs start like this!
use warnings;
use strict;
# constants, change this if needed (also in the server script)
use constant SERVERHOST => 'localhost';
use constant SERVERPORT => '8877';
# we need to redirect the endpoint as specified in the WSDL to our
# own server.
my $service_address = 'http://'.SERVERHOST.':'.SERVERPORT;
# To make Perl find the modules without the package being installed.
use lib '../../lib', '.';
# All the used XML stuff
use XML::Compile::WSDL11;
use XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP;
use XML::Compile::SOAP11;
# Other useful modules
use Data::Dumper; # Data::Dumper is your friend.
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
# Errors are reported via Log::Report, normal user interaction not.
use Log::Report 'example', syntax => 'SHORT';
use Getopt::Long qw/:config no_ignore_case bundling/;
use List::Util qw/first/;
my $format_list;
format =
# Forward declarations
sub show_trace($$);
sub get_countries();
sub get_name_info();
sub get_names_in_country();
sub get_name_count();
sub try_stub();
#### MAIN
# Some standard command-line processing
my $mode = 0;
# 3 ways to set the verbosity for Log::Report dispatchers
'v+' => \$mode # -v -vv -vvv
, 'verbose=i' => \$mode # --verbose=2 (0..3)
, 'mode=s' => \$mode # --mode=DEBUG (DEBUG,ASSERT,VERBOSE,NORMAL)
, 'server=s' => \$service_address
or die "stopped\n";
die "No filenames expected on the command-line"
if @ARGV;
# XML::Compile::* uses Log::Report.
dispatcher PERL => 'default', mode => $mode;
# For nice user interaction; nothing to do with SOAP
use Term::ReadLine;
my $term = Term::ReadLine->new('namesservice');
# Let all calls share the transport object
# If you need an SSL connection, or other complex transport configuration,
# you can provide your own preconfigured user_agent (LWP::UserAgent object).
my $transporter = XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP->new
( address => $service_address
# , user_agent => ...
my $http = $transporter->compileClient;
# or, when you need to change something to the message sent:
# my $http = $transporter->compileClient(hook => \&transport_hook);
# see implementation of transport_hook() far below.
# Get the WSDL and Schema definitions
my $wsdl = XML::Compile::WSDL11->new('namesservice.wsdl');
# Pick one of these tests
my $answer = '';
while(lc $answer ne 'q')
print <<__SELECTOR;
Which call do you like to see:
1) getCountries
2) getNameInfo
3) getNamesInCountry
4) getNameCount, not defined by WSDL
5) tryStub, in WSDL but not implemented
6) request WSDL file
q) quit demo
print <<__HELP unless $mode;
(Run this script with -v to get some stats. -vvv shows much more)
print "\n";
$answer = $term->readline("Pick one of above [1-6,q] ");
chomp $answer;
if($answer eq '1') { get_countries() }
elsif($answer eq '2') { get_name_info() }
elsif($answer eq '3') { get_names_in_country() }
elsif($answer eq '4') { get_name_count() }
elsif($answer eq '5') { try_stub() }
elsif($answer eq '6') { get_wsdl() }
elsif(lc $answer ne 'q' && length $answer)
{ print "Illegal choice\n";
exit 0;
sub show_trace($$)
{ my ($answer, $trace) = @_;
$mode > 0 or return;
print Dumper $answer
if $mode > 1;
# procedure getCountries
sub get_countries()
{ my $getCountries = $wsdl->compileClient
( 'getCountries'
, transporter => $http
my ($answer, $trace) = $getCountries->();
show_trace $answer, $trace;
if(my $fault_raw = $answer->{Fault})
{ my $fault_nice = $answer->{$fault_raw->{_NAME}};
warning __x"Cannot get list of countries: {reason}"
, reason => $fault_nice->{reason};
my $countries = $answer->{parameters}{country} || [];
print "getCountries() lists ",scalar(@$countries)," countries:\n";
foreach my $country (sort @$countries)
{ print " $country\n";
# Second example
sub get_name_info()
my $name = $term->readline("Personal name for info: ");
chomp $name;
length $name or return;
my $getNameInfo = $wsdl->compileClient
( 'getNameInfo'
, transport => $http
my ($answer, $trace) = $getNameInfo->(name => $name);
show_trace $answer, $trace;
unless(defined $answer)
{ warning __x"No answer received";
{ warning __x"Lookup for '{name}' failed: {text}"
, name => $name, text => $answer->{Fault}{faultstring};
my $nameinfo = $answer->{parameters}{nameinfo};
print "The name '$nameinfo->{name}' is\n";
print " male: ", ($nameinfo->{male} ? 'yes' : 'no'), "\n";
print " female: ", ($nameinfo->{female} ? 'yes' : 'no'), "\n";
print " gender: $nameinfo->{gender}\n" if $nameinfo->{gender};
print "and used in countries:\n";
my $countries = $nameinfo->{countries}{country} || [];
$format_list = join ', ', @$countries;
# Third example
sub get_names_in_country()
my $getCountries = $wsdl->compileClient
( 'getCountries'
, transport => $http
my $getNamesInCountry = $wsdl->compileClient
( 'getNamesInCountry'
, transport => $http
my ($answer1, $trace1) = $getCountries->();
show_trace $answer1, $trace1;
{ warning __x"cannot get countries: {text}"
, text => $answer1->{Fault}{faultstring};
my $countries = $answer1->{parameters}{country};
my $country;
{ $country = $term->readline("Most common names in which country? ");
chomp $country;
$country eq '' or last;
print " please specify a country name.\n";
# find the name case-insensitive in the list of available countries
my $name = first { /^\Q$country\E$/i } @$countries;
{ $name = 'other countries';
print "Cannot find name '$country', defaulting to '$name'\n";
print "Available countries are:\n";
$format_list = join ', ', @$countries;
print "Most common names in $name:\n";
my ($answer2, $trace2) = $getNamesInCountry->(country => $name);
show_trace $answer2, $trace2;
# print $trace2->response->as_string;
if(my $fault2 = $answer2->{Fault})
{ warning __x"cannot get names in country:\n {code}\n {text}"
, code => $fault2->{faultcode}, text => $fault2->{faultstring};
my $names = $answer2->{parameters}{name};
{ print "No data available for country `$name'\n";
$format_list = join ', ', @$names;
# This next example demonstrates how to use SOAP without WSDL
sub get_name_count()
### if you execute the following lines in the initiation phase of
# your program, you can reuse it. For clarity of the demo, all
# initiations are made on this unusual spot.
use MyExampleCalls;
my $soap11 = XML::Compile::SOAP11::Client->new(schemas => $wsdl);
my $encode = $soap11->compileMessage(SENDER => @get_name_count_input);
my $decode = $soap11->compileMessage(RECEIVER => @get_name_count_output);
# you could use the $http object, defined earlier, to share the
# connection, but this is more fun ;-)
my $send = $transporter->compileClient
( soap => $soap11
, action => '#getNameCount' # optional soapAction in HTTP header
my $getNameCount = $soap11->compileClient
( name => 'getNameCount' # symbolic name only for trace and errors
, encode => $encode
, decode => $decode
, transport => $send
### end of re-usable structures
my $country;
{ $country = $term->readline("Number of names in which country? ");
chomp $country;
$country eq '' or last;
print " please specify a country name.\n";
my ($answer, $trace) = $getNameCount->(request => {country => $country});
show_trace $answer, $trace;
{ warning "cannot get names in country: {text}"
, text => $answer->{Fault}{faultstring};
print "Country $country has $answer->{answer}{count} names defined\n";
# procedure tryStub
# added to the WSDL by hand, to demonstrate what happens when the
# server does not implement a procedure which is listed in the
# interface.
sub try_stub()
{ my $try_stub = $wsdl->compileClient('tryStub', transporter => $http);
my ($answer, $trace) = $try_stub->();
my $fault = $answer->{Fault}
or panic "should return a fault";
# print $trace->response->as_string;
print __x"the stub answers with the (expected) error:\n {reason}\n"
, reason => $fault->{faultstring};
# get_wsdl
# Many SOAP servers publish a WSDL. This is not provided by the
# SOAP interface, but an HTTP server "trick".
sub get_wsdl()
{ use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $resp = $ua->get("$service_address?WSDL");
{ print "received ".$resp->as_string;
{ print "no WSDL file published\n";
# transport_hook() demonstrates how the HTTP message can be modified
# just before transmission/reply checked before decoding.
sub transport_hook($$$)
{ my ($request, $trace, $transp) = @_; # $transp = ::SOAPHTTP object
# take the unlaying transport layer
my $ua = $transp->userAgent;
trace "hook ua " . Dumper($ua);
# do something with the message before it's being send
my $len = length($request->content);
$request->header( My_Header => "Added Header msg length $len" );
trace "hook request " . Dumper($request);
trace "hook request content " . $request->content;
# call the remote server
my $response = $ua->request($request);
# modify/check the received answer
trace "hook response " . Dumper($response);
# back to normal SOAP
# Copyrights 2007-2012 by Mark Overmeer.
# For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.00.
# This pm file demonstrates how a client-side and server-side definition
# of a message can be created, in case there is no WSDL for the SOAP
# interface. This same module is used in both and
package MyExampleCalls;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '3.01';
use base qw/Exporter/;
use XML::Compile::Util qw/pack_type SCHEMA2001/;
our @EXPORT = qw/
@get_name_count_input @get_name_count_output
# You may have some types you need to load as well. You can use filenames
# or strings, or... anything XML::Compile::dataToXML() accepts.
my $myns = 'http://my-test-ns';
my $schemans = SCHEMA2001;
our @my_additional_schemas = ( <<__XML );
targetNamespace="$myns" xmlns:me="$myns"
<!-- this is the first (and only) body element for the message which
is send from client to the server
<element name="getNameCount">
<element name="country" type="string"/>
<!-- the only body element as answer
<element name="getNameCountResponse">
<element name="count" type="int"/>
# WSDL term 'input' means: input for the server; the request which the
# client will sends to the server.
# In this example, the lines which define the message --to be specified
# with method XML::Compile::SOAP::compileMessage()-- are listed.
our @get_name_count_input =
( body => [ request => pack_type($myns, 'getNameCount') ]
# WSDL term 'output': send by the server, as response to the client's
# request.
our @get_name_count_output =
( body => [ answer => pack_type($myns, 'getNameCountResponse') ]
# Copyrights 2007-2012 by Mark Overmeer.
# For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.00.
use warnings;
use strict;
package MyExampleData;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '3.01';
use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT = qw/$namedb/;
our $namedb =
{ Netherlands =>
{ male => [ qw/Mark Tycho Thomas/ ]
, female => [ qw/Cleo Marjolein Suzanne/ ]
, Austria =>
{ male => [ qw/Thomas Samuel Josh/ ]
, female => [ qw/Barbara Susi/ ]
,German =>
{ male => [ qw/Leon Maximilian Lukas Felix Jonas/ ]
, female => [ qw/Leonie Lea Laura Alina Emily/ ]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Published by JAX-WS RI at RI's version is JAX-WS RI 2.1.2-b05-RC1. -->
<message name="getCountries">
<part name="parameters" element="tns:getCountries"/>
<message name="getCountriesResponse">
<part name="parameters" element="tns:getCountriesResponse"/>
<message name="getNamesInCountry">
<part name="parameters" element="tns:getNamesInCountry"/>
<message name="getNamesInCountryResponse">
<part name="parameters" element="tns:getNamesInCountryResponse"/>
<message name="getNameInfo">
<part name="parameters" element="tns:getNameInfo"/>
<message name="getNameInfoResponse">
<part name="parameters" element="tns:getNameInfoResponse"/>
<message name="tryStub">
<!-- part name="parameters" element="tns:getNameInfo" -->
<message name="tryStubResponse">
<part name="parameters" element="tns:getNameInfoResponse"/>
<portType name="NamesService">
<operation name="getCountries">
<input message="tns:getCountries"/>
<output message="tns:getCountriesResponse"/>
<operation name="getNamesInCountry">
<input message="tns:getNamesInCountry"/>
<output message="tns:getNamesInCountryResponse"/>
<operation name="getNameInfo">
<input message="tns:getNameInfo"/>
<output message="tns:getNameInfoResponse"/>
<operation name="tryStub">
<input message="tns:tryStub"/>
<output message="tns:tryStubResponse"/>
<binding name="NamesServicePortBinding" type="tns:NamesService">
<operation name="getCountries">
<soap:operation soapAction=""/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
<operation name="getNamesInCountry">
<soap:operation soapAction=""/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
<operation name="getNameInfo">
<soap:operation soapAction=""/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
<operation name="tryStub">
<soap:operation soapAction=""/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
<service name="NamesServiceService">
<port name="NamesServicePort" binding="tns:NamesServicePortBinding">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Published by JAX-WS RI at RI's version is JAX-WS RI 2.1.2-b05-RC1. -->
<xs:schema xmlns:tns=""
xmlns:xs="" version="1.0"
<xs:element name="getCountries"
<xs:element name="getCountriesResponse"
<xs:element name="getNameInfo"
<xs:element name="getNameInfoResponse"
<xs:element name="getNamesInCountry"
<xs:element name="getNamesInCountryResponse"
<xs:complexType name="getNameInfo">
<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:complexType name="getNameInfoResponse">
<xs:element name="nameinfo" type="tns:nameInfo" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:complexType name="nameInfo">
<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="gender" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="male" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element name="female" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element name="countries" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="country" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:complexType name="getNamesInCountry">
<xs:element name="country" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:complexType name="getNamesInCountryResponse">
<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:complexType name="getCountries">
<xs:complexType name="getCountriesResponse">
<xs:element name="country" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
# Example of a SOAP server.
# Run like this:
# ./ --verbose=2 (optional, or use -v/-vv/-vvv)
# # this will start a server in the background
# ./ --verbose=2 (optional, or use -v/-vv/-vvv)
# # inter-actively call procedures on the server
# If you process the four examples in order, you will see increasingly
# complex examples. The last example demonstrates what to do without
# WSDL file (or in case of too many bugs in the definition, not uncommon).
# ./ is an empty base, to start your own server
# Thanks to Thomas Bayer, for providing this example service
# See
# Author: Mark Overmeer, January 24, 2009
# Using: XML::Compile 1.00
# XML::Compile::SOAP 2.00
# XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon 2.00
# Copyright by the Author, under the terms of Perl itself.
# Feel invited to contribute your examples!
# Of course, all Perl programs start like this!
use warnings;
use strict;
# constants, change this if needed (also in the client script?)
my $serverhost = 'localhost';
my $serverport = '8877';
# To make Perl find the modules without the package being installed.
use lib '../../lib' # The server implementation, not installed
, '.'; # To access My*.pm helpers
my $wsdl_filename = 'namesservice.wsdl';
my @more_schemas = 'namesservice.xsd';
# useful to make constants (or vars) for namespaces
use constant ERROR_NS => '';
# This could come from a database...
use MyExampleData qw/$namedb/;
# This module defines my additional (non-WSDL) calls
use MyExampleCalls;
# Some other XML modules are automatically included.
use XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon::NetServer;
use XML::Compile::WSDL11;
use XML::Compile::SOAP11;
use XML::Compile::Util qw/pack_type/;
# The client and server scripts can be translated easily, using the
# 'example' translation table name-space. trace/info/error come from
# the LogReport error dispatch infra-structure.
use Log::Report 'example', syntax => 'SHORT';
# Other useful modules
use Getopt::Long qw/:config no_ignore_case bundling/;
use List::Util qw/first/;
use IO::File ();
use Fcntl qw/:flock/;
use Data::Dumper; # Data::Dumper is your friend.
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
# Forward declarations allow prototype checking
sub get_countries($$$);
sub get_name_info($$$);
sub get_names_in_country($$$);
sub get_name_count($$$);
sub create_get_name_count($);
#### MAIN
# I do not like Net::Server to process my command-line options, so
# process them before Net::Server can get it's hand on them.
my $mode = 0;
my $pidfile = ($ENV{TMPDIR} || '/tmp') . '/';
# 3 ways to set the verbosity for Log::Report dispatchers
# select (at least one) of these ways.
'v+' => \$mode # -v -vv -vvv
, 'verbose=i' => \$mode # --verbose=2 (0..3)
, 'mode=s' => \$mode # --mode=DEBUG (DEBUG,ASSERT,VERBOSE,NORMAL)
, 'pidfn=s' => \$pidfile
or die "Deamon is not started";
# XML::Compile::* uses Log::Report. The 'default' dispatcher for error
# messages is here changed from PERL (die/warn) into using syslog.
# This is an example of Log::Report translation/exception syntax
error __x"No filenames expected on the command-line"
if @ARGV;
my $lock = IO::File->new($pidfile, 'a')
or fault __x"Cannot open lockfile {fn}", fn => $pidfile;
flock $lock, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB
or fault __x"Server already running, lock on {fn}", fn => $pidfile;
# Create the daemon set-up
my $daemon = XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon::NetServer->new
# You may wish to use other daemon implementations, for instance
# when your platform does not have a fork. You may also provide
# a prepared Net::Server daemon object.
# , based_on => 'Net::Server::PreFork' # is default
# Get the WSDL and Schema definitions
# Of course, you find this information in the applicable manual pages of
# the XML-Compile-SOAP distributions.
my $wsdl = XML::Compile::WSDL11->new($wsdl_filename);
# Some WSDLs import or include external schemas. In XML::Compile, you
# have to pass them explicitly. Single SCALAR or ARRAY.
# The error namespace I use in this example is not defined in the
# wsdl neither the xsd, so have to add it explicitly.
$wsdl->prefixes(err => ERROR_NS);
# enforce the error name-space declaration to be available in all
# returned messages: at compile-time, it is not known that it may
# be used... but XML::Compile handles namespaces statically.
# This will give you some understanding about what is defined.
# If you have a WSDL, then most of the infrastructure is auto-generated.
# The only thing you have to do, is provide call-back code references
# for each of the portNames in the WSDL.
my %callbacks =
( getCountries => \&get_countries
, getNamesInCountry => \&get_names_in_country
, getNameInfo => \&get_name_info
( $wsdl
, callbacks => \%callbacks
# Add a handler which is not defined in a WSDL
create_get_name_count $daemon;
# Start the daemon
# All (slow) preparations done, let's start the server
# replace the 'default' output backend to PERL with output to syslog
dispatcher SYSLOG => 'default', mode => $mode;
print "Starting daemon PID=$$ on $serverhost:$serverport\n";
# any Net::Server option. Difference SOAP daemon extensions add extra
# configuration options. It also depends on the Net::Server
# implementation you base the SOAP daemon on. See new(base_on)
name => 'NamesService'
, host => $serverhost
, port => $serverport
# Net::Server::PreFork parameters
, min_servers => 1
, max_servers => 1
, min_spare_servers => 0
, max_spare_servers => 0
info "Daemon stopped\n";
exit 0;
### Server-side implementations of the operations
# First example, no incoming data
sub get_countries($$$)
{ my ($server, $in, $request) = @_;
# We do not have to look at the incoming data ($in) in this case,
# because this message doesn't provide any.
# The output structure needs all names of header and body message
# parts, as defined in the WSDL. This message only contains a
# message part named 'parameters'.
my %parameters; # 'getCountriesResponse' element, see *xsd
my @countries = sort keys %$namedb;
$parameters{country} = \@countries;
# You can use XML::Compile::Schema::template(PERL) to figure-out what
# the getCountryResponse element structure looks like.
{ parameters => \%parameters }
# Second example, with decoding of incoming data
sub find_name($$)
{ my $name = lc shift;
my $names = shift || [];
(first {lc($_) eq $name} @$names) ? 1 : undef;
sub get_name_info($$$)
{ my ($server, $in, $request) = @_;
# debugging daemons is not easy, but you could do things like:
# (debug mode is enabled by Log::Report dispatchers with
# -vvv on the [server] command-line)
trace join '', 'get_name_info', Dumper $in;
# In the message description, the getNameInfo message has only
# one part, named `parameters'. Its structure is an optional
# name string.
my $name = $in->{parameters}{name} || '';
# It is probably easier for your regression testing to put more
# complex data processing in seperate files; not in the server
# file.
my ($males, $females, @countries) = (0, 0);
foreach my $country (sort keys %$namedb)
{ my $male = find_name $name, $namedb->{$country}{ male};
my $female = find_name $name, $namedb->{$country}{female};
$male or $female or next;
$males = 1 if $male;
$females = 1 if $female;
push @countries, $country;
my $gender
= $males && $females ? 'either'
: $males ? 'male'
: $females ? 'female'
: undef;
# The output message is constructed, which has one body element, named
# 'parameters'. It's structure is one optional 'nameinfo' element
my %country_list = (country => \@countries);
my %nameinfo =
( name => $name, countries => \%country_list
, gender => $gender, male => $males, female => $females
my %parameters = (nameinfo => \%nameinfo);
{ parameters => \%parameters };
# if you are not afraid for references, you simply write
# { parameters =>
# { nameinfo =>
# { name => $name, countries => {country => \@countries}
# , gender => $gender, male => $males, female => $females }}}
# Perl looks like Lisp, sometimes ;-)
### The third example
sub get_names_in_country($$$)
{ my ($server, $in, $request) = @_;
# this should look quite familiar now... a bit more compact!
my $country = $in->{parameters}{country} || '';
my $data = $namedb->{$country};
$data or return
+{ Fault =>
{ faultcode => pack_type(ERROR_NS, 'UnknownCountry')
, faultstring => "No information about country '$country'"
# The next two are put in the header of HTTP responses. Can
# also be used in valid responses. Defaults to RC_OK.
, _RETURN_CODE => 404 # use HTTP codes
, _RETURN_TEXT => 'Country not found'
my @names = sort @{$data->{male} || []}, @{$data->{female} || []};
{ parameters => { name => \@names } };
# The last example shows how to add your own non-WSDL calls
# You have to visit each of the levels of the procedure yourself:
# 1 collect the schemas you need
# 2 specify the protocol details
# 3 defined the incoming and outgoing message explicitly.
# (see the, which requires exactly the same info)
# 4 define how to recognize the message
# 5 add the procedure to the knowledge of the server
# Steps 1 and 2 can be shared of all procedures you add manually.
sub create_get_name_count($)
{ my $daemon = shift;
##### BEGIN only once per script
# I want to base my own methods on the WSDL definitions
my $soap11 = XML::Compile::SOAP11::Server->new(schemas => $wsdl);
# You could also do
# my $soap11 = XML::Compile::SOAP11::Server->new;
# $soap11->importDefinitions($_) for @my_additional_schemas;
##### END only once per script
##### BEGIN usually in initiation phase of the daemon
# For each of the messages you want to be able to handle, you need to
# implement this block, run before the daemon starts.
# The 'input' and 'output' roles are the reversed in the client.
my $decode = $soap11->compileMessage(RECEIVER => @get_name_count_input);
my $encode = $soap11->compileMessage(SENDER => @get_name_count_output);
##### END in initiation phase of daemon
# How do we know that this message is the one arriving? The selector
# CODE ref is called with the XML::LibXML::Document which has arrived
# and must return true when it feels addressed.
# The ::compileFilter() implementation is quite thorough, because it
# needs to understand messages from the WSDL which look much alike.
# You may implement something else.
# So, either
# my $selector = $soap11->compileFilter(@get_name_count_input);
# or
my $selector = sub
{ my ($xml, $info) = @_;
@{$info->{body}} && $info->{body}[0] =~ m/\}getNameCount$/;
# The handler is the client-side plug, default produces an error reply
my $handler = $soap11->compileHandler
( name => 'getNameCount'
, selector => $selector # important!
, decode => $decode
, encode => $encode
, callback => \&get_name_count
$daemon->addHandler('getNameCount', $soap11, $handler);
sub get_name_count($$$)
{ my ($server, $in, $request) = @_;
# Althought the message is not specified in a WSDL, the handler is
# still the same.
my $count = 0;
if(my $country = $in->{request}{country})
{ my $data = $namedb->{$country} || {};
$count = @{$data->{male} || []} + @{$data->{female} || []};
{answer => {count => $count}};
# See ./ for a detailed example and explanation.
use warnings;
use strict;
use XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon::NetServer;
use XML::Compile::WSDL11;
use XML::Compile::SOAP11;
use Log::Report 'example', syntax => 'SHORT';
use Getopt::Long qw/:config no_ignore_case bundling/;
use List::Util qw/first/;
use Data::Dumper; # Data::Dumper is your friend.
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
# Configuration
use constant SERVERNAME => 'my-first-server v0.1';
use constant SERVERHOST => 'localhost';
use constant SERVERPORT => '8877';
my $wsdl_fn = 'namesservice.wsdl'
my @schemas = ('namesservice.xsd');
# Forward declarations
#### MAIN
my $mode = 0;
'v+' => \$mode # -v -vv -vvv
, 'verbose=i' => \$mode # --verbose=2 (0..3)
, 'mode=s' => \$mode # --mode=DEBUG (DEBUG,ASSERT,VERBOSE,NORMAL)
or die "Deamon is not started";
# in preparation, use standard Perl output in $mode
dispatcher PERL => 'default', mode => $mode;
error __x"No filenames expected on the command-line"
if @ARGV;
my $daemon = XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon::NetServer->new;
my $wsdl = XML::Compile::WSDL11->new($wsdl_fn);
my %callbacks = ();
$daemon->operationsFromWSDL($wsdl, callbacks => \%callbacks);
# as daemon, replace Perl default by syslog for output
dispatcher SYSLOG => 'default', mode => $mode;
( name => SERVERNAME
, host => SERVERHOST
, port => SERVERPORT
info "Daemon stopped\n";
exit 0;
### implement your callbacks here
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