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Created November 22, 2015 22:13
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#! /usr/bin/env bash
UA='Mozilla/5.0 (compatible, MSIE 11, Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko'
echo 'Please make sure you want to download into CWD' >&2
IFS='' read -p 'url> ' bilibili_url # not tested, not sure if it works like raw_input()
IFS='' read -p 'fname> ' fname
# get e01
function get() {
wget -U "$UA" -O "$1" -T 10 -t inf "$2"
[[ -f "$fname" ]] && { echo 'File already exists' >&2; exit 2; } # can possibly use --continue though
####### from old Anidown
tmp=$(sed -e 's|%|%25|g;s|/|%2F|g;s|:|%3A|g;s|?|%3F|g;s|=|%3D|g;s|&|%26|g' <<< "$bilibili_url")
flvcd_url="$tmp&format=" # for bilibili's own video, there is probably always only one definition
get "parse.php" "$flvcd_url"
video_url=$(iconv -f GBK parse.php | ruby -e 'x=$[/"([^"]+?acgvideo[^"]+)"/,1]; if x; puts x; else exit 1; end') \
&& get "$fname" "$video_url"
prep for R1B OH
clean up inst machine tabpages
prep VQ
#! /usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: UTF-8
# XXX tmp script on LiveUSB. may need improvements
# based on the "first, make it work. don't be too fancy" principle, I'm only making it do the exact same thing as VQ
module Util
self.autoload(:StringIO, 'stringio')
# given IO or String, we return the corresponding IO, so that caller
# doesn't have to worry about input type
def self.ensure_IO(src)
if String === src # otherwise, assume IO or File or StringIO
require 'stringio'
# not necessarily complete (TODO fill in all basic kana & gana). (further todo: support ancient kana, support transliteration combination, support small tsu, support long sound in kana, support tokidoki-like repeated char mark)
?あ => 'a',
?い => 'i',
?イ => 'I',
?う => 'u',
?お => 'o',
?か => 'ka',
?が => 'ga',
?き => 'ki',
?ぎ => 'gi',
?く => 'ku',
?ケ => 'KE',
?け => 'ke',
?げ => 'ge',
?こ => 'ko',
?ゴ => 'GO',
?さ => 'sa',
?し => 'shi',
?じ => 'ji',
?シ => 'SHI',
?ス => 'SU',
?す => 'su',
?ズ => 'ZU',
?せ => 'se',
?そ => 'so',
?タ => 'TA',
?た => 'ta',
?だ => 'da',
?ち => 'chi',
?ツ => 'TSU',
?つ => 'tsu',
?て => 'te',
?テ => 'TE',
?ト => 'TO',
?と => 'to',
?ど => 'do',
?な => 'na',
?の => 'no',
?ね => 'ne',
?は => 'ha', # XXX no matter wa or ha
?ば => 'ba',
?ひ => 'hi',
?び => 'bi',
?ビ => 'BI',
?フ => 'FU',
?ぶ => 'bu',
?プ => 'PU',
?ぷ => 'pu',
?へ => 'he',
?ホ => 'HO',
?ぽ => 'po',
?ま => 'ma',
?み => 'mi',
?ミ => 'MI',
?マ => 'MA',
?ム => 'MU',
?や => 'ya',
?ゆ => 'yu',
?よ => 'yo',
?リ => 'RI',
?り => 'ri',
?ら => 'ra',
?る => 'ru',
?ル => 'RU',
?ワ => 'WA',
?ん => 'nx', ?ン => 'NX', # XXX
?ァ => '(A)',
?ャ => '(YA)',
?ゃ => '(ya)',
?ゅ => '(yu)', # XXX
?ょ => '(yo)',
?っ => 'x', # XXX
?ー => '-', # XXX
#? => '',
#? => '',
#? => '',
# TODO make test cases to check:
# romaji generator that (probably) doesn't crash for valid tango (allowed to crash for invalid ones)
# romaji generator that (probably) is conventionally guessable (e.g. tsu/tu, saa/sā up to generator, but sa must be sa)
# romaji generator that (probably) generates unambiguous output (e.g. ana can be an'a or a'na, generator must make a distinction)
# TODO in addition to romaji that reflect kana, also provide romaji that reflect sound (ha vs wa, wo vs o, he vs e)
# TODO textbook explanation vs unambiguous explanation (meaningwise, e.g. work(verb)/work(noun), tetsudai?/tasukeru) vs unambiguous spelling (e.g. otenki/tenki)
# (otenki vs tenki is so frustrating... unless you take it as a dice game)
# TODO 4+1 style VQ. one katakana word
class Tango
attr_reader :name, :romaji, :english # "name" is not a good name
# TODO I forgot how to define private class methods (although I don't need it here)
def self.guess_romaji(tango_str)
tango_str.chomp!('(する)') # foo(する) => foo
tango_str.each_char.collect do |c|
KANA_ROMAJI[c] or raise "Cannot guess romaji for word '#{tango_str}' (confused at #{c})"
def initialize(name, romaji, eng) # romaji does not default to auto-generate
@name = name
@romaji = romaji || self.class.guess_romaji(name) # TODO how to call class methods?
@english = eng
def to_s
"< #@name (#@romaji)\t#@english >"
def inspect; self.to_s; end # for debugging
# TODO review how to use module vars and class vars
# (seems that in module scope, use @@foo (not foo or @foo). in module funcs, also use @@foo. what about class func and class instance func?)
module Goi #語彙
@@words = []
@@ntimes = # times picked (currently hacked so that it becomes times answered correctly)
def self.load(src, append=false)
#src = Util.ensure_IO(src)
@@words = [] unless append
src.each_line do |l|
fields = l.chomp.split(/\t+/)
fields.size == 2 and fields[1,0] = [nil]
fields.size == 3 or warn 'Bad data line: '+l
@@words <<*fields) # TODO detect words with same english explanation. detect diff meanings of same word or diff words that have same kana spelling
#require 'pp'; pp @@words
#p @@words.size
#def self.pick_words(n)
# @@words.sample(n)
def self.pick_words(n)
res = @@words.reject {|w| @@ntimes[w] >= 3 }.sample(n) # TODO magic constant
#res += @@words.sample(n-res.size) if res.size < n # could cause duplicates
res.each {|w| @@ntimes[w] += 1 }
def run_quiz(words)
abort 'Quiz must be non-empty (exiting to prevent infinite loop)' if words.empty?
words.each {|w| puts w.english }
score = 0
verdict = ''; extra_info = ''
words.each {|w|
ans = $stdin.gets.strip
if ans == w.romaji
score += 1
verdict += '✓' # alternative: 〇× (traditional vs stylish)
verdict += '✗'
extra_info += + "\n"
Goi.class_variable_get('@@ntimes')[w] -= 1 # XXX tmp hack
puts "score: #{score}/#{words.size}"
puts verdict
puts extra_info
Goi.load DATA
loop do
words = Goi.pick_words(5)
# TODO show progress (drill without progress bar can be scary. I was wondering if the script had bug that loops forever)
# (67 words with about 10% fail rate => 67*3*(10/9) = 223 times of answering!)
# TODO when done, quit normally. don't quit by getting an empty quiz (which cause aborting)
おととし year before last
さらいねん year after next
せんせんげつ month before last
せんげつ last month
こんげつ this month
らいげつ next month
さらいげつ month after next
せんせんしゅう week before last
さらいしゅう week after next
おととい day before yesterday
あさって day after tomorrow
あきはばら Akihabara
あきやま Akiyama
あさくさ Asakusa
あびる(シャワーを) abiru take (a shower)
うける(しけんを) ukeru take (an exam)
うれしい(1st person) ureshii happy, pleased
おてら Buddhist temple
おてんき weather
おどる dance
おまつり festival
おみやげ gift
かきかた way of writing
きっぷ ticket
くうこう airport
さくら cherry blossom/tree
さびしい lonely
さま suffix (honored person)
さんぽ(する) stroll
じつは to tell the truth
シャワー shower
しょうがっこう elementary school
じんじゃ Shinto shrine
スーツケース suitcase
そつぎょう(する) graduation
たすける help
タンゴ Tango
ちゅうがっこう junior high school
つかいかた usage, way to use
つくりかた way of making
てら Buddhist temple
てんき weather
とき time, when
なつ summer
のる ride, get on
はしる run
はたらく work
はる spring
はるやすみ spring vacation
ビートルズ The Beatles
びょうき illness
ひるね(する) nap
プリンター printer
ぶん sentence
ぶんぽう grammar
へんじ(する) reply
ホームステイ(する) homestay
ホストファミリー host family
マイル mile
まつり festival
みやげ gift
みんな everyone
ゆき snow
ゆきだるま snowman
よみかた way of reading
よろこぶ(3rd person) yorokobu be happy, pleased
りょこう(する) trip, travel
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