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Created May 17, 2021 07:49
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  • Save sheepla/84e6954539391e3cb516e8538c7b6de9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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format = """
[┌─ ](bold white)$shell$time$directory$git_branch$git_status$cmd_duration
[└─](bold white)$character"""
scan_timeout = 10
success_symbol = "[❯❯❯](bold white) "
error_symbol = "[❯❯❯](bold red) "
disabled = false
format = "${indicator}"
fish_indicator = "><>"
powershell_indicator = ">_"
zsh_indicator = "[z]"
bash_indicator = "$_"
unknown_indicator = "[?]"
style = "bold blue underline"
read_only_style = "white"
format = "[$read_only]($read_only_style)[$path]($style) "
truncation_length = 8
truncation_symbol = ".../"
conflicted = "="
untracked = "?"
stashed = "$"
modified = "!"
staged = "+"
renamed = "~"
deleted = "✘"
style = "bold yellow"
ahead = "▲${count}"
behind = "▼${count}"
diverged = "♦ ▲${ahead_count} ▼${behind_count}"
format = "took [$duration](bold white)"
disabled = true
format = '[\[$time\]](bold white) '
time_format = "%T"
utc_time_offset = "+9"
style = "red"
symbol = "✖"
not_executable_symbol = "🚫"
not_found_symbol = "🔍"
sigint_symbol = "⚡"
signal_symbol = "⚡"
format = '[\[$symbol $common_meaning$signal_name$maybe_int\]]($style) '
map_symbol = true
disabled = false
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